Saturday, December 30, 2023

Freedom & Peace- Avighna RPKM

A. When you were a student, what were the 3 most critical instances where you felt that more freedom at your disposal would have allowed you to realize your goals/potential in a better way? Do you think any of those circumstances exist even today?

As a student, I remember feeling that having more freedom to explore different subjects and choose my own learning path would have helped me realize my goals better. I also wished for more freedom in expressing my creativity and pursuing extracurricular activities. And of course, having the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them would have been valuable too.

Having more freedom in choosing their own learning path would have allowed students to explore subjects that interested them the most. Sometimes, the curriculum felt a bit rigid, and they wished they had more flexibility to pursue their passions. Additionally, I believe that having more freedom to express their creativity and participate in extracurricular activities would have enriched their overall educational experience. Lastly, I think having the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them without fear of judgment would have encouraged students' growth and development.

These circumstances still exist today, but I believe there's been progress in providing more opportunities for students to have greater freedom in their education. Also, I believe there have been positive changes in education systems to provide students with more opportunities for personalized learning and self-expression.

B. What is it about human behaviour, according to you, that causes people to give up the peace and adopt violence? How do you think classrooms can be used to shape peace-loving individuals?

I think various factors can contribute to people giving up peace and resorting to violence. It could be due to a lack of understanding, fear, anger, or even a desire for power or control. Sometimes, people may feel that violence is the only way to address their grievances or protect themselves.

Here are three real-life situations involving students and their choices regarding peace and violence:

A. Imagine a scenario where a student witnesses bullying happening to a classmate. Instead of joining in or ignoring it, the student decides to intervene peacefully. They stand up against the bully, using assertive communication and empathy to diffuse the situation and protect their classmate.

B. In another situation, a student is part of a heated debate in the classroom. Instead of resorting to aggressive arguments or personal attacks, the student actively listens to others' perspectives, respects differing opinions, and engages in constructive dialogue to find common ground and promote understanding.

C. Let's say there's a student who faces discrimination based on their background or identity. Rather than responding with violence or anger, the student chooses to educate their peers about diversity, inclusion, and the importance of treating everyone with respect. They organize awareness campaigns, initiate discussions, and foster a culture of acceptance and unity within the school community.

In each of these situations, the students demonstrate the importance of choosing peaceful approaches to conflicts and promoting harmony within their classrooms and beyond.

Let me give you one more example -

Imagine a situation where two students in a classroom have a disagreement. One student feels frustrated and resorts to using aggressive language and even physical force to express their anger. The other student, instead of responding with violence, chooses to remain calm and tries to understand the root of the problem. They engage in peaceful communication, actively listening to each other's perspectives and finding a solution through compromise. In this scenario, the second student demonstrates the ability to prioritize peace and resolve conflicts without resorting to violence.

Classrooms can play a crucial role in shaping peace-loving individuals by promoting empathy, understanding, and conflict-resolution skills. Teachers can create a safe and inclusive environment where students learn to respect and appreciate diversity. They can teach about the consequences of violence and the importance of peaceful communication.

Encouraging open dialogue, fostering a sense of community, and teaching problem-solving skills can also help cultivate a peaceful mindset among students.

By instilling values of empathy, kindness, and respect, classrooms can contribute to shaping individuals who actively seek peace in their interactions with others.

Avighna @RPK Moradabad

Shwetank, Evon Anthony, Neeru, Saymeen, Swadha, Deeksha

Freedom & Peace - Siddhi RPKM

Freedom & Peace

A. When you were a student, what were the 3 most critical instances where in you felt that more freedom at your disposal would have allowed you to realise your goals/potential in a better way? Do you think any of those circumstances exist even today?

When I was a student, one of the most critical instances where I felt that more freedom at my disposal would have allowed me to realize my goals or potential in a better way was when I passed my intermediate and was very confused about which field to opt for. 

During that time I didn't find any guidance or help from my surroundings, still, I tried to search a lot and seek opinions from my teachers as I was willing to study something related to designing buildings or architecture; for which I prepared well and cleared my AIEEE exam. 

This gave me a chance to seek admission but I could not do it as my relatives didn't permit me to go out of the city for higher studies because I was a girl. It always hurt me that I was not given the freedom to explore more and know my potential.        

B. What is it about human behaviour, according to you, that causes people to give up peace and adopt violence? How do you think classrooms can be used to shape peace-loving individuals?

There are many causes of violence including frustration, exposure to violent media, violence in the home or neighbourhood and a tendency to see other people's actions as hostile even when they're not.

The most common motivation for violence can be viewed as inappropriate attempts to handle emotions. Often, violence is the medium used by an individual to openly express their feelings such as anger, frustration, or sadness.

There is definitely a tendency for violence because violence is quick, easy and effective. Watch really young kids playing together. They quickly realize that if someone tries to take their toy, they can protect their plaything with a quick wallop from the potential toy thief. We have to teach children Negotiation, Compromise, Sharing and Cooperation.

If we want our children to be non-violent, we cannot use violence to discipline them. Rather, we can direct our children's energy by giving them a job or task. We can model for children how to apologize and help them apologize when they have hurt someone.

This is especially true when children fight with a sibling or other child. When a child tells us of a problem, we often respond with solutions—such as "Be nice to one another", "You have to learn to share", "Give him the toy, you've had it long enough," or " If you can't take turns, then the toy will be put away."

But these solutions are not permanent. We should teach the children proper discipline or behaviour from time to time.

Discipline means “to teach.” When we discipline our children, we are turning their misbehaviour into an opportunity to teach them how we want them to behave. To do this, we need to be clear on how we want them to behave rather than just focusing on what we don’t want them to do.

The ultimate goal of discipline is to teach our children self-discipline so that they can make good choices about how to behave.

Siddhi @RPK Moradabad

Sanskriti Tandon, Priyanka Ruhela, Lovely Singh, Swati Saluja, Soni Bhatnagar, Manjit Palit

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Freedom and Peace - Saumya RPKM


Freedom is the state of independence where one can do whatever one likes without any restriction by anyone. They have the right and are free to do what they can think of (ethically). Freedom has a different meaning. because everyone has a different opinion about freedom. So, it can be called a state of mind where you have the right and freedom to do what you think.

There are three instances where we felt that more freedom at our disposal would have allowed us to realise the potential better. (experience of Mrs. N . Narula)

Instance 1- When I was in class 9th. My teacher always explained every topic in English. Because of my hesitation at that time, I was unable to ask my queries or problems from the teacher. I feel now that if I were free to ask questions from the teacher, I'd have secured better marks in class 9th.

Instance 2- As a girl, I was not allowed to wear Western dresses and go outside. I feel that, if I were permitted for the same, I would have been more confident.

Instance 3- I was not very good at Art as my art teacher never encouraged my artistic skills. So I lost interest and still couldn't draw anything confidently. I feel that If I were encouraged by my teacher, I would have gained at least some interest in Art.

We do not believe any of these issues are faced by students at the current time or these issues are sparse. Women have become more empowered and our education system has grown a lot,  promoting every student's potential.


Peace means a state of quiet or an absence of disturbance or agitation. It can also describe a relationship between people characterized by respect, justice and goodwill. Peace can describe calmness serenity and silence.

Violence - It's the act of purposefully hurting someone. Many different factors cause violent behaviour. The more these factors are present in life, the more likely we are to commit an act of violence. 

Causes people to give up peace and adopt violence -

The most common motivation for violence can be inappropriate attempts to handle emotions. Often, violence is the medium used by an individual to openly express their feelings such as anger, frustration or sadness. Other times, violence can be considered as a form of manipulation for individuals to try and get what they want or need. 

Aggressive behaviour can also be used as a form of retaliation. A means by which one uses to even the score. Other factors which can be the cause of violence -

  1. - The influence of one's peers
  2. - Having a lack of attention or respect
  3. - Having low self-worth
  4. - Experiencing abuse or neglect 
  5. - Witnessing violence in the home or community

Classrooms can be used to shape peace-loving individuals -

Students learn the skills and information necessary to resolve a conflict without resorting to violence through Peace education. Peace education is centred on the concept of social justice and non-violence. It advocates for a fair and inclusive society where people can coexist peacefully without encountering discrimination.

Ways to use the classroom to shape peace-loving individuals - 

Storytelling, role-playing games and other activities that provide children with the chance to practice interacting with one another are just a few approaches to teaching empathy. To inculcate empathy among students, you can promote social-emotional learning in the classroom. 

Teachers should prioritise peace education in their classrooms since it is a skill that can be mastered. Through peace education, you can teach students the origins of conflicts and critical thinking skills. It enables them to comprehend potential causes of conflicts which may stop them from engaging in such conflicts (violence) in the future.

Saumya @ RPK Moradabad 

Rashmi Wright (G. Leader), Ekta Sharma, Nidhi Narula, Rajni Gupta, Beena Singh, Shaifali Johri, Asha Singh 

Freedom & Peace- Prakriti RPKM

Freedom and Peace  

Part A  

Freedom sets us free from the shackles of being controlled by others and lets us think and act according to our will. There are some instances where I remember that as a student more freedom would have helped me to achieve my goals efficiently and realize my potential in a better way. 

First, the academic pattern in my school was very stiff and rigid, students were supposed to work in circles of that predetermined pattern only, and more freedom in that case would have led to making me a more confident person than I am today. Second, I believe that academics and exams are part of schooling, the whole schooling is not based on these two.

There are other aspects as well that were neglected when I was a student. Children were not free to share their feelings, fears and emotions with the teachers as more emphasis was on performing better in class. So if I had this freedom to be transparent with my teachers or if I had emotionally available teachers, today I would not feel the need to heal my inner child while dealing with the ups and downs of life. 

Third, favouritism and partiality were something that faded out the shine of many. Equal chance to speak out and freedom of participation in discussions and class activities were absent due to which till a certain age I was doubtful and unconscious about my potential. 

Today I understand these things better and I have built myself way stronger and confident so I do not feel or face such circumstances as much. And I try my best not to repeat such blunders with my students. 

Part B

What is it about human behaviour, according to you, that causes people to give up peace and adopt violence? How do you think the classroom can be used to shape peace-loving individuals? 

People give up peace and adopt violence because of multiple reasons. 

1. To talk about a few, the first reason is a lack of patience in people that leads to a lack of tolerance and in turn they move towards the wrong path of violence and harsh behaviour and in turn, they lose their own peace.  

2. The second reason would be a lack of basic necessities of life. It happens that people are not able to earn and get proper resources that are needed to survive due to lack of a proper job (occupation)/ lack of money and there can be a variety of reasons for the same. 

In this scenario, they are forced to adopt the wrong path of snatching or taking things forcibly from others which leads to violence. Such acts don’t help an individual for long and the results are grave. 

3. Lack of proper guidance and education - When people or individuals are uneducated and don’t have proper guidance, they are clueless and shortcuts seem to be the easy way out rather than studying and earning their bread. 

4. One reason might be inheritance or they have seen such behaviour or activities in their family. In particular, youngsters learn and imitate their elders and are quite vulnerable to being attracted by wrong actions. 

The classroom is the best and first place after home to inculcate basic qualities in an individual like patience, honesty, helpful behaviour, compassion etc. In this regard, what the students need to learn is Patience. Patience is the key to being at peace and satisfied in life. Activities can be conducted in class, teaching a child how to be patient. 

If you are not getting something you have to try patiently, keep working towards it and don’t start panicking and complaining.  

We have to teach our students that life is not a piece of cake and we don’t get everything easily. The importance of Hard work and consistency has to be taught and inculcated in the students. 

Firm belief in God- The superpower is one of the integral ways to stay calm and at peace. We have to teach our students that we have to believe in destiny and that things will fall our way with the right efforts and at the right time. We can only get something before the destined time and more than what we deserve.

Prakriti @ RPK Moradabad

Naushaba, Isha, Suman Singh, Naina Soni, Rekha Kapoor, Siddhi, Dheeraj


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Freedom & Peace- Ashtalakshmi RPKM

Human behaviour is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, and the shift towards violence often stems from a combination of social, psychological, and environmental elements. Factors like frustration, fear, inequality, and a lack of effective communication can contribute to the abandonment of peace in favour of violence.

In the context of classrooms, fostering a peaceful environment involves several strategies. Firstly, educators can emphasize conflict resolution and emotional intelligence, teaching students effective ways to manage their emotions and peacefully resolve disputes. Additionally, incorporating lessons on empathy and understanding different perspectives can promote a culture of tolerance.

Creating a safe and inclusive learning environment is crucial. This can be achieved by addressing bullying, and discrimination, and promoting respectful communication. Teachers can also integrate mindfulness practices, encouraging students to reflect on their actions and promoting self-awareness.

Ultimately, shaping peace-loving individuals in classrooms requires a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of violence and cultivates essential skills for conflict resolution and understanding.

As a child, I was given the freedom to learn, explore, and challenge ideas while building and sharing my own opinions. This freedom gave me a platform to learn, explore, and challenge ideas while building and sharing my own opinions. I was free to take “reasoned exception” to concepts and theories presented in the classes and to disagree with opinions I would hear from my instructors. 

Our  “views, beliefs, and political opinions” shared with a teacher during professional interactions were kept confidential and were not shared by the teacher with others but it was made sure that we respect other students by listening to those with whom we disagree and respond with our own ideas and opinions respectfully.

This has helped me to respect the opinions of others and if I disagree on something to show it respectfully to others.

Ashtalakshmi @RPK Moradabad

Poonam, Sonia, Tabinda, Charu, Ritu, Meenakshi, Krishangi

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Freedom and Peace: Arya RPKM


Q. When you were a student, what were the 3 most critical instances where you felt that more freedom at your disposal would have allowed you to realize your goals /potential in a better way? Do you think any of those circumstances exist even today?

A. 3 instances where I felt that more freedom would have allowed me to achieve my goals in a better way are mentioned below- 


A few years back when I was in college studying Fashion Designing, I was given an assignment. The assignment was to prepare a range of garments inspired by Jaipur’s heritage. But just cause I couldn’t join my friends on the Jaipur trip as I had to manage secondary data. While others researched everything by visiting the places and meeting the people, I just searched everything on Google and did my assignment. Since I couldn’t go to Jaipur due to some family reasons, my assignment was affected and so were my marks. 


After completing my post-graduation, I got a job offer from a well-known fashion brand. The only problem was that they wanted me to shift to Mumbai. But I didn’t have the freedom to shift to Mumbai because that was the year 2021 i.e.; my parents didn't allow me due to increasing Covid 11 virus cases. I lost a great job opportunity which could have been my career’s turning point. 


It was the 2015-16 academic year of my school, I was in class 12th. I was in my school basketball team. There was a state-level tournament in Delhi. Because my preboards were coming next month, my teacher suggested I stay back and work on my academic results rather than attending the tournament. There I had to choose between the two most important one-time opportunities of my life. I still wish I had the freedom to grasp both of them.

Talking about the present, no such instances occur now. Even if in future any such circumstances happen, I am sure to handle the situation more wisely so that I won’t have any regrets later.


Q. What is it about human behaviour, according to you, that causes people to give up peace and adopt violence?

Human behaviour leading to the adoption of violence is often influenced by various factors, including socio-economic conditions, cultural norms, and personal experiences. Individuals may resort to violence as a means of expressing frustration, asserting power, or dealing with perceived threats.

In classrooms, fostering a peaceful environment involves addressing multiple dimensions. Firstly, educators can incorporate conflict resolution and emotional intelligence training into the curriculum. This equips students with skills to manage conflicts peacefully and empathize with others. 

Moreover, promoting open dialogue and understanding diverse perspectives can reduce misunderstandings that may escalate into violence. Creating a safe space where students feel heard and respected contributes to a positive classroom culture.

Additionally, teaching subjects that emphasize critical thinking and ethical decision-making can empower students to make choices that contribute to a peaceful society. Encouraging collaboration over competition and instilling values of tolerance and empathy can further shape individuals prioritising peace over violence.

In essence, a comprehensive approach within classrooms that combines education on conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and ethical decision-making can play a crucial role in shaping peace-loving individuals.


Arya @ RPK School Moradabad

Dhiraj Gupta, Naina Soni, Rekha Kapoor, Suman Singh, Sandeep Negi, Naushaba Sami and Isha Sharma.

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