This is how we can make dreams come true!

The Fabindia School
The school's mission is to provide access to high quality, affordable education at the rural level using English as the medium of instruction. The school views education as a major stepping stone towards social mobility, equality and employment opportunities. Our vision is to create a model school for empowering rural youth from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds to shape their own lives and transform their communities. 

Creative Infinity Mind

Compared to one dimensioned verbal minds, the Creative Infinity Mind has incomparably more dimensions: Visual Images, mathematical equations, imagination and in total now 14 categories of the Map of Enlightenment. The  power of equations astonish: Dirac said that one of Schroedinger’s equations explained all of Chemistry and most of Physics.      Dirac’s equation on a wall of his old School house in Bristol is not only beautiful but it reconciled  the 50 year old problem of Relativity and Quantum Physics; he threw in Anti Matter for good measure!

Let  us not suppose that poetry is a negligible factor by  comparison; the greatest poetry ever written is called Oceanic Poetry; it is related to the hissing of the Mysteries  and is found in Mystic religion. It fills  our minds with beautiful images making them mines of jewels: a fabulous Golconda  Mine.  These are just  two ways of many that the Creative infinity mind has. Words used alone seem to besot us so that the sense of beauty is impaired. Churchmen become in love with words and overlook the beauty of mysticism; event The Acts of St Thomas was discarded and put in the Apocrypha, its wondrous beauty  of the Queen of the Orient and the Prince of the Orient’s mystic journey to regain the Pearl without Price,and  the Hymn of the soul, all went unrecognised.

Exploration and  Discovery  of the Mind.  Dr Bolte Taylor scientist of the brain, discovered the Nirvana Brain, for which visual images  are an Open Sesame becoming the most important element in creativity. Of beauty, especially in break throughs such as result from Creative Rapture  seem to give access to other such experiences of the Mind  not yet understood.  

Ted Falconar
Creative Infinity Mind
Author, Mentor and our guiding light.

We will Succeed

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