Devanjali Dutt to represent India at the International Gold Event (IGE) 2011 in Kenya

Devanjali completed her Gold Award in 2009 from Welham Girls' School- Dehradun. A member of the Gold Award Holders' Society of India, she has been an active Award Volunteer with the National Award Authority (NAA) since August 2010.

Devanjali manages the Open Awards Centre Project and is a core member of the National Programme Team. Her persistence and enthusiasm has allowed the Programme team to successfully interface with Adult Volunteers, Gold Holders and Volunteers in the University of Delhi.

Devanjali maintains that in a world where one has to learn to compete at a young age, The Award brings the different approach to learn that 'competition is within oneself'. She believes that this is essential for self development and to stand out at any sphere in life. Currently, Devanjali is in her first year of studying Economics Honours from the Lady Shri Ram College.

A true all rounder, we are proud to have her represent India at the IGE.

Rajarshi Banerjee to represent India at the International Gold Event (IGE) 2011 in Kenya

Rajarshi Banerjee completed his Gold Award in 2007 and has since actively engaged in the Promotion and Preservation of the Award Programme. A resident of Kolkata, currently pursuing his Bachelors in English from Calcutta University, Rajarshi regularly accompanies Awardees as Adult Mentor for their Adventurous Journeys. In addition, he visited many schools, colleges and other units; helped Award Leaders and Awardees to continue with the Award throughout the last 3 years, thus playing an important intermediary between the East Zone Award office and the Units.

The Editor for “Reaching Out”- the Magazine of East Zone Award Authority since 2008 and a member of the Gold Award Holders' Society of India (GAHS), Rajarshi believes that doing the Award helped him discover his 'true potential' and that every young person should 'experience the Award'. We wish him good luck for the IGE.

Dinesh Gajendran as Asia Pacific Regional Intern

It is an honour to introduce Gold Holder Dinesh Gajendran as the Second Asia Pacific Regional Intern for the Peter Cruddas Initiative. Year two of the Peter Cruddas Initiative will build on the success of Year One, widening the scope to focus on youth engagement. Dinesh was recognised as a Social Innovator in Year One of the Peter Cruddas Social Innovation Initiative for introducing the Award Programme in Madurai Kamaraj University and actively engaging in the India Special Projects with Olcott Memorial School in Chennai and Vellore Rural project in . He also represented the International Award Association at the 2010 Beyond Sport Summit held in Chicago, USA.

With experience in teaching Marketing and Advertising Subjects to MBA aspirants in Dept of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University for the last 1.5 years; active engagement with Rural youth and local community by introducing and sustaining Kho-Kho as a sport since 2006; and Serving as a Manager/Coach & Technical official/Umpire for Taminadu State Kho-Kho Association and Kho-Kho Federation of India (KKFI)for two years; Dinesh is a self-made leader.

Dinesh believes that doing the Gold Award taught him the necessary leadership, networking and organizing skills to become self condient in becoming a Social entrepreneur.

His Project Rural Challengers was selected for the Peter Cruddas Social Innovations Initiative (PCSII) and recognized as Social Innovator by The International Award Association (IAA) for promoting Award to underprivileged areas of Tamilnadu.

Congratulations Dinesh! and Good Luck

Vice President of India to host Annual Gold Presentation Ceremony on May 12th, 2011

Hon'ble Vice President of India, Shri Hamid Ansari- Patron of The International Award for Young People in India Awarded 44 Gold participants, from across the country, for their active engagement and successful completion of the Gold level of the Award at the annual Ceremony on June 24, 2010.
This year, the Annual Ceremony will be hosted at his residence on 6 Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi at 1730 hours. This Ceremony provides young Gold Awardees hailing from diverse backgrounds a recognition for challenging themselves to participate in the Award Programme.

As the Vice President aptly said in his address to the Awardees last year, “Our future lies with our young people and a self-development Programme like IAYP equips youth with life skills thus making them ‘Fit for the Future’. This is a great step to a vibrant society.” Through the Award, we hope to see most of these young people becoming Leaders and Volunteers; sharing their experiences to promote the Award in their schools, localities. The effort put in would allow more young people to go on self-discoveries, think beyond academics cherishing the importance of small things.

The Award is for all and discriminates against none. Whether a student is from elite schools like Modern School, DPS RK Puram in Delhi; Jamnabai Narsee School, The Cathedral & John Connon School in Mumbai; Good Shepherd International School, Ooty; Bhaktavatsalam Vidyashram Korattur and PSBBSS School,Chennai; La Martinere Girls School Kolkata or those from disadvantaged backgrounds like the Sarada Math, Sir Syed Group of School and the Blind Boys Ministry in West Bengal, the Award Ceremony successfully bridges gaps and brings together young people of a multifaceted India.
Much appreciation to the our Hon'ble Vice President and his Secretariat for supporting us!

East Zone hosts an Interactive Awardees Meet in Kolkata

The meet started off exactly at 10:00 a.m. on the grounds of La Martiniere for Boys School, Kolkata.
Mr. Viral Sheth, Secretary, welcomed all Award Leaders and participants followed by an Ice Breaking session with Anwesha Ghosh (Gold Aspirant), Gourav Beriwal (Gold Awardee) and Rajarshi Banerjee (Gold Awardee).
Awardees from 10 units of East Zone participated in the event. They interacted with each other and sang songs many group and individual songs. They also played instruments and performed skits.
This event was a huge success and the IAYP awardees bonded with each other and this meet give the young adults an opportunity to interact, have fun and make new friends.

Drop out challenge at schools

MUMBAI: From 2008 t0 2010, enrolment in primary classes schools across India has dropped by over 2.6 million, with Uttar Pradesh recording the biggest setback.

Experts are at a loss to accurately explain the drop in enrolment in northern states, where birth rates have essentially remained the same. In some southern states, where population planners had predicted a slowdown in birth rate, primary school enrolments have unsurprisingly declined. In Delhi, Tamil Nadu and in the northeast of the country, the figures have begun to plateau. In Bihar, Rajasthan, Assam, the struggle stems from ground-level problems like data keeping, children moving out, introduction of new schools and rationalization of data, said Madhav Chavan, the founder of educational non-profit group Pratham.

Reported in TOI Mumbai

Maybe The Award Programme can add fun in learning and equip for life, this will surely help control the drop out challenge.

YES News monthly launched

What is Youth Engaging Society (YES)?

Youth Engaging Society or YES is the way to go for fostering youth involvement in our country. The YES movement allows schools, colleges and Award units in different parts of the country to open their walls to the community around them. This allows integration of youth energy from the society through participation in the Award Programme.

We would like to welcome all our Award Operators in India, to work with us to further the goals of The Award Programme, and work to ‘Equip for Life’, young people in our society. IAYP today connects young people from all walks of life; the well off schools, the colleges, the social organisations, business and voluntary bodies, all work to help youth engage effectively with society. The four sections of Adventure, Service, Skills, Sports and Residential Projects for Gold all have the society at the core, and thus this campaign for YES.

Award Programme Foundation Trust operates the IAYP in India and aims to make this a premier youth programme for inclusive social development, as per the aims of the National Youth Policy. The Award Programme is delivered to the schools through our partner Zones, for more do visit our website

To celebrate the spirit of the youth and help build The Award Programme, the National Award Authority (NAA) works to promote, provide and preserve The Programme. The NAA Office was set up in 2010 and has since been working tirelessly to raise the profile of IAYP, publishing Award India, e-newsletter The Award Weekly, road shows and events. We now introduce the monthly YES News for our Operating Units and partners. The monthly A4 single sheet, will focus on highlighting the new systems and help administer the IAYP more effectively, keeping in mind the needs of quality with a quest for numbers too. The Programme is open to young people from 14 to 25 years of age, without any discrimination.

We will be happy to receive feedback and share resources with the Award Units and Partners, please do write in to us, and most important do keep up the volunteer spirit to help build the trust of the youth in India.

Sandeep Dutt
National Director

Let Kids Rule the School


Published: March 14, 2011
New Marlborough, Mass.

IN a speech last week, President Obama said it was unacceptable that “as many as a quarter of American students are not finishing high school.” But our current educational approach doesn’t just fail to prepare teenagers for graduation or for college academics; it fails to prepare them, in a profound way, for adult life.

We want young people to become independent and capable, yet we structure their days to the minute and give them few opportunities to do anything but answer multiple-choice questions, follow instructions and memorize information. We cast social interaction as an impediment to learning, yet all evidence points to the huge role it plays in their psychological development.

That’s why we need to rethink the very nature of high school itself.

I recently followed a group of eight public high school students, aged 15 to 17, in western Massachusetts as they designed and ran their own school within a school. They represented the usual range: two were close to dropping out before they started the project, while others were honors students. They named their school the Independent Project.

Their guidance counselor was their adviser, consulting with them when the group flagged in energy or encountered an obstacle. Though they sought advice from English, math and science teachers, they were responsible for monitoring one another’s work and giving one another feedback. There were no grades, but at the end of the semester, the students wrote evaluations of their classmates.

The students also designed their own curriculum, deciding to split their September-to-January term into two halves.

During the first half, they formulated and then answered questions about the natural and social world, including “Are the plant cells at the bottom of a nearby mountain different than those at the top of the mountain?” and “Why we do we cry?” They not only critiqued one another’s queries, but also the answers they came up with. Along the way, they acquired essential tools of inquiry, like how to devise good methods for gathering various kinds of data.

During the second half, the group practiced what they called “the literary and mathematical arts.” They chose eight novels — including works by Kurt Vonnegut, William Faulkner and Oscar Wilde — to read in eight weeks. That is more than the school’s A.P. English class reads in an entire year.

Meanwhile, each of them focused on specific mathematical topics, from quadratic equations to the numbers behind poker. They sought the help of full-time math teachers, consulted books and online sources and, whenever possible, taught one another.

They also each undertook an “individual endeavor,” learning to play the piano or to cook, writing a novel or making a podcast about domestic violence. At the end of the term, they performed these new skills in front of the entire student body and faculty.

Finally, they embarked on a collective endeavor, which they agreed had to have social significance. Because they felt the whole experience had been so life-changing, they ended up making a film showing how other students could start and run their own schools.

The results of their experiment have been transformative. An Independence Project student who had once considered dropping out of school found he couldn’t bear to stop focusing on his current history question but didn’t want to miss out on exploring a new one. When he asked the group if it would be O.K. to pursue both, another student answered, “Yeah, I think that’s what they call learning.”

One student who had failed all of his previous math courses spent three weeks teaching the others about probability. Another said: “I did well before. But I had forgotten what I actually like doing.” They have all returned to the conventional curriculum and are doing well. Two of the seniors are applying to highly selective liberal arts colleges.

The students in the Independent Project are remarkable but not because they are exceptionally motivated or unusually talented. They are remarkable because they demonstrate the kinds of learning and personal growth that are possible when teenagers feel ownership of their high school experience, when they learn things that matter to them and when they learn together. In such a setting, school capitalizes on rather than thwarts the intensity and engagement that teenagers usually reserve for sports, protest or friendship.

Schools everywhere could initiate an Independent Project. All it takes are serious, committed students and a supportive faculty. These projects might not be exactly alike: students might apportion their time differently, or add another discipline to the mix. But if the Independent Project students are any indication, participants will end up more accomplished, more engaged and more knowledgeable than they would have been taking regular courses.

We have tried making the school day longer and blanketing students with standardized tests. But perhaps children don’t need another reform imposed on them. Instead, they need to be the authors of their own education.

Susan Engel is the author of “Red Flags or Red Herrings: Predicting Who Your Child Will Become.”
A version of this op-ed appeared in print on March 15, 2011, on page A35 of the New York edition.

Silver Award Participant from G.D. Goenka World School shares her experiences from 'The Clean Delhi-NCR Drive'

During the exuberant celebrations o the Common Wealth Games, Delhi did not forget to make sure the city looked spic and span for the visitors. It used this opportunity to stir the conscience of its citizens to make them more aware of the major concern of rising air, water and noise pollution. Many school students, teachers, social workers and enthusiastic neighbors all took part in Delhi’s own “Clean Delhi-NCR Drive” Campaign. I was also given the opportunity to represent my school, G.D Goenka World School, in the drive and take the pledge of never throwing or standing the sight of any other person throwing anything on the road sides or into the precious rivers. Schools such as St.Thomas, Delhi Public school, Modern school, Vasant Valley and Sanskriti also took part in this campaign and traveled throughout Delhi to specific locations with garbage bags in their hands and a goal in their hearts. Roads and parks in areas such as Chandini Chowk,Rohini, Sadar bazaar, Chowri bazaar and Jama Masjid were cleaned thoroughly and left shining at the end of the one week drive. Not only students but also social leaders took part in this drive to reach out to the ears of the common man and spread awareness about the harm that we are causing to our own home.

Every school designed and scribbled their oath and best wishes on a poster. I as an IAYP participant, from my school was responsible to deliver this too and hang it on the extending chains of posters on either side of the roads of Connaught Place. A road leading inwards form the Ashoka road was blocked for this specific drive and surprisingly many delhi-ites came out on bright sunny afternoons in large numbers. T-shirts, caps and badges were distributed amongst the passionate people to create a sense of unity and dedication towards this drive. As cultural festivities play a major role in public communication, plays, songs and dances were performed by students of colleges and schools as well as famous artists. Such plays were about the irony of us Indians throwing garbage,(“holy waste”) and ashes from dead bodies into the river Yamuna, a river that was known for its magnificence many years ago. The anthem for this drive “Meri Dilli Meri Yamuna” was sung by Delhi-ites who swayed to this tune arm in arm. This sight evoked a sense of unity in me and I felt more connected to not only the campaign but also to the local community I live in. This drive was a great learning experience for me and made me realize that each individual has the potential to reach out to connect to the world and make it a better place for each one of us. “Humanity and nature must co-exist as neither will survive as the other dies”.


Bharti Enterprises and Foundation to partner with IAYP India

At a recent meeting with Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal- Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Bharti Enterprises, the National team discussed opportunities to collaborate with the many initiatives of the Bharti Enterprises, one of India's largest business groups and Bharti Foundation- the social arm of the business giant. Mr Mittal, also Trustee of Award Programme Foundation and Co-Chairman of the Bharti Foundation, strongly believes that young people 'are' and 'will' lead social development in India and education is key to this growth.

'Equip for Life' with the Bharti Foundation:

Bharti Foundation implements education programs in primary and higher education to help both holistic and academic development of underprivileged children and youth across the rural pockets of India. All educational programs initiated by Bharti Foundation aim to make to a difference in the lives of thousands of underprivileged children and youth, allowing them to become employable citizens of the future and contribute to the economic growth of the community. The primary school program is designed to teach students to explore, question, reason and communicate effectively. This helps them connect with their own community and stay rooted to their local culture. The senior school program will train students in vocational skills to help them emerge as employable citizens and contribute to community development. [1] Know more about The Bharti Foundation.

This exciting partnership will allow young Awardees to connect with the Bharti Foundation 'Satya Bharti School Programme' reaching out to 237 villages with over 30,000 children [48% of which comprise of the girl child] in addition to empowering the young people in the Satya Bharti Schools through the Award Programme in the days to come.

Engage and Reward Young Employees at Bharti Enterprises:

The Award Programme fits into Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resources Development Initiatives of companies. Bharti Enterprises has come a long way from 'humble beginnings' of a bicycle component manufacturer to a global business conglomerate made possible through the dynamic entrepreneurial leadership and professional leadership of their people.This combination of the ‘P-E Balance’ or the ‘Professional-Entrepreneurial Balance’ creates

a value system encompassing Entrepreneurship, Respect for All, Passion for Performance, Teamwork and Building Collaborative Partnerships. [2]

Through the Award Programme Bharti Enterprises hopes to give to their young employees a chance to build their expertise and create a rewarding work environment for them. We certainly look forward to working together!

[1] Philosophy of Bharti Group of Companies

[2] Work Culture at Bharti

Award e-learning Project to be showcased at the Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011

IAYP e-Training
The IAYP e-Learning project continues to generate interest and is to be presented at the Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 – Global Conference on Learning and Technology. As the educational world becomes increasingly global, new ways to explore, learn and share knowledge are needed. The mission of the conference is to further the advancement and innovation in learning and technology. Tony Hughes will showcase the online Award Leader e-Training initiative during the event in Melbourne from 28th March to 1st April, ahead of presenting at the Regional Board Meeting in New Delhi.

- Source: Asia Pacific e-Newsletter

International Rugby Board in partnership with The International Award (IAYP)

International Rugby Board (IRB) & IAYP Partnership
Regional partnership links are progressing with the IRB and IAYP. In Oceania opportunities are being progressed for presentations on the Award at the Millenium Institute of Sport & Health North Shore, New Zealand in March and a regional workshop with Pacific representation in Fiji in November. In Asia, the regional team met with the Philippines Rugby Football Union in Manila with plans to participate in Award Leader Training in October. The Rugby World Cup 2011 will be held in New Zealand from 9th September to 23rd October 2011.
- Source: Asia Pacific e-Newsletter

UN Regional Consultation in Bangkok

Over 20 representatives from 10 Asia Pacific countries, including young people, will participate in a consultation session to discuss a proposed partnership project to establish The Network of Emerging Leaders in Asia and the Pacific (NELAP) with the UNESCAP Social Development Division. During the project, the IAA will mobilise prior Awardees in the target countries for inclusion as NELAP participants.

Mapping of UN Youth Related Programmes
The UN Asia-Pacific Interagency Group on Youth held its ninth session at the UN Centre in Bangkok on 11th February. An overview was presented by Mr Tendy Gunawan, an ILO enterprise specialist in mapping youth-related programmes of United Nations entities in Asia and the Pacific. He described youth trends in the region, and the meeting considered focusing with areas of the UN-IA group’s activity: poverty and inequality, education, employment and health. Work is also being undertaken on good practices relating to developing youth policies and a potential joint UN-IA group statement on youth policy.

- Matter from the Asia Pacific e-Newsletter

Award Partners- INME present 'The Great American Bicycle Ride' from Seattle to San Fransisco

The Great American Bicycle Ride

This May and June, 15 Indian teens will travel the length of the US Pacific coast – 1600 km’s on a self contained, self sufficient cycling expedition. Along the way they will..
1. Camp on stunning beaches in Oregon
2. Test their skills sand boarding on the dunes
3. Explore the Redwood forests and see the tallest trees on earth
4. Go rafting down the Klamath river
5. Visit and explore the fish markets of Seattle and the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco
This trip has the potential to be a watershed event in any teens life, three experienced facilitators lead the learning outcomes of this trip around the following critical areas
1. Cross cultural awareness and appreciation
2. Belief in abilities of self and the team
3. Learning to lead and be led.
The cost of $5300 covers to and fro airfare, boarding and lodging for 30 days and to top it all the participants get to bring back the cycle as a trophy.
A memory of a life time - a story they will tell their grand children!!

For enquiries please contact or call him at +91 9810097627.

Award Orientation Session at the Navrachna International School (NISV), Vadodara

Youth Engaging Society or YES is the way to go for fostering youth involvement in our country. The YES movement allows schools in different parts of the country to open their walls to the community around them. This allows integration of youth energy from the society through participation in the Award Programme. NISV joined as a YES Centre earlier last year and Principal- Theo D'Souza believes that young people today should be given an education that allows them to grow into all rounders and the Award Programme successfully encapsulates this.

The recent IAYP Orientation Programme held at the YES Centre NISV witnessed phenomenal adult volunteer participation from 11 schools in addition to a few young leaders attending the day long workshop. From the Prayer dance by Awardees to inaugurate the workshop, their presentation of IAYP at NISV to the variety entertainment and Award Ceremony towards the end captured some of the different initiatives undertaken by the students and the community at NISV to engage their young people.

YES Coordinator- Ashvin Patel has been the driving force of the Award in the school. The innovative service projects like the Saving Energy through the introduction of CFLs at surrounding villages, the Zoo Project and the Tree Project are just a few examples of how young leaders at NISV are engaging themselves in the community around the. His welcome address highlighted the vision of the Award Programme correctly.

The pre-lunch orientation session conducted by Sandeep Dutt enthused the Adult Coordinators to become better involved in their respective schools, existing Award Units and otherwise. Adult mentors are the core of a successful Award Programme and the orientation session addressed the many ways they can easily share their enthusiasm with their younger mentees.

CSR and the need of the hour

NEW DELHI: Amid the debate over making it mandatory for companies to spend at least 2 per cent of profits on CSR activities, RIL Chairman and India's wealthiest person Mukesh Ambani today suggested improving corporate social responsibility to Continuous Social Business.

"The purpose of any business cannot be only profit. Profit for the shareholders is important. But unless entrepreneurs have a larger purpose and businesses that change lives of millions of people, a sustainable business cannot be created," he said at FICCI's Annual General Meeting here.

"We will have to move from a model of Corporate Social Responsibility to a model of Continuous Social Business through enterprise and entrepreneurship," he said. "For that, we will have to create world class institutions with a soul."

"It is important to get the business of businesses right," he said, adding that the primary responsibility of business is social improvement.

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance has proposed that companies should spend at least 2 per cent of their annual profits on CSR activities, but the industry has opposed the proposal.

Calling for increased spends from the government in healthcare and education, Ambani said that outlays in healthcare formed only 1 per cent of India's GDP, which he said needs to grow at least five-folds.

"Our demographic dividend, the youth and the young, are largely unprotected and uncared for. We will need to radically transform healthcare delivery to all our people," he said.

"Current food prices justify heavy investment and job creation has to be through agriculture and rural economic growth," Ambani said. He foresees an additional $ 500 billion opportunity for India in agriculture output.

The opportunity in Indian agriculture is as big as it is in energy, he said, adding that the country needs more policies like the liberalisation policy of 1991.

Stating that a large untapped opportunity existed for India to boost its under-leveraged consumer class, Ambani said the country's per capita income is less than $ 1000, one-third of China, while its per capita energy consumption is minuscule.

"Less than 1 per cent of our population uses credit cards for transactions and consumer loans are about 10 per cent of the total loan disbursals, representing an under-leveraged consumer class," Ambani said.

He said that India has grossly under-performed both in expanding access and improving the quality of education.

"In a fast moving world, we have not managed to make our education system contemporary," he said.

From The Economic Times

Bronze Award participants from Delhi University share their Expedition Experience

The Adventure section is considered the most exciting level by Award participants worldwide. The recently concluded Bronze expedition successfully allowed 18 Bronze Awardees to actively challenge themselves physically and engage with the environment in the Aravalli mountains.

Experiences of Surabhi Chaturvedi, Shatakshi Chattopadhya. Sanya Tuteja, Pranay Pachauri and Akanksha Chaturvedi:

As we arrived Tikkling Camp in Haryana, adrenaline rush filled us. We were divided into two carefully balanced groups and started on the military style obstacle course. This kick started the flow of activity and allowed us to get ready for the events planned ahead.

The sudden rainstorm dampened our spirits as we were forced to return from our short trek to campsite. However, the survival session followed by steaming pakodas and 'chai' allowed us to connect with our fellow campers, thus somewhat restoring our moods. The night was cold and we were all jittery as we lay in our damp tents listening to the occasional call of jackals.

The next morning began early and the lush greenery with canopying mountains brought our spirits back. As we embarked on the trek to climb the nearby mountain, our task was surprisingly challenging as the rain from the previous night has made the route very slippery. We persisted and finally arrived at the rock climbing/rappelling site. Some of us were very skeptical about rock climbing as we had never tried it. The Trainers really encouraged us and we were exhilarated to complete the beginners' level. Post lunch, we went river crossing and thoroughly enjoyed it. The artificial rope session was tremendous learning as we discovered the many ways of knotting a rope. At the end of the session, we let loose with a fun game of football.

Making dinner from scratch over wood fire, singing songs, pulling each others' legs under a clear sky really was a memorable experience.

For some of us, who have been on several adventure trips, this was a completely new experience. Going beyond our comfort zones with new people, new environment away from the city was indeed fun! This expedition allowed each of us to know ourselves a little better than before.

GSI Journal | Sandeep Dutt | Substack


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