Represent India at the International Youth Conference "Take the Leadership" this November 2011 in Jerusalem, Israel

The Youth and Society Administration at the Ministry of Education of the State of Israel is pleased to invite you to participate in the forthcoming International Youth Conference "Take the Leadership" to be held on 20-23 November 2011 in Jerusalem, Israel, as part of the 2011 UNESCO International Year of Youth.

The theme of the conference is based on Janusz Korczak's quote: "Children are not the people of tomorrow, but people today. They are entitled to be taken seriously. They have a right to be treated by adults with tenderness and respect, as equals. They should be allowed to grow into whoever they were meant to be - The unknown person inside each of them is the hope for the future."

We would be pleased to host a delegation of 3-4 persons aged 17-22, representing your country in the conference. Every delegation should be accompanied by an adult.

The focus of the conference will be on: promoting youth leadership and volunteer activities;
establishing of the platform for dialogue between youth as the potential future leaders and
preparing them to act as good will ambassadors of their countries, providing a meeting point for
youth from culturally diverse communities, living in harmony and peaceful coexistence.

The conference will be held in English, and the organizers will cover the accommodation expenses of the participants during their stay in Israel. Travel expenses are to be provided by the participants themselves. The conference will include key-note speakers, round-table discussions, a poster exhibition of each participant country's youth programs, and study tours. Participants are invited to bring their national costumes, national flag and other national and folklore items.

Send your Resume today and ask for a registration form at

Himmat Kalsia joins as Trustee and Chairperson- Award Programme Foundation

A big welcome to Mr. Himmat Kalsia as Trustee and Chairperson of the Award Programme Foundation. We bid adieu to Ms. Kidwai and are grateful to her for the exemplary leadership. Mr. Kalsia's extensive experience will help us build IAYP to be the 'Programme of Choice' for all Young Indians.

Mr Kalsia has over 28 years of experience in commercial policy, country risk analysis and control, correspondent banking and finance in the Africas, South East Asia and Far East Asia regions. Some highlights of his extensive career include serving as Deputy Manager for CALYON in South Africa , General Manager of Banque Internationale des Mascareignes, Mauritius (Crédit Lyonnais Group), Deputy General Manager for Crédit Lyonnais Group in India, Deputy Manager for Asia and the Pacific Basin in the International Division. He currently holds directorships at CIM Financial Services, Multiconsult, IMM based in Mauritius and Investrade Securities India Pvt Ltd.

Mr. Kalsia strongly believes that the Award Programme is specifically significant for young women in a developing economy as India. Fair economic and social progress will take place only when we focus on developing all women. He certainly looks forward to more women participating in the Award. Congratulations and good luck!

Photo L to R: Mrs Naina Lal Kidwai, Mr Himmat Kalsia and Craig AndrewExecutive Director: International Development 

"Life is not only about finding yourself but also creating yourself"- Anjani Tandon, Award Holder and Communications Intern shares her experiences

"Life is not only about finding yourself but also creating yourself". My Award Journey in the last few years has helped me develop new skills and also polish my talent. It has been a platform not only to improve myself but also contribute to the society as a whole.

I feel proud to have represented my country at the International Tennis Women Open (ITF) for two years and also attain a state level ranking. On the other hand, Indian Classical Music has been my passion ever since. I have had the opportunity to be a part of some significant Music related events. Music is a long life learning experience which continues to imbibe in me.
The International Award for Young People makes every young person go beyond their capability. It helps every young individual to realize their potential. My Award journey has been wonderful and a memorable experience.

It has been a great learning experience as an intern with the Award Office. Being a part of the Communication team has helped me develop my inter personal skills, learn team work, contribute to crucial strategies and have a lot of fun!

Confidence does not always bring laurels but it does give the power to face challenges at every step of our lives.

"Go beyond boundaries to follow your dreams"
- Photo from Regional Board Meeting. With Michael Fay, Regional Advisor

Apply to attend 'The International Family Meeting of Friendliness' in Russia from 03-09 August, 2011 Republic of Karelia

Award Russia welcomes all young people, Award Leaders and their friends to the Republic of Karelia, Russia for the third consecutive year. With 150 participants and friends of the Award Programme scheduled to attend, the six day event will showcase cultural exchanges, workshops, sport and adventurous activities for Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the Award Programme.

The costs for the basic programme is 100 plus travel expenses (to Petrozavodsk via St. Petersburg, Moscow). Last date to apply is 18th June 2011. Ask for more details now!

Programme Team Visit to North East India

On the 29th of May, 2011, Programme Manager Mr Bivujit Mukhoty and International Gold Event (IGE) Delegate Rajarshi Banerjee left for North Eastern India.

A workshop was conducted by them at the Sarala Birla Gyan Jyoti School on the 31st of May, 2011, for the existing Awardees, Award Leaders and also for the Introduction of the Award to the other students of the school. The Principal of the school was also present at the workshop and the National Operator's Licence was handed over to her. Besides, after the Workshop and Presentations, the Award Leaders and the Awardees also took part in a brief Adventure Practice session focussing mainly on Camp-Craft and Survival practical sessions conducted by Bivujit and Rajarshi.
On the 1st of June, 2011, there was a meeting with the Award Leaders of Assam Valley School, Tejpur, regarding the Operations of the Award and how the Awardees should be guided to pursue the different sections of the Award Programme and achieve their Awards.

On the 2nd of June, a workshop was conducted at the School Auditorium, where Awardees and other Students were present. Through presentations, sharing of Experiences and Interactive sessions, the Workshop was quite a success and concluded with the Presentation of the National Operators License to the Award Leader.
On the 3rd of June, 2011, the Award Team visited Bethany Society, Shillong, and met with Mr Carmo, to Introduce the Award to this Special Project Unit and also to a couple of more schools through Bethany Society.
On the 5th of June, Bivujit and Rajarshi reached Calcutta. Bivujit is heading to Jamshedpur to visit some existing Units and also to Introduce the Award to One or two Colleges in Jamshedpur.

"The Award taught me the essence of human life"- Bronze, Silver and Gold Holder Anwesha Ghosh candidly shares her experiences

Some day in June,2005

At the Modern High School for Girls, Kolkata- My Alma Mater.

Somebody from the other end of the third floor corridor, called out .

‘’Anwesha, today is the admission to IAYP.Wont you come?’’

Me: ‘’Admission? Huh? IAYP? What on earth is that?’’ was my first reaction on hearing about the Award.

A friend very enthusiastically explained that it was all about trips and camping. Being complete unaware that the Award programme is much more that just camping, I somewhat unwillingly joined in. Days passed and the only significance of DEAS was the meeting held every alternate Wednesday at school.

I still remember those early days when the meeting room was filled with ‘’enthusiastic Awardees’’ and I used to silently stand in a corner, rather bored. Time was flying away at its own pace. I had somewhat managed to squeeze in three additional activities into my already over packed routine. The sense of it was still hazy in my mind when one day I suddenly saw a notice saying ‘Camp to Talsari, Orissa. A sudden desire sprung up and I knew I had to be a part of it.

Talsari, a sea coast in Orissa was just the place to be in. With breath-taking scenery and crushing waves hitting the shore, I first got the feel of the Award- the need to be equipped for life. The early morning treks, the coconut water, singing, dancing, with winds blowing my hair at all directions- I completed my bronze preliminary trek successfully. From there I came to know Mr.Bivujit Mukhoty, popularly known as Chandansir-my mentor, guide, assessor, my Sir.

With the next camp at Kaushani, near Nainital I qualified for my Bronze Award. The diary came back from office. It said ‘’qualified for Bronze, signed Mr.Mukhoty.’’ The sense of Achievement overpowered me. Just within six months, I had learned karate, took drawing lessons, proved myself at the high mountains and roaring sea and worked several hours at the hospital looking after newborn children.

The Silver Award was not far away. By this time I had realized what the Award could offer to the young people. I had felt the change myself. A programme which is non-competitive, which challenges you to better than just one person-Yourself! A programme that motivated you to utilize your leisure time fruitfully-a programme meant to ‘’equip’’ every young person ‘’for life’’.

While working toward my Gold Award, many opportunities came up. From attending camps with the ‘’special projects units’’ to making videos with them, accompanying introductory sessions at various schools and colleges to being a part of the Indo-Mauritius exchange programme, I did it all.

The content of serving the society, the joy of learning, the pat on the back, inspiring lectures, and few words of appreciation -the Award offered me more than I could want from life. It taught me to ‘’Cherish Service and Relationship’’.

While receiving my Gold Award on the 12th of May, 2011 all the memories came rushing back. The images ran in my mind like a slide show. Am I quite the same person anymore? I wonder if there is any similarity between the Anwesha sitting in the hall at Talsari with Chandan sir explaining the Award and the Anwesha who is considered capable of being an Assessor today. Maybe without the Award I could just be another student pursuing her honours , fighting with the competition, racing to come first –completely unaware of the learn meaning of human life. Who knows?

- Anwesha Ghosh, Award Holder, Mentor, Assessor, unedited shared her experiences with Communications Team on the way back from College.

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