Sunday, November 29, 2020

कहानियों की जीवन में भूमिका - सुरेश सिंह नेगी

कुछ लोगों के पास नई चीजों को सीखने और नए विचारों का पता लगाने का हुनर होता है। जबकि कुछ अन्य अपने आसपास के सफल व्यक्तियों को देखते हुए सीखने के लिए स्व -प्रेरित होते हैं। 
हालांकि, यह सभी लोगों के लिए संभव नहीं है और उनमें से कई को अत्यधिक परिश्रम करने के साथ -साथ अपने गुरूओं और माता-पिता से  प्रेरणा लेनी  पड़ती है। इनमें से बहुत लोग ऐंसे भी हैं जो कहानियों से सीखते हैं। क्योंकि कहानियां संस्कृति को संरक्षित करती हैं और सांस्कृतिक ज्ञान को एक पीढ़ी से दूसरी पीढ़ी तक पहुंचाती हैं। संक्षेप में, कहानियां संस्कृतियों को जीवित रखती हैं।

कहानियों के माध्यम से, हम जुनून, भय, उदासी, कठिनाइयों और खुशियों को साझा करते हैं। कहानियां पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी आगे बढ़ती हैं। कहानियों के माध्यम से हम समृद्ध भावनाओं और खुशी, दुःख, कठिनाइयों और असफलताओं की भावनाओं का अनुभव करते हैं। हम व्यवहार और परिणामों के बारे में सीखते हैं।कहानियां हमें आपसी मतभेदों के बावजूद दूसरों के साथ जुड़ना सीखाती हैं क्योंकि हम समझते हैं कि वे कौन हैं और हम इस दुनिया में कहां खड़े हैं।

कुछ कहानियां रोचक होती हैं तो कुछ मनोरंजक और  सीख  देने वाली होती हैं। सभी कहानियां हमेशा से ही लोगों  की पसंद रही हैं। सदियों से, कहानियों को ज्ञान के रूप में  इस्तेमाल किया जाता रहा  है। कहानियां सीखने को प्रभावी बनाती हैं, और इसीलिए बच्चे कहानी के साथ बहुत अच्छे से जुड़ते हैं। यही एक कारण है कि शिक्षक-गण  इसे बच्चों को कई क्षेत्रों में प्रेरित करने के लिए एक उपकरण के रूप में अपने आस-पास और कक्षा में उपयोग करते हैं।जो छात्रों को कड़ी मेहनत करने और सफल जीवन के लिए अपनी नींव रखने में मदद करती हैं।

सुरेश सिंह नेगी
The Fabindia School

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

समय का सदुपयोग - उस्मान गनी

समय चक्र की गति बड़ी अदभुद है। समय का चक्र निरंतर गतिशील रहता है रुकना इसका धर्म नहीं है। विश्व में समय सबसे अधिक महत्वपूर्ण एवं मूल्यवान धन माना गया है। यदि मनुष्य की अन्य धन सम्पति नष्ट हो जाए तो संभव है वह परिश्रम, प्रयत्न एवं संघर्ष से पुनः प्राप्त कर सकता है किन्तु बीता हुआ समय वापस नहीं आता। इसी कारण समय को सर्वाधिक मूल्यवान धन मानकर उसका सदुपयोग करने की बात कही जाती है।

समय के सदुपयोग में ही जीवन की सफलता का रहस्य निहित है जो व्यक्ति समय का चक्र पहचान कर उचित ढंग से कार्य करें तो उसकी उन्नति में चार चाँद लग सकता हैं। कहते हैं हर आदमी के जीवन में एक क्षण या समय अवश्यक आया करता है कि व्यक्ति उसे पहचान – परख कर उस समय कार्य आरम्भ करें तो कोई कारण नहीं कि उसे सफलता न मिल पाए। समय का सदुपयोग करने का अधिकार सभी को समान रूप से मिला है। किसी का इस पर एकाधिकार नहीं है। संसार में जितने महापुरुष हुए हैं वे सभी समय के सदुपयोग करने के कारण ही उस मुकाम पर पहुंच सके है। काम को समय पर संपन्न करना ही सफलता का रहस्य है।

एक – एक सांस लेने का अर्थ है समय की एक अंश कम हो जाना जीवन का कुछ छोटा होना और मृत्यु की और एक – एक कदम बढ़ाते जाना। पता नहीं कब समय समाप्त हो जाये और मृत्यु आकर साँसों का अमूल्य खजाना समेत ले जाये। इसलिए महापुरुषों ने इस तथ्य को अच्छी तरह समझकर एक सांस या एक पल को न गवाने की बात कही है। संत कबीर का यह दोहा समय के सदुपयोग का महत्व प्रतिपादित करने वाला है।

"काल्ह करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब। पल मैं परले होयेगी, बहुरि करोगे कब"I

उस्मान गनी
The Fabindia School

Better late than never - Kusum Dangi

Every person's nature and behaviour is not the same. Every human being also has different qualities. There were many scientists, many of whom were suffering from dyslexia, that means that even though they were really intelligent, but they could not express their intelligence. This does not mean that they did not express. They fought against it and overcame their problem.  

If you do not succeed in life, if you fail the exam once, then you should not give up; instead, you should try again.  Next time you can get better success than before. Accept defeat, and you should work hard again without giving up, you should not change your goal by looking at the problems, but you should change your ways of working hard by finding the reasons for which you are failing, which can lead to easy success.

Always try hard like the spider who at last succeeded in weaving his web. The tortoise took up the challenge against the hare and slowly and steadily won the race. So, don't give up, it is better to be late than never.

Kusum Dangi
The Fabindia School

जब जागो तभी सवेरा - Krishan Gopal

सामान्य तौर पर ऐसा कहा जाता है कि समय का पाबंद बनो। समय के महत्व को समझो और निर्धारित समय सीमा में अपने काम को समाप्त करो। यह भी उचित है कि समय पर काम करने वाले को प्रतिष्ठा और पुरस्कार मिलता है। इसके विपरीत देर-सवेर काम पूरा करने वाले व्यक्ति को सम्मान नहीं मिल पाता। इसलिए समय का पाबंद होना बहुत जरूरी है। समय के महत्व को कोई नहीं नकार सकता और यह उचित भी है। 

समय की पाबंदी से हटकर आज कुछ अलग बात करेंगे। जब जागो तभी सवेरा, अर्थात समय रहते सचेत हो जाओ, जब भी सचेत हो जाओगे वहीं से एक नई शुरुआत करो। यदि हम समय का सदुपयोग न करते हुए किसी काम को करें और उसका वांछित परिणाम नहीं मिले तो समय की महत्ता को समझते हुए हमें समय पर काम करना सीख लेना चाहिए।

मान लीजिए कोई व्यक्ति कुछ बुरी आदतों से ग्रसित है और वह अपने दायित्वों को ठीक से नहीं निभा रहा है। परंतु एक समय ऐसा आया कि उसे ठोकर लगी और उसने सब कुछ भुला दिया, अपनी बुरी आदतों को दरकिनार कर दायित्वों के निर्वहन के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हो गया। यही अवसर नए सवेरे के रूप में देखा जा सकता है। जहाँ उस व्यक्ति से किसी बात की अपेक्षा नहीं की जाती थी वही व्यक्ति एक बार पुनः अपने कर्तव्यों के निर्वहन हेतु तैयार हो जाता है तो इससे सुखद और क्या हो सकता है। 

इसके अतिरिक्त यदि अपने किसी कार्य से अपनी प्रतिष्ठा का हास स्वयं ही कर डाला हो तो उस काम को सुधारा जा सकता है। ऐसा भी कहा जाता है कि ग़लतियाँ  इंसान ही करता है किंतु आगे उन गलतियों को दोहराया न जाए ऐसी अपेक्षा भी इंसान से ही की जाती है। वर्तमान समय में यह बातें सभी को जाननी  परम आवश्यक है क्योंकि हमारे आसपास ऐसे व्यक्ति हो सकते हैं, जो पुनः जागने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं।  ऐसे लोगों को सहयोग की आवश्यकता होती है यदि उन्हें उनकी की हुई गलतियों का ही एहसास कराया जाएगा तो शायद वे कभी जागेंगे ही नहीं। 
दुख है न चाँद  खिला शरद-रात आने पर,
क्या हुआ जो खिला फूल रस-बसंत जाने पर ?
जो न मिला भूल उसे कर तू भविष्य वरण। 

इन पंक्तियों द्वारा कवि गिरिजाकुमार माथुर आगाह कर रहे हैं कि समय पर प्राप्त परिणामों का आनंद अलग ही होता है किंतु कुछ देर बाद भी परिणाम प्राप्त होता है तो दुख करने का विषय नहीं है। कुछ प्राप्त होना चाहिए था किंतु हमारी गलतियों के कारण वह हमें नहीं मिला, इसका पश्चाताप करने के बजाय आगेऐसी गलतियाँ न हो इसका निश्चय करके भविष्य वरण करना चाहिए। 

प्रत्येक क्षण अपने साथ एक नया अवसर लेकर आता है इन अवसरों को पकड़ कर सफलता के लिए प्रयास करने चाहिए। कभी यह नहीं सोचना चाहिए कि अब बहुत देर हो चुकी हैं। जब चाहे तब हम अपने जीवन को मनचाही दिशा में मोड़ सकते हैं। तभी यह कहावत भी चरितार्थ होगी कि जब जागो तभी सवेरा। 
Krishan Gopal
The Fabindia School 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Honesty - A cherished virtue - Dr Mona Khanna

Amidst trickery and moral turpitude, incidents related to honesty restore our hope in good over evil. So, it did when the manager at Woodland Store in Delhi, Kohat Enclave branch, returned an envelope of INR 48,000 to me that I forgot at the counter while shopping for my son. I was fumbling through my purse to look for the credit card to make the payment, and that is when I accidentally took out the envelope containing the money and left it at the counter. It was only at night when I had to go home to catch the night train to Dehradun, and I wanted to give both the kids money, and I noticed that the packet was missing.

I went back to that area even though I wasn’t very hopeful. Despite the late hour, Woodland was open. I entered the store and asked them if they had found any packet. I could see the relief and smile on their faces. They told me that they had kept the store open anticipating the customer to return looking for the envelope. After asking a few questions regarding the envelope’s details, the manager handed over the envelope. I profusely thanked them and took out some money as a token of appreciation, but the entire staff refused to take any, saying they were only doing what their call of duty expected them to. I understood that their conscience would never let them do anything wrong.

I wrote a note of appreciation and later sent an email to their country head talking about the entire episode of leaving the strain of honesty intact. Honesty and respect are interlinked concepts. The above incident earned so much goodwill and respect for the staff of that store. To date, I never miss a chance to go back and show my gratitude to them.

We, as teachers, should strive to articulate expectations about academic integrity and the consequences of cheating. Explicit norms and expectations stating that dishonesty is not an acceptable trait should be laid down. Let us create a culture that rewards success beyond grades. If students are also rewarded for their honesty, hard work, determination, and respect for teachers and peers, they shall begin to value the process of learning. This kind of culture fosters academic honesty and discourages plagiarism.

As a little child, I was made to do this activity from The Abraham Lincoln Center for Character Development to instill honesty, which has left a lasting impression on my mind.

Activity – The Lie Trap

• Target grade level: till Grade 5

• Character quality: Honesty

1. Head outdoors with the kids and hunt for a spider’s web, watch how a bug becomes entangled in the web, catch a fly, put it in the web to see what happens, or find a video online of that occurrence instead. The more the insect struggles, the more entangled it becomes. If you are fortunate, you might even see the spider come and wind the bug up in a more sticky thread.

2. Ask students what happened every time the insect struggled and what happened because of that struggle. Explain that the same thing happens when we do not tell the truth and become entangled in lies.  Ask students if they think the insect regrets getting trapped in the web (and a lie) and what should have been done instead (tell the truth).

We all make a conscious effort to instil ethical standards and practices in our children. However, they take time to imbibe the same and do tend to falter occasionally (don’t we as adults?!?!). We should forgive their mistakes, resulting in self-realization, and help them take corrective measures. Once they have realized their mistake and borne the consequences, I am of the firm opinion that we should not judge them on their past moral failings. Our intention should be to correct the wrong and not the doer. The intention should be to use dishonest behaviour as a teachable moment. Teach them to be candid with a fault. The students should be taught to introspect, reflect, and learn from their behaviour. We, as teachers, should be instrumental in helping them transform as better human beings. They will turn into young men and women who shall hold their teachers in high regard for placing their trust in them. I vividly remember several students who have become exceptionally ethical, principled gentlemen of high integrity.

I always give the example of Abraham Lincoln as the epitome of honesty. To many kids, and even some adults, Abraham Lincoln remains “Honest Abe.” Lincoln was far from a perfect individual. He possessed human flaws and made many mistakes in his life, as we all do.  However, he learned from his mistakes and learned to compensate for his shortcomings. He honed and practised and developed them daily, and so should we. Powerful innumerable lessons from his life on honesty must be continuously encouraged and integrated into every fabric of society, and into both young and old. And let me pass along Lincoln’s own words on the topic- “Resolve, to be honest at all events; and if, in your own judgment, you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer. Choose some other occupation.”

I want to conclude with a piece of advice I gave to my tutorial group. The boys at the Doon School once asked me about the fine line between honesty and deception and how to ensure that they were treading the right path. I quoted from the famous collection ‘Letters from a Father to his Daughter’- “Let us make friends with the sun and work in the light and do nothing secretly. And if you do so, my dear, you will grow up a child of the light, unafraid and serene and unruffled, whatever may happen.”

- Dr Mona Khanna, Vice Principal at Unison World School, she has joined the PLP Cohort for the Joy Of Learning Program at the John Martyn Memorial School in Salan Gaon near Dehradun, India Dr Khanna's professional profile - 

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Courage and Patience - Magnets DGS

Magnets DGS @The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun 
Pooja Sharma, Manju Srivastava, Kiran Jayal, Mezhu Chopra, Pratima Singh & Renu Sundriyal

Hope: Essence of Life - Jitendra Suthar
Hope is the essence of life. Several folks couldn't even live a life of peace while not having hope deep within the centre. Life is unpredictable, exhausting and quite disreputable from time to time. Things withdraw of hand and on the far side of our management persistently. Hope helps our country keep the fight on and improves the possibilities of creating our life higher. Hope – the essence of life keeps our eyes wide open for associate degree improved future. 

I do know it’s terribly exhausting maintaining with the inner religion throughout the foremost important times, but, those that ne'er leave hope, truly create it until the top. No doubt, life may be a solid combat zone. However, it’s not regrettable either. Attempt to keep your eyes filled with dreams. Hope not solely offers you the strength to beat pain. However, it conjointly makes the journey for the longer-term easier. Let’s not worry regarding the actual fact that nowadays it is dangerous. Hope keeps us telling that tomorrow are higher than this. 

Hope is optimism. Once I’m anticipating something, I think that sorrow and issue of nowadays can shortly finish. Hope keeps us stay positive. As you recognize, our mind has legion effects on our actions. If your mind tells you to remain sturdy on a path and to not lose courageousness, you'll do, therefore. So, hope offers a positive mind power. It generates associate degree aura around you which of them protects you from the negatives. This is often why; hope can perpetually be the essence of life. As currently, you perceive, the essence of hope is usually terribly sweet. 

It’s a plan to measure life the simplest means we will. Therefore create your hope sturdy. Hope can provide you with the courageousness and inspiration to stay to your dream as long as you breathe. If you have got a robust aspiration, hope and religion, nothing will bring you down. It allows you to aim at the only real purpose of your life.

Jitendra Suthar
The Fabindia School

Courage and Patience - Flyers DGS

 The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter” – Paolo Coelho

The current scenario is the best example for us as humans to understand courage and patience is one of the most important values to survive the worse that life throws onto us. Here, our members of the group are sharing their experiences of courage and patience during Covid-19.    

·       Vijaya Jugran- नई प्रेरणा ने हमें जोशीला बनाया, सभी ने नया कदम शिक्षा क्षेत्र में बढ़ाया। हिम्मत साहस और त्याग के भावों ने, नये इतिहास के नए पन्नों को रचाया। 

विपरीत परिस्थितियां बनती हैं रुकावट, प्रकृति समय-समय पर लेटी है करवट, इंसान का जज्बा कहां रहता है सिमट, 2020 के इतिहास में बता दिया यह झटपट।

शिक्षा उन्माद है आशा है तमन्ना है, ना रुकने वाला यह सफर हमेशा आजाद है, शिक्षा शिक्षक शागिर्द सबका एक ही भाव है, 

सफल प्रयास प्रसन्नता की राह है। अतः तकनीक का लिया हमने सहारा , शिक्षा का नया स्वरूप निर्मित हुआ हमारा। 

·       Vandana Goel - To teach an empty classroom has been a whirlwind and everyone is being asked to do more than they can do in a day, so all teachers are just trying to be patient and courageous enough to deal with the kind of impossible solution in uncharted territory. A teacher of the first standard in PKR School Ambala said, “Teaching first graders virtually this spring was tough. It’s easier for bigger kids because they know how to navigate through the various programs, and most high school kids are already doing a lot of learning with technology. For our students, it was a challenge because they could not do the program by themselves. They required help. I had a few parents who were working, and they couldn’t just stop and help their child. A lot of parents were overwhelmed, so I went through each assignment and videotaped myself doing it, showing them how to circle a noun in a sentence or count money.” Ability to cope up with all the challenges in this era with hope and courage is what I call Patience.

 ·       Urvashi Uniyal - The year 2020 - 21 is the year of Courage and Patience. As an English teacher, I tend to “borrow” from my favourite authors.  I would like to quote Charles Dickens, who said, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” It was nice we could spend time with family, but it was worst as we had to do all our work on our own.

I personally exhibited a lot of courage when I had to teach students with parents sitting next to them. It was a demo class almost every time. I showed courage when I accepted that many things are beyond my control in an online class. So, patience followed suit with this.

 ·       Nandini Arora- All over the world, the teachers played the role of a COVID Warrior which no one acknowledged. I also like many other teachers faced many difficult situations such as lack of technical know-how, digital skills, virtual learning resources and observation of numbers of parents while teaching through an unfamiliar medium.  I struggled to engage my little ones to get the learning outcomes. But the immense support of my colleagues, coaches and some parents helped me to be courageous and perform my classes more effectively with patience. My kids’ sincerity, hard work and respectful behaviour is the reward of my courage and patience.

·       Bhumika Vyas- COVID-19 has taught everyone to be patient and courageous and made us understand that change is the only constant. Therefore, to understand and move along with the only constant in the world one requires both courage and patience. The living example is of all the teachers who continued to show courage and patience and brought a transformation from the horse and buggy days of teaching to a full-fledged technology-based experiential teaching. It would be right to say that through courage and patience, the teachers have risen like a phoenix from the ashes! 

 ·       Ritika Tyagi- 2020 has been a life-changing year in all aspects. Amid the lockdown, we teachers learnt that nothing is impossible for us to do! Working on the frontline and then bringing all the students together, making them feel comfortable in this virtual world was surely an uphill task. However, it made us more patient and gave us a chance to reflect on our teaching methodology. We felt insecure and scared about the whole situation too, but smilingly we kept motivating our kids; thus, it strengthened our courage.  We started thinking more about encouraging our kids patiently than just putting the deadlines and pressure on marks.  It has been a courageous leap forward for all the teachers, and we will continue to give our best patiently.

 Courage to forgo and forget what’s non-essential and incognito along with patience to tread unabated towards ones enlightened unique path is the sole purpose of all existence. COVID-19 has forced us to adapt to a new norm and helped us dive deep within our own selves to recognize our potential. Everything has a purpose in this world. Let’s be aligned with who we are today and as they say- ‘Only the present moment is ours’.

- FLYERS DGS @ The Doon Girls' School Dehradun: Vijaya Jugran, Vandana Goel, Urvashi Uniyal, Nandini Arora, Bhumika Vyas and Ritika Tyagi

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Derek Bartels “I am passionate about Education...

Learning Forward Podcast 28th November 2020

Episode #53: Sandeep Dutt in conversation with Derek Bartels Hundred Ambassador of the year 2021, Australia Country Lead and currently the Director of Innovation & Technology for the Lutheran Education Queensland district of schools in Australia. He has connected, promoted and been involved with HundrED since early 2017. Over the last 34 years, he has held a variety of local, state and national positions within a variety of Education Systems and Sectors. Derek’s current focus includes enabling educational leaders and teachers across schools to transform their culture and practice to enact contemporary learning transformation so that all learners are highly engaged, relevant and happy in today’s world. He believes this is possible when leveraging and developing a systemic culture across schools which is highly collaborative, agile and cohesive. Find out how we can bring learning to life for children, rich and relevant teaching, adults need to model and work as teams. Use failure to celebrate learning, stand and deliver is dead, experiential learning is the way ahead.

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You will love the stories shared by our happy teachers and passionate educators. We grow the capacity of your people to improve student achievement and transform your school into a culture of trust and collaboration in less time with fewer resources. Each person in your school contributes to the culture of your school. School culture is built on the actions and interactions of the people. You make your school stronger by adding value to others and making others feel valued. 

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Honesty and Respect -Tarang JMMS

Honesty and Respect
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know. When we hear the word Honesty the first thing that comes to our mind is Truth. No lying just speaking the truth. Honesty is not just about telling the truth. It’s about being real with yourself and others in your words and actions.

Honesty sharpens our perception and allows us to observe everything around us with clarity. As educators if we look at the classroom situation, there had been many instances when the child had lied or had been dishonest with us. The most common lies that we hear are usually regarding homework.

Honesty builds Trust
One of our teacher recalls an incident. It was the last day of submitting the work and the students were to be allotted grades. One of the students came up to her, saying that she has completed the work but could not find her notebook. The teacher thought that the child was giving excuse and might have not done the work. But the child was sure on her words that she has done the work. When the class was getting over, a boy rushed into the class and handed over a notebook to the teacher. He was the brother of that girl, and by mistake, he had taken her sister’s notebook. The teacher opened the notebook and saw that the work was done. She was happy to see the honesty of the girl and how she was true to her words. 

Honest intentions in speech and actions gains the attention and respect of others. It was an exciting day at the school as the school was preparing for the Christmas celebration, which was on the next day. The class teacher of Class 3 was in the staffroom and was counting the gifts for her class. Two packets were missing from the box. She was taken aback as she had just packed all the gifts a few minutes ago before she went to the library. She searched everywhere and then straight away went to the ground where the students were playing. She asked all of them if anyone had gone to the staffroom as it was near the playground. The students replied NO, as she was going back, one of the student shouted ‘Ma’am, Anuj and Rohit went to get the football and came back very late. 

The teacher called both of them and asked others to continue with their play. Rohit looked worried and spoke up that when they were coming back after taking the football, they saw the door of the staffroom was open, and nobody was there so, they both went inside and saw the gifts. Anuj took out one packet and asked him to take one, and then they both quickly ran back and hide the packets in their bags. The teacher was shocked but was also pleased to hear Rohit's honest confession and asked them to return the gifts. She also told them not repeat this again in future.

Children often get attracted towards things and indulge themselves in stealing and in hiding the actions they follow the path of dishonesty. Children can learn through our actions and  roleplays that stealing is bad and dishonesty is the worst habit.

“Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.” - R.G. Risch

Respect is the most important value taught to us. If we want to receive respect we should first start by giving respect. Respect is not for granted or given, which comes with a high position, respect must always be earned. In class, room respect plays a significant role. The respect should not only come from the student’s side but also from the teacher’s side. The teacher and student both should understand and acknowledge each other’s dignity. 

There was an incidence when a student was being rude with the teacher. The teacher could feel that something went wrong as he had never shown such kind of behaviour earlier. It was found out that the boy had been scolded for a mistake which he had not done. Soon the teacher found out that he was innocent and had been wrongly blamed. The teacher realised her mistake and apologised to the child. The child also apologized as he had no intentions of disrespecting the teacher. He just wanted to justify himself. A sorry doesn’t make you feel low or down on your character. On the other hand, it is the best way to show your concern and respect towards another person.

The teacher should make sure to listen and encourage each student’s opinion. Respect is a very important pillar of development in a classroom environment. It is only when the students respect the teacher would they follow and trust the teacher. When the students learn the value of respect in school, they continue to follow the principle of respect in their life further.

Tarang JMMS @ John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon Dehradun - Neelam Bhardwaj, Dolly Pharasi, Shalini Gurung, Laavanya Joshi

Honesty and Respect - Achievers JMMS

1. Not willing to admit
Five years ago one instance happened when I was the class teacher of class 5, and we use to give stationery to the students from the school, and by the end of the day, they collect and leave the stationery in the class. One morning I saw that some of the stationery was missing. I asked them but no was willing to admit the fault. This went on for few days. I was distraught to see that. I decided to put some good values in my students. I told them about our inner voice which stops us from doing wrong things, and I told them the story of ‘A Golden Axe’. They listened to it carefully. Then I asked them if you have done something wrong that will show dishonesty then tell me. 

First, they started looking at one another. I took them in confidence, so they started admitting their mistakes. Suddenly a boy got up and told me that how and when he had stolen the things from the classroom. I was happy to hear that. Instead of scolding him, I praised him for telling the truth in front of the whole class.

2. Dishonest due to fear 
Once there was a girl in my class. She always used to be dishonest in the class. Whenever she was asked for her class test notebooks, she uses to tell a lie. The reason behind her dishonesty in her behaviour was carelessness, and maybe she got scared, and one more reason behind her dishonesty was that her parents were also not able to spend time with her. 

3. Jealousy and cheating
Two best friends used to spend most of the time together. One of the friends was intelligent and used to get appreciation from the teacher. The other friend was an average student. He never gets appreciation from the teacher. He feels sad when his friend was praised in the class. After some days the school planned to start the exams and called everyone to take their admit card and also informed that without this, you will not be able to appear in the exam.  The friend who was an average student got an idea due to jealousy to hide his friends admit card so that he will not be able to appear in the exams, so he did. 

When the friend was not able to find the admit card, he rushed to the teacher. Everyone started searching for it. Also, the teacher made the announcement that if any of the students have taken it, please returns it back to him. But every student refused. 

Suddenly one of the students told the teacher that I saw his friend stealing it from his bag. The teacher called him and searched himself in his bag, and she got it. The teacher then explained everyone not to steal things due to jealousy.  
“Honesty is truth-telling and truth-speaking. It takes strength and courage to admit the truth”.

B. This statement is true that you must show respect to earn respect in a classroom. Respect is something that is a two-way process.  When we give respect to someone, we expect the same from them. This happens in a classroom also. Children also expect respect from their teachers. I want to highlight this with a story.

One day I was taking attendance in my class. While calling out the names, I dropped my pen down. A child sitting just in front of me saw that I dropped my pen . He came and picked up my pen and gave it to me.  In return, I said thank you to him. He smiled and returned back to his place.  After that, I explained to them the value of 'respect ', and from that day, they started using it in their day to day lives. 

Achievers JMMS @ John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun - Sweta Thapli, Meena Kukreti, Jyoti Joshi, Nisha Pundir

Honesty and Respect- Visionary JMMS

1. Honesty and Respect                                                                                                       
Usually, it is seen that children make excuses when they are afraid of being scolded or insulted in front of the class. Children usually tell a lie when they do not do their homework and the other day they make an excuse that they have not brought their notebook to the school, when asked the reason most common replies are “ ma’am I was doing my homework and I forgot to keep it in the bag”. In such cases, the child needs counselling and believes that he will not be insulted if he tells the truth and in return, he will approach the teacher with respect. 

2. Please adults around                 
There was a boy in kindergarten who would love to tell stories. One day the class was asked to complete the worksheet. The boy left half of the worksheet and submitted it to the teacher, by saying “I have completed my work”. The teacher witnessed he leaves half of his worksheet just to get full time to play with his friends and get praised by the teacher. As students love to be appreciated and praised in front of everyone and they too love to please the teacher. It’s important not to overreact to these kinds of behaviour. Just accepting that this is one way of the child to express them, sometimes that’s what they really want from us. Here the child becomes dishonest. The teacher focuses to help the child by conveying the value of honesty, through stories and role-plays in the class. We should always solve our student’s problems by finding the solution through our thoughts of how can we make the situation better. 

3. Gain attention of others             
The child was famous for his misbehaviour and rough attitude towards his classmates, although the child was studious and responsible. He had no friends and would spoil the games of other children too. It was found out by the teacher that the child needs attention as his parents couldn’t spend time with him and he was the only child of the family, so he wanted to gain attention in the school. The teachers gave him different responsibilities and appreciated for his efforts. This changed the behaviour of the child.

Respect is earned not given. These are the words rightly said. Grownups have a misconception that the younger ones should always respect them as it is their duty to do so, but they forget that one must give respect to earn respect. The concept of respect is different for different people belonging to different age, culture and social backgrounds. For a six or seven-year-old child the concept of respect is not clear because we can teach them manners but not respect which grows with the course of time. To be a role model for students it has a lasting impact on the students. Teachers can inspire students with their actions and thoughts.
When the child wishes the teacher, he or she should respond generously with a smile and showing respect to the child. This will develop a respect for the teacher in the heart of a child.

Many times when we ask for any help from a child we should always request the child, showing respect towards him and when the work is done we should be thankful to him. Using the magic words like please and thank you by the teacher will automatically add to the child’s dictionary. 

- Visionary JMMS @ John Martyn Memorial School, Salan Gaon, Dehradun -  Ambika Gurung, Parineeta Negi, Manmohan Kaur and Bharti Dangwal

Courage and Patience - Triumph DGS

 Paul Coelho very well said……

“The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the PATIENCE -to wait for the right moment and the COURAGE- not to be disappointed with what we encounter.”

And I think Mythological stories are the best way to teach such values to children in a way that holds their interest.

I still remember it was the time before Diwali and we were in the class. A teacher came and asked, “How many of you read stories?”

We all raised our hands.

Teacher: “Do you read mythological stories?”

This time none of us raised our hands.

 Teacher: “Today, I will tell you mythological story- The Ramayana. And tell you its significance in LIFE.”

She started the narration of the story by showing some illustrations. She said Ramayana is not just a story but it is a way of life.

It is a story of Trust, Courage, Patience and Faith

We all were amazed to hear the story, at the last, the teacher asked, “What do you think which character in Ramayana depicted the 

quality of courage and patience?” We all had different views to share-

Some said- “Lord Ram”

 He had the most courage and patience as he alone with his wife and brother spent 14 years exile in the forest.

Some said- “Hanuman Ji"

He was the most courageous as he alone burnt King Ravan's palace.

And some said- “Jataiyu"

He was the strongest and had enough patience as he stood for the right and fought against King Ravan.

We all have different perspectives and our teacher too had a different one, she said, “Today   I'll tell you about the character which I think is the most courageous and patient the character of Ramayana, Sita.”

Sita, a legendary a character who as wife and companion of Lord Ram showed courage and patience not only during their 14 years exile but also later.

It was Sita’s courage- that she did not let her bow down in front of the powerful king Ravan.

Ravan kidnapped her, even this could not break Sita's immense               

willpower and courage but she patiently passed her difficult time in the  Asoka garden near Ravan’s palace and waited for lord Ram to free her from Ravan's captivity.

This incident is one of the most memorial memories of my childhood which I still remember. That day we realize the importance of such stories. And learnt about two friends:

Two friends walking side by side,

Importance of both can never be ignored in life.

Courage stands for strength while patience is just like an umbrella in the rain.

Courage teaches to stand against wrong while patience makes us tolerant and strong.

India is a treasure house for mythological stories. It contains the stories of Courage, Compassion, Love, Patience, Tolerance and Happiness and I believe that mythological stories are the best way to inculcate the good values and ethics in children. Such stories play an important part in parenting and education.

Proudly created by the inspiring team of Triumph DGS @ The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun - Prachi Jain, Mansi Sondhi Arora, Ritika Chandani, Shalu Rawat, Mohini Bohra Chauhan and Prachi Parashar

Courage and Patience - Dynamic DGS

अभी हाल ही में बाल दिवस ठुमक ठुमक आकर चला गया। बच्चों के लिए खास दिन। बचपन का उत्सव ।बचपन जो अकादमिक सफलता की दरकार में हमारी कई परंपराओं  से दूर हो गया है ।हमने वह बाजे खो दिए हैं जिन की थाप पर ,जिन की ध्वनि पर ताल देकर बचपन अठखेलियां करता था। जिसे सबसे पहले छोड़ा ,माने की वही सिरा था संस्कारों का ,नैतिक मूल्यों का ।उसे फिर से थामे, तो बहुत कुछ फिर संजो सकते हैं। तो आइए अपनी संदूकची  में से इन्हें निकालते हैं, और बात करते हैं साहस और धैर्य की।

इसी से संबंधित मैं आपसे एक व्यक्तिगत अनुभव साँझा करना चाहती हूं। स्कूल जॉइन करने के कुछ समय बाद ही मुझे राज्य स्तर पर योग प्रतियोगिता में स्कूल से भाग लेने का सुअवसर प्राप्त हुआ। यह मेरे लिए किसी चुनौती से कम नहीं था क्योंकि जिस केटेगरी में हमने भाग लिया था, वह मेरे और बच्चों के लिए बिल्कुल नयी थी ,artistic योग।  मैं थोड़ी नर्वस थी ।एक तो नया स्कूल ,दूसरे आते ही राज्य स्तरीय प्रतियोगिता ।सोने पर सुहागा यह कि उन दिनों मेरा स्वास्थ्य भी कुछ ठीक नहीं था। समझ में नहीं आ रहा था कि क्या करूं फिर मैंने धैर्य पूर्वक मनन किया। इस चुनौती को स्वीकार करने का साहस अपने मन में जगाया ।मुझे लगा कि यदि मैं साहस पूर्वक इस चुनौती को स्वीकार करती हूं ,तो वही भाव मैं बच्चों में भी जगा सकती हूं । और बस अब मैं आत्मविश्वास से भरपूर थी, और साथ में बच्चे भी । हमने तैयारी की और मेरे बच्चो ने अनुभवी और दिग्गजों को पीछे छोड़ते हुये उस केटेगरी मे प्रथम श्रेणी प्राप्त की और गोल्ड हासिल किया। जो कि सभी के लिए बहुत सुखद पल था।

सब बहुत खुश थे ,और सबसे अधिक बच्चे। मेरे लिए अविस्मरणीय पल वह रहा जब मेरे बच्चों ने कहा की मैडम हमने बहुत अच्छी तरह से सीखा कि जीवन में नई चुनौतियों का सामना करने के लिए तथा नयी शुरुआत के लिए साहस की आवश्यकता होती है और नयी शुरुआत का परिणाम हमारे अनुरूप ही हो इसके लिए नितांत धैर्य की आवश्यकता होती है |

So we can see that patience is a virtue which is beneficial to everyone.

Patience does not only mean waiting. It's how we feel or behave while we are waiting. Patience makes us more tolerant.  People need to learn this quality from childhood. When we are impatient, we get frustrated and angry, which is not good for our health. It causes stress, not only to ourselves but to others around us. And the yoga competition bears testimony to this where patience and courage both played a major role in their success.

Dynamic DGS @ THE Doon Girls School, Dehradun - , Reena Gusain , Reah Sikund , Meenakshi Panwar , Shilpika Pandey ,Rachna Bharrdwaj,Sumali Devgan

साहस और धैर्य - Medley DGS

दुनिया एक रंगमंच है यहां प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अलग-अलग किरदार निभाता है।

                                                                                             --- विलियम शेक्सपियर

किरदार चाहे कोई भी हो माता- पिता, भाई- बहन, पति-पत्नी या खा- साथी । परंतु एक किरदार जो इन सभी से ऊपर होता है तथा जिस पर समाज का भविष्य निर्भर होता है............. वह है, एक अध्यापक

हर बच्चा अपने में अलग होता है तथा उसके सोचने और समझने का स्तर बिल्कुल अलग होता है । हम उन्हें परखने के लिए एक ही मानदंड नहीं तय नहीं कर सकते । यह तो वही बात हो गई कि एक जलचर और एक नभचर के बीच उड़ने की प्रतियोगिता करा दी जाए, इसलिए अगर हमें पारस बनना है तो साहस और धैर्य को अपने व्यवहार में समाना आवश्यक है । इन दोनों गुणों के बिना हम अध्यापक प्रत्येक छात्र के साथ न्याय नहीं कर सकते इन दोनों गुणों की आवश्यकता तब और अधिक हो जाती है जब हम विशेष बच्चे, जो किसी कारणवश मानसिक या शारीरिक रूप से अक्षम होते हैं, को आवासीय विद्यालय में पढ़ा रहे हों ।

पिछले कुछ सालों से एक ऐसा ही छात्र मेरी कक्षा में है शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से अन्य बच्चों से बिल्कुल अलग।  चाहे खेल का मैदान हो या कक्षा उसे धैर्य के साथ सारे तौर- तरीके से सिखाना और फिर अगले दिन वही प्रक्रिया दोहराना, धैर्य की परीक्षा देने के समान होता है।  परंतु इस बात का सुकून अवश्य होता है कि मेरे साथ वह बच्चा भी प्रतिदिन धैर्य और साहस की परीक्षा में खरा उतरता है। 

एक  परिस्थिति में मुझे बार-बार साहस की आवश्यकता  अधिक पड़ती है जब उस बच्चे के माता-पिता को बच्चे की सही तस्वीर दिखानी पड़ती है।  अगर झूठी उपलब्धियां दिखाकर या सच्चाई को छुपाकर बात को समाप्त कर दिया जाए तो यह बच्चे के भविष्य को अंधकारमय  करना होगा परंतु मेरे साथ साथ उसके माता-पिता ने भी धैर्य और साहस का प्रदर्शन किया और आज वह बच्चा धीरे-धीरे ही सही सफलता की ओर बढ़ रहा है

2020 के हालातों ने इस बात को और पुख्ता   कर दिया कि बिना धैर्य और साहस के अध्यापन का कार्य संभव नहीं है । online कक्षाओं के दौरान जिस साहस के साथ अध्यापकों ने कंप्यूटर पर काम करना सीखा और जिस धैर्य के साथ chalk  से keyboard  तक का सफर तय किया उससे साबित होता है कि साहस हम सभी के अंदर है जो हमें शक्तिशाली और आत्मनिर्भर बनाता है और धैर्य हमें निरंतर परिश्रम के लिए प्रेरित करता है।

न्हीं दो गुणों को बयां करती है सोहनलाल द्विवेदी जी की य पंक्तियां..

नन्ही चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,  चढ़ती दीवारों पर सौ बार फिसलती है

मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है, चढ़कर गिरना गिरकर चढ़ना ना अखरता है

आख़िर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती ,कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।

Medley DGS @The Doon Girls' School - Anubhuti Sharma, Chandralekha Negi, Kirti Bisht, Mamta Kandpal, Neelam Waldia, Rudrani Ray, Sugandha Ahluwalia

सुबह उठने के फायदे - उषा पंवार

Courtesy Source:
सुबह-सुबह पढ़ने से दिमाग अच्छी तरह काम करता है। सुबह के समय दिमाग में कोई फालतू की सोच नहीं होती है जिससे पढ़ाई में अच्छा मन लगता है ।सुबह पढ़ाई करने के लिए रात में जल्दी सोना चाहिए और सुबह जल्दी पढ़ने की दिनचर्या बनानी चाहिए ।

सुबह पढ़ाई करने के बहुत फायदे हैं जैसे सुबह का वातावरण शांत होता है जिस वजह से इस समय पढ़ाई ज्यादा एकाग्रचित्त होकर कर सकते हैं ।सुबह के वक्त हमारा दिमाग तनाव मुक्त होता है ।अच्छी पढ़ाई के लिए अच्छा स्वास्थ्य भी आवश्यक है सुबह उठना स्वास्थ्य के लिए अत्यंत आवश्यक है ,साथ ही साथ सुबह उठने से एक सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार हमारे अंदर होता है और मन प्रसन्न रहता है जो पढ़ाई के लिए बहुत जरूरी है।
सुबह पढ़ने से सोशल मीडिया और मोबाइल जैसे माध्यम पढ़ाई के बीच बाधक नहीं बनते ,किसी भी तरह की बाधा ना होने की वजह से पढ़ाई पर ज्यादा ध्यान दें पाते हैं । रात को अधिकतर कंपनी का इंटरनेट धीरे हो जाता है जिससे टेक्निकलअसुविधा होती है लेकिन सुबह यह प्रॉब्लम नहीं होती है इसलिए सुबह इंटरनेट use करना है तो सुबह पढ़ना आपके लिए बहुत ही ज्यादा फायदेमंद है रात देर तक जागने से health issues होते हैं नींद पूरी नहीं होने के कारण immune system भी कमजोर हो जाता हैI

कम से कम 6-7 घंटे बराबर नींद मिलने से दिमाग को भी आराम मिलता है इसलिए exams के वक्त सुबह जल्दी उठ कर पढ़ने से परीक्षा देते  वक्त नींद नहीं आती और पूरा ध्यान पेपर में रहता है। अतः सुबह जल्दी उठने की दिनचर्या बनानी चाहिए । सुबह जल्दी उठने की हमारी यह सीख प्राचीन काल से चली आ रही है जो अंग्रेजी की कविता..

Early to bed,
Early to rise,
Makes a man,
Healthy Wealthy and Wise.😊

Usha Panwar
The Fabindia School

Honesty and Respect - Aspiration JMMS

 (A)1. I didn’t do it, he started it 

When children fight in the class, and they are caught, this is the most common excuse they come up with, “I didn’t do it, he started it”. They lie because they don’t want to be caught and scolded or insulted in front of the class. They have self-respect in the class and try to protect it. One should listen to both the sides of the story and not make a judgment on the incident. If one has to say who is right, then one should say it calmly, without making the other child feeling bad. They should also be made responsible for their behaviour and make them realize that this behaviour is not accepted socially. 

2. Can I go to the washroom? 

 Often it has been noticed that if one child has gone to the washroom, his friends would also like to go. Usually, it is an escape strategy from the classroom. They like to take a break from the classroom and play in or near the washroom area. One forgets that children need to take a break in between. Studying different subjects back-to-back tires them. Usually, there is one break – that is the lunch break in the school, and it is not enough. If a child tells honestly that he needs a break, it would not be allowed. It is because the teacher is busy completing her lesson plan rather than seeing the need of the child and class. It is difficult, to be honest, yet one teaches that honesty is the best policy. The school needs to create a fearless environment where a child can express freely. It reminds of a poem by Rabindra Nath Tagore.

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;

Where knowledge is free;

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments

By narrow domestic walls;

Where words come out from the depth of truth;   

3.  आज होमवर्क नहीं मिला

अक्सर हमें बच्चों के द्वारा यह सुनने को मिलता है कि आज मुझे कोई गृह कार्य नहीं मिला ऐसा क्यों होता है? बच्चों को अक्सर याद नहीं रहता कि उनको किस विषय में गृह कार्य मिला है, और ऐसा भी होता है कि वह कार्य करना ही नहीं चाहते, अक्सर यह भी देखा जाता है कि बच्चों के  घर पर कोई उत्सव हो जो कि उनके गृह कार्य से ज्यादा  प्रिय हो इसीलिए बच्चे गृह कार्य करने से जी चुराते हैं। विद्यालय में इतने समय तक अध्ययन करने के बाद जब वह घर जाते हैं तब उन्हें लगता है, कि अब हमें खेलना चाहिए पढ़ाई- पढ़ाई बहुत हो चुकी है। इसीलिए होमवर्क नहीं करते।

बच्चों के माता-पिता और बच्चों को स्वयं भी अध्यापक द्वारा दिया गया गृह कार्य समझ नहीं आता।

 अध्यापक द्वारा ऐसा गृह कार्य दिया जाए, जो कि बच्चे को आसानी से समझ आ जाए।

शिक्षक द्वारा गृह कार्य अक्सर इसलिए दिया जाता है ताकि कक्षा में  दिए गए कार्य की पुनरावृत्ति बच्चा घर में कर ले और उसे पाठ आसानी से समझ में आ जाए। अब शिक्षक को चाहिए कि बच्चों को ऐसा गृह कार्य दिया जाए    जो बच्चों को आसानी से समझ आ जाए और  करने में बच्चों में रुचि पैदा हो।

It is imperative to show respect to earn respect in the classroom. Everybody has self-respect and wants to be respected. When respected, one feels loved and does not feel awkward or has any inhibitions to express himself. A child with special needs in our class was having difficulties in the class with his peers. He was bullied by his friends. We gave him space to be himself and accepted his needs. This influenced class. They became patient and started including him in their games, and he became part of the class. Treating him with respect and kindness helped the class, to understand that they cannot treat differently to him. Everybody deserves respect.        

- Aspiration JMMS @ John Martyn Memorial School, Salan Gaon, Dehradun - Renu Raturi, Sandhya Thadani, Sonali Sharma and Asha Bhandari

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