Whispers of the Sky - Sharon

Inspired by reading Highway To Swades with Bhairavi Jani

In the realm where dreams take flight,

I find solace in a wondrous sight,

Up high, where sky and earth entwine,

A canvas of clouds, divine.

Gazing upon this celestial show,

As whimsical shapes freely flow,

Wisps of cotton, soft and bright,

Painting stories in purest light.

An artist's brush, the wind's embrace,

Crafting sculptures with gentle grace,

Silent dancers in an endless sky,

Captivating souls as they pass by.

A castle stands with towers tall,

Majestic spires reaching for all,

A dragon breathes fire with every gust,

Leaving hearts in awe and trust.

Beneath a canopy of pearly white,

Thoughts take flight, worries take flight,

Transcending boundaries, lifting the soul,

Clouds, bearers of dreams untold.

With every gaze, a new tale unfurls,

Imagination dances, creativity swirls,

Through wispy veils and boundless space,

A moment's escape, a timeless embrace.

Clouds, oh clouds, let me drift away,

In your embrace, I long to stay,

Unleash my spirit, let it soar and roam,

In the ethereal realm I call my own.

So, let us lie upon the grassy ground,

Our eyes locked on the heavens' profound,

And together, in this shared reverie,

We'll find the beauty of cloud gazing, endlessly.

Sharon Philip Gyanshree School Noida

Cultural Heritage - Mother Tongue : Sukhpreet Kaur

The melodious sounds of which one hears, understands and gets familiar in the mother-tongue since the very beginning, has an important role in shaping our feelings, emotions and thought-processes. It plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's cultural identity and personal development. The first language that children learn, and they are closely tied to family, community, and cultural traditions. When children are educated in their mother language, they are more likely to be engaged in the learning process, have better academic outcomes, and develop a strong sense of cultural identity. The concept of the mother-tongue is a fascinating aspect of language that has transcended generations.

Mother language instructions- Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Identity. 

The importance of mother languages extends beyond the individual and the community, as linguistic and cultural diversity is an important aspect of the world's cultural heritage. Every language represents a unique perspective on the world and reflects the experiences of a particular community. When a language is lost, a valuable cultural perspective is lost as well. This is why it is important to preserve and promote linguistic and cultural diversity, to ensure that future generations can connect with their cultural roots.

Scientific research has shown that learning a child's mother language can positively impact their overall cognitive development and academic success. Here are some key findings that highlight the importance of education in one’s mother language:

§  Bridging the gap

§  Improved literacy

§  Improved cognitive development

§  Better motivation and engagement

§  Promoting inclusiveness and Understanding.

§  Cultural events and programs:

One way to support our cultural heritage our mother language education is by promoting multilingual education, which emphasizes the importance of learning multiple languages. This type of education not only helps to preserve linguistic and cultural diversity but also promotes language learning and cross-cultural understanding.

Ways in which we can revive our cultural Heritage

  •  Speak the mother tongue at home
  • Make a routine to teach the language
  • Stories are the best way to capture any child’s interest and attention.
  • Teach them rhymes and poems
  • Inspire your child to join in discussions every day and ask them to speak in the language.
  • Call their grandparents or relatives speaking only in the Mother Tongue through video calls.
  • Read holy book together
  • Inspire them to travel, especially to areas where the Mother Tongue is practised. 
  • Collaboration with other organizations:

§  So, mother language instruction is essential for language and literacy development, as well as for the preservation of cultural heritage and identity. The importance of mother languages extends beyond the individual and the community, as linguistic and cultural diversity is an important aspect of the world's cultural heritage. Every language represents a unique perspective on the world and reflects the experiences of a particular community. When a language is lost, a valuable cultural perspective is lost as well. This is why it is important to preserve and promote linguistic and cultural diversity, to ensure that future generations can connect with their cultural roots.

Sukhpreet Kaur
Gyanshree School

Love letter to Mother Nature - Sukhpreet Kaur


Dear Nature, 

We first met when I was learning how to walk. It was monsoon when your dear friends' clouds started to cry which is what I used to think when I was younger. But the smell of wet grass diverted my attention from those first steps I took and my doll lying beside me. I along with my grandfather used to visit you often and you would always let us have the delicious fruits growing on the trees in order to welcome us in your beautiful home. I remember your kids, trees embracing me in a tight-warm hug when I used to climb on them. As I’ve grown, I’ve found myself fortunate enough to enjoy your presence time and time again. Whiling away hours amongst your trees, along your rivers, and atop your peaks.

I was about 20, on my first trip with my friends. We went through a lush green forest of bamboo in the Island of Bay of Bengal. 

 It was a dream come true when I observed your baby bamboo. The journey of bamboo is like a human being where Mother Nature teaches us many lessons like a parent. 

We decided to stay up all night to watch the sunrise. The moment I saw the red colour burst into the sky like a dazzling painting and mixed with all shades of yellow. My heart swelled with love and joy. I didn't want to leave your side but everyone has a life to live and they have to follow the rules in order to survive. 

 Going back home leaving you behind and living a life that we are supposed to, wasn't easy. I know my love for you is forever and eternal because you are residing in my heart rent free.

My deep wish is to live in such a way that I am awake to each of your wonders and nourished by your beauty. I cherish your precious creativity and I smile to this gift of life.

 Now I am a parent, the lessons which I learnt when I was in my twenties stay till now. The way a parent inculcates values to their children in the same manner the little bamboo tree was growing underground, developing a root system strong enough to support its potential for outward growth. 

 I hope and wish that we meet again even if it is after many years. We can see each other grow older together and live a peaceful life.

 Love you nature, you nurture my soul.

 In gratitude

Sukhpreet Kaur

Dear Bougainvillea! - Nibbrati Rathore

Dear Bougainvillea!

Hope you are doing well! Do you know who I am?

I am your most enormous admirer. I will always see you in the Park. You are the most beautiful shrub I have ever seen. This is my first letter to you, and I would like to confess that I am simply in love with you. You are a visual delight; the first thing that captures my attention is the strikingly vibrant pink colour of the bracts that you have; I studied a long time back in my school that the bracts of bougainvillaea are technically not flowers but rather modified leaves, however, it's your bracts that steal the show with their spectacular colour.

Your green leaves provide a perfect backdrop for the pink blossoms. I simply love your healthy, glossy sheen that speaks of a well-tended plant. The deep green colour contrasts beautifully with the pink, and the flower stands out even more.

For 12 years, you have been there for me and are a constant source of beauty and joy. I enjoy looking at you every morning and realize my life would be much less joyful and colourful without you. I feel so grateful to live in a world where trees fill with blossoms.

Every time I look at you, I fall in love with you even more; the blossoms cluster together, forming a cascade of pink that appears to glow with an inner light. 

How your naturally sprawling growth habit allows you to spread out and create a magnificent display. Your vibrant colour and profuse blossoms make you a standout addition to the Park.

My whole family loves you, especially my daughter; she thinks you are not just beautiful but bold and robust. You do not wither in extreme summers but blossom and spread your beauty. 

You bring such calm to an otherwise chaotic day. You inspire me to live to the fullest and pursue my dreams. You keep growing despite the terrible tragedies in this world. Through this letter, I want to tell you that you are loved by me and everyone who looks at you. 

Stay bright and healthy.

Thinking of you

Nibbrati Rathore

Gyanshree School, Noida

A love letter to Rain - Dipty Ahuja

A love letter to Mother Nature or anything one admires in nature, for me, i.e. Rain.  I have always loved rain! Even as a child I loved them. My love for you rain is perfect for my mental health because it produces positivity and a sense of feel-good factor, pleasure deep down inside my soul, which in return helps me in relieving the feelings of stress and anxiety. Rain, I am in love with your sound, the sound of rain is a little like white noise, which my brain finds calming. When I was a child, I’d spend hours in my driveway, jumping through shallow puddles and delighting in splashing water on my sister. At night, when I couldn’t sleep or was afraid of the demons that hid in the dark corners of my room, I’d listen to the soft pattering of rain on the skylight near my bed. 

When Bhairavi ma’am, gave this topic as an assignment, I felt that’s the best way to express my love for rain and share my recent experience in Cherra punji during the summer break time And, Cherra punji I had read only in social studies syllabus for highest rainfall. Today I am blessed to visit this wonderful place, where I can experience the sound of rain or a thunderstorm. Cherrapunji lies in the heart of the Meghalaya, the abode of the cloud. It is situated in the lap of the Khasi Hills in the north-eastern region of India. Once I reached there, I was welcomed by the pristine beauty of misty valleys. I was amazed by the swirling clouds, foaming rivers, breath-taking waterfalls and year-round rainfalls of this place.

I have always loved rains, for the bright green grass that they highlight for me, for the pitter patter music they create when they smash on the rooftop, for the wonderful smell they leave when they grace the soil. My best memories are associated with rains. I always knew I loved the rains, but I got to know the extent of my love for them after Cherra punji visit. This heavy rain which I experienced during my college days in Chandigarh, reminded me of the times me and my friends used to drive around on activa from morning till evenings. It reminded me of the time I damaged my phone while enjoying the rains 😊.  It reminded me of our regular runs for corn. After moving here to NCR cities, heavy rainfall like my childhood days is merely left in stories. Today, visit to Cherra punji had brought rain as a wonderful surprise, bringing a luscious climate and pleasant weather. During my three days stay in Cherra punji, the rainfall varied from heavy to medium to light, but I hardly found time in these three days which remained without rain, in Cherrapunji. 

Though monsoon is the best time to see the roaring beauty of the waterfalls, However, Cherrapunji rains welcome you throughout the year with their enchanting beauty. This serenity is incomparable. If anybody else like me is in love with rain and want to feel this serene rain along with mesmerizing beauty of Mother Nature, far from the hustle of maddening and rush full city life, please plan your next visit to Cherra punji.

Dipty Ahuja
Gyanshree School, Noida

Memorable Letter To A Schoolteacher - Book Extract

Here is the extraordinary letter that JRD Tata wrote to K.C. Bhansali, an educationist who lived in Howrah, on 13 September 1965:

Dear Mr Bhansali,

I thank you for your letter of the 6tof h August, enquiring what have been the guiding principles which have kindled my path and my career. I do not consider myself to be an 'illustrious personality, but only an ordinary businessman and citizen who has tried to make the best of his opportunities to advance the cause of India's industrial and economic development.

Any such guiding principles I might unconsciously have had in my life can be summarized as follows:

That nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without deep thought and hard work;

That one must think for oneself and never accept at their face value slogans and catch phrases to which, unfortunately, our people are too easily susceptible;

That one must forever strive for excellence, or even perfection, in any task however small, and never be satisfied with the second best;

That no success or achievement in material terms is worthwhile, unless it serves the needs or interests of the country and its people, and is achieved by fair and honest means;

That good human relations not only bring great personal rewards but are essential to the success of an enterprise.

Yours sincerely,

J.R.D. Tata

"I think this extraordinary letter, and the principles it sets forth, withstand the test of time." Harish Bhat, Brand Custodian Tata Companies and author of the book #Tata Stories

Shared with students and teachers at My Good School to help them understand the meaning of a good life and how we need to look at values and ethics in the world and aspire to make it a better place. We have contacted Mr Harish Bhat and hope to hear from him soon.

Enterprise as a Power - Going Back To The Roots by Sharon Philip

When we come across the word entrepreneur or enterprise, we get a mental image of business, economics, profits, losses, etc. However, in this Shark Tank-inspired world, we seem to have lost the true meaning, the essence behind the words' enterprise and entrepreneurs'

The true meaning of enterprise lies in another short yet mighty word - initiative. The willingness to take initiatives utilizing creativity, resourcefulness and determination can be called enterprise, and the ones who accomplish this are called entrepreneurs.

So, what type of initiatives do teachers take?

At its heart, teaching comes down to communication between a teacher and a student. Taking the initiative in understanding the students' psyche is the first step we can take towards the growth and development of the child. Understanding how a child's brain works is the best way to understand how their minds can be moulded and trained. 

Along with understanding the psyche of the learners, we must also make it a point to understand how their world revolves, what things inspire them, what makes them curious and where their interests lie. We can guide them towards a place of knowledge and society when we understand their world.


It seems relatively easy to just state facts and list events that took place hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, taking the initiative to understand the learners' perspective and then moulding lessons to fit their ideas and beliefs is where actual teaching comes about.

An analysis is a crucial part of a teacher's enterprise, which I try to practice in my teaching and everyday life.   Sharon Philip Gyanshree School Noida

Entrepreneurship - Meaning of Life by Sukhpreet Kaur

Entrepreneurship is a way of life. We encounter several problems in our day-to-day life and can find out our unique solutions. Be it adding small balls of dough to reduce the extra salt in dal or making curd, buttermilk, clarified butter or cottage cheese from simple milk. 

We Indians thrive in the skill of enterprise, and that's what I liked about the chapter we read. 

I did have some idea about the concept, but how this technique is amalgamated into the Indian mindset makes me wonder. 

As a teacher, my fellow friends and I keep discussing our problems and finding new ways to solve them. 

For instance, for every solution our students can find a problem (on a lighter note), they are imaginative, curious and full of ideas - and the teachers have an immense responsibility to provide a satisfactory solution. 

In my classroom, I use this power of enterprise by identifying every child's need, developing strategies suitable for my children, and showcasing my techniques in a way that my children can harness maximum. 

This is how I use my power of enterprise in my classrooms. 

My understanding of the Pahale India scenario is that people are oriented to focus on the bigger goals in life. 

In a Kho- Kho or Volleyball match, if each player focuses only on getting the maximum chances of winning everyone's attention, the chances are high that the team will not work coherently and they will lose. However, if each player works together and harnesses each other's potential, they can put their best foot forward. 

We come across many such scenarios in our classrooms and daily lives. 

Reading the chapter was a pleasure, and we got an entirely new perspective. 

Ms Sukhpreet Kaur 
Science Faculty 
Gyanshree School, Noida

Power of Enterprise - Readiness to Explore - Dipty Ahuja

As a commerce postgraduate, the Power of enterprise means the power of running a legal entity possessing the right to conduct business on its own, keeping supply-demand in that area, input-output, SWOT analysis, and Profit-Loss in consideration.

However, from the session with Bhairavi Ma’am, I could understand that everybody has the ‘Power of Enterprise’ skills. We need to discover those skills in ourselves and use them as an opportunity to better ourselves and the people around us.

The power of enterprise can be done by setting up a new idea and acting on that idea effectively or by using your enterprise skills in your existing work life. In teaching, I always try to keep myself upgraded as per the demand of today’s era. Especially when one can get an abundance of information with a click.

As a Pre-primary teacher, how best I can adapt and bring new innovative ideas to inculcate holistic values in their formative years of life. Along with new ideas, readiness to adapt to any recent changes required, risk executing it better with lots of logical approaches and keeping a check on the results simultaneously. When we know both parents are working, it becomes our responsibility as a part of an educational institution to work on their discipline, the habit of learning and willingness to try new things, help develop their creativity and curiosity, focus and belief in themselves.

In Gyanshree School, even at the Pre-nursery level, we plan many activities where kids are asked to choose, think critically, and reflect afterwards. One of our favourite preschool critical thinking activities often includes an outdoor picnic. We give our Shreeyans a lunch box to pack and suggest relevant and irrelevant items to a picnic, and we let them tell us which items are suitable and why, Shape Hunt games etc.

With Pahale India, I understood that everybody needs to collaborate as a team to achieve a common goal or overall development. In this scenario, after identifying the problem or target to achieve, we should use our individual potential, which includes not only teaching staff but students who should also be involved, which will, in return, make them responsible. They will feel part of it in the path of accomplishment of their success goals. The light of the ray might be from educators, but the goal achievement would be in collaboration. Everyone can think differently with their experience and skills, which might help solve glitches. Furthermore, involving children in a part of it will allow them to use their minds logically and critically, which can be an opportunity for their future decisions.

To conclude, with the above brief description, we could develop a power of enterprise with constant learning to adapt to all changes required with motivation & passion, critical thinking & logical reasoning with the view of the final goal to achieve in mind in our Shreeyans and amongst of all.

Dipty Ahuja
Gyanshree School

Every Student is an Entrepreneur - Nibbrati Rathore

What makes a person a hero? Is it the risk they take or the lives they change?

There are people in the world today who are offering hope instead of despair. They are the new heroes who are called entrepreneurs.                                                                   

An enterprise is an ability to see a need in society and fill it in a way that most satisfies the customers and generates profit. But imagine if these profits weren't just money but the improvement of people's lives. Rather than relying on government help, social entrepreneurs believe in the power of human potential; they try to build enterprises that can grow, become self-sustaining, and, most of all can, create fundamental changes in society. The Pahale India scenario also teaches us the same.

When I chose to teach as my career, I realised how students perceive their teachers- "Someone whose job is to make us learn, who works to make the concepts clear to us and more importantly for children, teaching is a teacher's responsibility". But do children actually own up to learning? This is a widespread scenario faced by all teachers at least once in their lifetime. I struggled for a year. And my second year - I thought of creating questions and puzzles as my primary teaching mode. And now I have a bunch of them. I have very diverse puzzles, very different from each other. Because I want more than one student who happens to be good at math to solve everything for everyone, and the others just follow it through. I want everybody to collaborate. The outcome is that my students must have some fulfilment or a feeling of achievement. I want them to believe that they support and help in the team's success. And when they think that they matter, they are ready to work on it. At times some puzzles don't even have anything to do with math:

E.g. I draw two straight lines drawn on a piece of paper and ask the students what they see here?

So these kinds of puzzles do not necessarily need any mathematical concept understanding, but it does require "thinking out of the box". And it has taught my students that if you look at things correctly, you will have this "AHA' experience. 

Now, what happens after this - My students come up with many questions, and then I do not have to work for their attention. 

So in my classroom, every student is an entrepreneur because he identifies a problem, tries to find the best solution, and learns to showcase his efforts creatively. The outcome of such small efforts may seem minuscule, but they are creating a more fruitful learning ecosystem.

To conclude, I would like to mention that when students have no distractions and have positive emotions connected to any subject, it creates ripples of learning, and then the students come and share a common goal - "PAHALE PADHAI".

Ms Nibbrati Rathore
Mathematics Faculty 
Gyanshree School, Noida

The pilot for Power 2 be
This is the first post for our new Learning Program, Power 2 Be, adapted from Highway To Swades and hosted by the author Bhairavi Jani. Read more https://www.happyteacher.in/Power2Be

Courage and Patience Part 2 - KNPS Phagwara

 Kajal Sharma

Courage and Patience: Powerful Tools

  1. Courage and patience are two essential traits, Which grow within oneself to make the base.

  2. Courage requires making everything settle,
    Patience can give us positivity by giving us a great battle.

  3. Courage and patience give us a way towards success, As it reduces the work’s stress.

  4. These traits are like magic, Making our life cool and dynamic.

  5. Let’s apply courage and patience in the circle of life, To go with the flow and reduce crime.

    - Poonam Rani

Raman Sood

In the depths of trials, where darkness looms, Courage ignites, dispelling gloom. A flickering flame, bold and bright, Guiding souls through the darkest night.

Patience, a virtue, a steadfast grace, A gentle current in life's tumultuous race. With steady resolve, it softly whispers, Navigating obstacles like skilled river blisters.

Courage rises, a warrior's might, Facing fears, ready to fight. With bravery as its trusted shield, It conquers doubt, refusing to yield.

Patience, a companion, serene and wise, In stillness, it learns as time flies. It endures through trials and tribulations, Embracing delays, steadfast and sure.

Courage and patience are inseparable, Hand in hand, a testament, rare. Together they embolden the human soul, Leading us forward and making us whole.

So let us embrace these divine virtues. In courage and patience, our spirits align. In the face of adversity's wrath, We shall find strength on life's arduous path.

- Reena Sisodia

In the face of fear, courage stands tall, With a heart so strong, it never will fall. 

It whispers, "Keep going, don't lose your way, For every storm, there's a brighter day."

Courage is not about being without fear, But facing it bravely, with strength sincere. 

It's taking a leap when doubts arise, Trusting your instincts, and reaching for the skies.

Patience, a virtue, oh so profound, Like a sturdy oak tree, deeply rooted in the ground. 

It teaches us to wait, to endure and believe, That every setback, we can still achieve.

Patience is calmness, a tranquil stream, In the face of chaos, it keeps our dreams. 

It whispers, "Be steady, don't rush ahead, For great things come to those who tread."

Together, courage and patience intertwine, Guiding us forward, their light will shine. 

With courage, we face challenges unknown, With patience, we wait, and our seeds are sown.

So let us embrace these virtues each day, As we navigate life's winding way. 

We'll conquer mountains with courage and patience as our guide, our spirits will glide.

Seema Rani

Fellowships at Learning Forward India

Find out more about us at https://schooleducation.com/fellowships

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Courage and Patience Part 1 - KNPS Phagwara

Composed by: Pooja Bawa <poojabawa96@gmail.com>

Assignment: Courage and Patience

Write/develop 2 Reflection pieces:

Think of two (2) situations where you as an educator were faced with (preferably real)/might face the challenge of dealing with:

1. A Fearful Student
2. An Impatient Student

How did/will you deal with the student?
A) If it was a real-life situation, were you successful in helping him/her overcome their problem?
B) What is your advice to educators who want to inculcate these values in their students?

Reflection Piece 1: Dealing with a Fearful Student

During my time as an educator, I encountered a fearful student who was struggling to participate in class discussions and activities. The student appeared visibly anxious and hesitant to engage with peers and express his thoughts.

Recognising the importance of creating a safe and supportive learning environment, I prioritised addressing the student's fears and helping him overcome his challenges.

First and foremost, I approached him with empathy and understanding. I had one-on-one conversations with him to understand his fears and concerns.

His confidence and active participation in class significantly improved. He began to offer insightful contributions during discussions and even volunteered to lead small group activities.

Advice to Educators:
To help fearful students overcome their challenges, educators should consider the following:
1. Foster a safe and supportive environment
2. Establish a personal connection
3. Gradual exposure and positive reinforcement
4. Encourage risk-taking and learning from mistakes

Reflection Piece 2: Dealing with an Impatient Student

As an educator, I encountered an impatient student who consistently exhibited signs of impatience during class, often interrupting others and becoming frustrated when tasks required more time or effort than she anticipated.

I began by having a private conversation with her to address her impatience. I wanted to understand
the underlying reasons behind her impatience and identify any specific triggers. To address these challenges, I implemented several strategies.

Courage propels us, like a wild hurricane. It fuels our dreams, empowers us to soar, To conquer mountains, and unlock every door.

With courage as our ally, we face the unknown, Embracing challenges, seeds of greatness sown. For in every heart, there lies a flame untamed, Waiting for courage to ignite, unashamed.

Post by Chahat Sharma <chaahatsharma2@gmail.com>

Courage and patience are two sides of a coin,
Together they make a person who can join,
The fight for what is right and true,
And wait for the right time to pursue it.

So, be brave and patient, my friend,
And never let your spirit bend.
For courage and patience will see you through,
And lead you to a life that's bright and new.

Poem by Vandana Sharma <vandnasharma144@gmail.com>

They Need Structure (and So Do You)


June 9

The message is for teachers and parents and a life lesson for all.

If a person puts even one measure of effort into following ritual and the standards of righteousness, he will get back twice as much. - XUNZI

If you talk to a sleep expert about sleep training your infant, they'll tell vou: kids need structure and routine. If you talk to an educational expert about helping your kid do better in school, they'll tell you: structure and routine. If you talk to a behavioral expert about helping your kid behave, they'll tell you: structure and routine. Hell, if you talk to a dog trainer, they'll tell you the same thing about your pet: structure and routine (and exercise).

Pretty much whatever the problem or whatever the issue, structure and routine are the solution. Which makes sense. The world is scary. So much ofit is new and overwhelming. But if you give them structure and routine, they can relax because they have less to figure out, and less to worry about. Instead, they can explore. They can get comfortable and accept things. They can feel safe.

But what about you? What about Mom and Dad? Do you maintain structure and routine for yourself? You put them to bed at the same time each night, but do you wing it after that? You plan their dinners in advance ... but what about your lunch at work? You give them quiet playtime in the afternoon and downtime on the weekends. But do you create that kind of regular time for yourself? Structure and routine are essential ho matter who or how old you are. They're important for kids and they're important for parents.

And guess what-when you keep a routine for yourself... it's easier to keep them on one.

Page 181 from Ryan Holiday’s book The Daily Dad, published by Profile Books. 

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