Wanted Back-Bencher and Last-Ranker Teacher- A Hug From A Friend

"Teaching Career does not begin with the completion of graduation and post-graduation and attaining a degree – it begins the moment one starts caring about learners."

― Kavita Bhupta Ghosh, Wanted Back-Bencher and Last-Ranker Teacher

Being a good teacher is not easy. It's a challenging profession with lots of responsibilities that may go unappreciated. To be a teacher, having an open mind and a continuous zeal for advancing one's learning is essential. And one way to keep the passion for learning alive in teachers is through reading.

This book is an example for all teachers who want to delve deeper into their profession. The book challenges and covers almost all the stereotypes and topics for a teacher. It also inspires teachers to think and go beyond conventional teaching methods.

The book discusses school management, student behaviour, fear, understanding, acceptance, unconventional teaching methods, extraordinary teachers, and more. Ghosh's book feels like a hug from a friend, as it is heartwarming and relatable. It helps teachers self-reflect and realise that education is not just about textbooks and exams but also about assisting students in developing curiosity and a love for learning.

With the help of this book, teachers will realise the importance of creating an inclusive and safe environment for students. It will also help teachers embrace every student. This book will also help teachers learn the power of emotional intelligence and empathy in teaching to support and provide necessary guidance to students.

In a world where academic achievement is considered necessary, this book encourages teachers to focus on the holistic development of their students and help them improve overall.

To sum up, "Wanted Back-Bencher and Last-Ranker Teacher" is a book that every teacher must read. It will help them explore and inspire both themselves and their students.

We are reading this book for our Masterclass at The Teacher's Academy. Why not join us online and read with us #JoyOfLearning #HappyTeachers #MyGoodSchool #GoodSchools Alliance

Neetu Koranga
Learning Forward India Foundation, Dehradun 

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