Icons share Love & Quality

The Value Of Values session at The Iconic School in Bhopal

The Value Of Values explores twenty-two values that can be taught through schools and indeed the whole community. This program will inspire you by using examples of where values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. It will also help people to take stock of their own values and how they wish to lead their life.
#22Values Appreciation, Caring, Co-operation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.
This completes our one successful year of the 'Joy Of Learning' at The Iconic School in Bhopal. Great work by the Educators, who will now sail together for the Level II, of the LFIN PLP Progam. Find out more https://www.schooleducation.com/p/our-teacher-training-centre.html

Will privatisation of education solve all our problems?

Ask anyone, literally anyone, on what they think of the Indian education system, and each one will have an opinion (no seriously, try it). The system is failing, teachers are to blame, politicians should focus more on education, the infrastructure is lacking and what not. Fix all this, and you’ll solve for education. 

That’s a general perception. 
But is it really that simple?
In the last 10 years, government schools, which promise free education for all children till the age of 14, have seen the migration of 13 million students to fee-charging private schools. 40% of all children today, a study in a private school. 

In the midst of several initiatives such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, where India invests ~4.41 lakh crore rupees to improve the access and quality of education in government schools in India, will complete privatisation of education solve all our problems? 

While private schools are aggregately (ranging from a top class elite private school to affordable private schools) doing better than government schools, are they really doing good? Do private schools really offer a better value for money and a ‘good’ education, as perceived by millions of parents? Do we even know what ‘good’ schooling means? 

In this episode of EI Dialogues, we talked to Amitav Virmani, Founder CEO of The Education Alliance, who asks the same questions. Amitav is an Economics major from St. Stephens College, Delhi. After getting his MBA degree from the University of North Carolina, he returned to India. After four years of working as the Country Director of ARK, he founded The Educational Alliance (TEA). Amitav currently also sits on the board of the Central Square Foundation and is a 2010 Aspen Fellow and a 2015 Ashoka Fellow.

Amitav talks to us about what is really meant by good quality education, how his organisation is creating effective partnerships by connecting governments with non-profits to leverage the strengths of both, and how they are creating a layer of accountability within the system for getting children into schools, improve teacher attendance, and more importantly, make sure that the students are learning. 

Is the need of the hour to shift the debate from government vs private to that of good vs bad quality education? 

As always, we would love to hear what you think about this, and ways to make EI Dialogues better through this feedback form: https://forms.gle/vtfquBD1ZQrjqa8w9  

Please do write to us on what you thought of the episode, and share it in your networks!

Ritesh Agarwal 

Caring Icons: the value of Caring

Caring Icons explain the value of 'Caring'!
#22Values, The Value Of Values session at The Iconic School in Bhopal
22 Values: Appreciation, Caring, Co-operation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

Unity: The Value Of Values

#22Values - The Value Of Values UNITY
PLP @The Iconic School, Bhopal, 29th April 2019

22 Values: Appreciation, Caring, Co-operation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

Responsible Icons: Caring

The Value Of Values CARING
Responsible Icons - Concern, Empathy, Responsibility and Kindness
PLP @The Iconic School, Bhopal 
29th April 2019

Curious Icons: Caring, the value of values

#22 immutable Values
The Value Of Values 
Curious Icons - The Caring Palm Tree, 
#How much do we care for others and for our loved ones? 
PLP @The Iconic School, Bhopal 
29th April 2019

The Booknerds Brewing Knowledge @ Book Cafe!

In the summer afternoon of 28th April, The Booknerds hosted legendary travel writer Bill Aitken at Dehradun’s oldest bookstore The English Book Depot

Bill Aitken who was born in Scotland shifted to India in 1959 with the aim of travelling across the country. He has written a number of books like Seven Sacred Rivers, The Nanda Devi Affair, Mountain Delight and many more accounting his observations. The event also featured travel blogger Surbhi Sabharwal as the lead moderator who is a weekend traveller inspiring people with jobs to travel more.

Rohan Raj, the co-founder, The Booknerds, kickstarted the event with a round of introductions of the attendees which included a host of future writers, readers and travel enthusiasts. Devika, from The Booknerds Team, talked about The Booknerds story, the most prolific literary community of India. Followed by which an activity was planned that included the audience to share their travel stories by writing a short journal.

The conversation started with Bill Aitken talking about his younger days in Calcutta and his love for the city. He also talked about his obsession with Nanda Devi. He shared with the audience his travel stories, riding a bike through difficult terrains and growing old in Mussoorie. Surbhi shared her experiences as a solo woman traveller in India, her bike trip to Ladakh and the scenario of travel writing in the digital age. The audience was mesmerized with the accounts of both the panellist, who although belonging from different generations talked and bonded over travelling. The conversation moved to many interesting topics like spirituality and perspective of travelling and some dangerous encounters in the mountains. Bill Aiken also narrated his paranormal encounters especially a chance to meet up with a 'chudail'.

The event concluded with a book signing with Bill Aitken’s fans excited to get a picture with him. Signed copies of Mountain Delight by Bill Aitken are available at The English Book Depot for those who could not make it to the event.

Neha Raj, the co-founder of The Booknerds, handed mementoes to Bill Aitken and Surbhi Sabharwal, thus concluding the event on a high note. The Booknerds will be meeting next at Cafe Lychee Tree for the launch of Nupur Sandhu's book 'Numi'.

The Booknerds

Dr Jayanta Biswas: Learning is a lifetime experience

A great philosopher and teacher once said - "There are four corners to the learning life of everyone. As a teacher, I have shown you one corner, now it is for you to discover the other three corners to make your life complete".

Learning is a lifetime experience and cannot be achieved overnight! Learning requires an open mind and a welcoming heart for change. Learning is a process and requires frequent un-learning and re-learning! Life experiences are the biggest teachers. School teachers are merely facilitators who show the pathways to learning; the actual process is executed by the learners themselves. We need to educate the mentors (teachers) on how to facilitate and provide learning experiences for young learners.

Our society and our life have become so complex with the 360-degree bombardment of 'development'; to be able to survive this and complete the cycle of life is what achievement is all about. Moral values have taken a backseat and the only objects of worship are greed and hatred; how do we guide and mentor the young generation in such a situation?

The educational system in our country is going through several doctored alterations, some “right” and some not so “right”. It is not merely sufficient to have a “right to education”; the process of education needs to be re-oriented in the “right’ direction. Any “right” without the “right” objectives is NOT “right”. Unfortunately, in our society, the people who make the decisions about people’s “rights” have other channels of thought and the ego is not “killed’ for the greater truth. Hopefully, we will be able to endeavour to channelise the thought process of our younger generation in the “right’ direction.

Happy Educating!!!

Dr Jayanta Biswas, Kolkata
Associate, Learning Forward India.

Welcome Protima Sen Associate Learning Forward India

Mrs Protima Sen has been in the learning profession for almost 17 years  as a Teacher, Founder Principal, Teacher Trainer, Education Officer and  Director of Education in various CBSE  schools in
India. Prior to this her administrative skills were honed while working in a Senior HR position in a Multinational Pharmaceutical for two decades. These HR skills helped her in active involvement with schools mentoring and exam related work, through the Sahodaya  Complexes. 

Voluntary work with the Ramakrishna Mission, Dehradun and IQF (Indus Quality Foundation) in the field of Value Education Skill Development, Leadership Training Workshops (In school for Teachers) and Assessment for Learning Outcomes.

A graduate of Isabella Thoburn College and Post Graduation from Lucknow University. Her core competencies include skill and value education in the school curriculum and the development of Assessment feedback systems for Personality Development and Professional Growth of Teachers using the Finnish model.

Learning Forward India is an affiliate of Learning Forward, we show you how to plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so you and your team can achieve success with your system, your school, and your students. Learning Forward hosts conferences, publishes articles, facilitates individual and group learning opportunities, and provides consulting services.

Learning Forward hosts conferences, publishes articles, facilitates individual and group learning opportunities, and provides consulting services. Members usually include teachers and school administrators, they are given access to publications, an online community, and get discounted rates for some services, such as bookstore purchases.

The Value Of Values #22Values #MyGoodSchool Curriculum

Appreciation, Caring, Co-operation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

We live in a society consumed by materialism and the desire for more. Does this mean our next generation of children will grow up being literate and numerate greedy consumers whose lives are judged by the size of their houses and the latest model BMW on the drive? Or can our society along with the desire of educators teach our children the values they need to take responsibility for living and learning? It's simple; the children are our future, it's our moral duty in schools to provide a Values-Based curriculum.

The Value Of Values explores twenty-two values that can be taught through schools and indeed the whole community. This program will inspire you by using examples of where values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. It will also help people to take stock of their own values and how they wish to lead their life.
'Values are not simply words. They are skills we are learning about life and when I grow up I will remember to have them with me and use them to help me live a happy life'.
- Megan aged 10, in The Little Book Of Values by Julie Duckworth

The Value Of Values - TVV (90 hours, 11 Modules) to be completed within 18 months at the school. Learning Forward India trains the staff members and assists in the monitoring and evaluation of the Program. TVV is an extended and profound learning experience that immerses members in a model of inquiry and problem-based learning. Staff members work collaboratively to gain knowledge to solve significant student learning problems in their schools. We seek to understand individual members' needs and then assist them in meeting objectives through a collaborative learning environment and with the support of experienced coaches. The training programme comprises of Workshops, Webinars, Staff Exchange with partner schools, eLearning and finding solutions to not only teach but learn and help the school deliver better.

Brought to you by Learning Forward India

Welcome Dr Jayanta Biswas Associate Learning Forward India

Dr Jayanta Biswas has been in the teaching profession since the last 30 years and has been the Head of various schools all over India since the last 20 years (mainly CBSE affiliated schools). His administrative skills have been honed by active involvement with several CBSE Mentoring and Exam related work, Inter-school involvement through Sahodaya complexes, Inspection work, serving on Management Boards of schools, including KVS, Voluntary work in the fields of skill development and Leadership training workshops (in-school for teachers) and Assessment of Learning Outcomes. Graduate and Post-graduate from St. Stephen's College, Delhi, he has recently been awarded an Honorary D.Litt from the International Economics University Madurai, for his contribution to the field of Education. Dr Biswas is passionate in the area of developing and implementing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for educational development. His core competencies include the integration of skill and value development in the school curriculum and the development of assessment/ feedback systems for personal professional growth of teachers.

Learning Forward India is an affiliate of Learning Forward, we show you how to plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so you and your team can achieve success with your system, your school, and your students. Learning Forward hosts conferences, publishes articles, facilitates individual and group learning opportunities, and provides consulting services.

Learning Forward hosts conferences, publishes articles, facilitates individual and group learning opportunities, and provides consulting services. Members usually include teachers and school administrators, they are given access to publications, an online community, and get discounted rates for some services, such as bookstore purchases.


Byju P Joseph: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

In every school, there are bright students with creative minds, they need to be encouraged, they should be provided with chances to prove their talents, creativity and strength before the world. Their extraordinary abilities should be discovered. It’s very important that the child must himself be aware of his abilities. The creativity of a child should be channelized properly for positive outcomes.

The most powerful weapon that we have with us is our brain which can store many things and can produce innovative ideas. So it should be utilized in all possible ways.

We know all children are born with different talents. It is the duty of a teacher to encourage the children to realize their capabilities and nourish them. As technology develops there must be more and more innovations and creativities. Knowledge is the base of creativity. It leads to curiosity, imagination and formation of new ideas. Schools are the place meant for all round development of a child. But nowadays most of the schools are the place meant for profit making. They are in a competitive world and stand only for commercial purpose where students’ skills or talents have no value. Then where are creativity and innovation?
-          Byju P. Joseph

Rajashree Rao: What is Your Value Worth?

“Try not to become a man of success, but a man of real value” It is my belief that success follows those who value not only themselves but others too for who they are. Never let someone who doesn’t know you tell you how much you are worth. I learnt something compelling today. I have been connecting with people with whom I thought I could explore potential collaboration/opportunities to work together. When I reached out to someone with excellent credentials and is supposedly working on the so-called hashtagsocialimpact of “Doing Good,” found in reality did not even live those words. I was asked to share my plans that are confidential to my upcoming venture. It was that moment I realised how everyone tries to value another individual. What they seem to have forgotten is to be “Good.” One needs to live the words that they preach to this world. Moreover, they should never treat others in the way they don’t want to be treated. It was then my preceptor’s words were ringing the bell, “Be your good self." It is easy said, than done. Living these lessons learnt and setting an example for others to follow is when you will truly learn to hashtagempathize with this world. hashtagWalktheTalk. “Your Value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your Worth”

Rajashree Rao

ThoughtLeader |AI, Cloud, BlockC, IoT, IIoT, SmartCities, AV IStrategy/ConsultantILeadership

My Good School - how you can make it!

Join Sandeep Dutt, Founder of Learning Forward and HundrED Ambassador from India as he goes live on the HundrED Facebook Page to share how learning must be an experience and not a mere outcome of going to school. 'My Good School' program run by Learning Forward India empower students to personalize their learning by creating an environment for the personal and social development of an individual.  *** HundrED seeks and shares inspiring innovations in K12 education. The world is changing fast, and schools need to change as well. Impactful, scalable innovations are a way to make that change happen. Unfortunately, great innovations rarely spread from one school to another – not to even mention across borders. HundrED's mission is to help them spread. *** Help us spread innovative ideas in education by: - Joining our open and welcoming FB Community where you can be updated about the world of education innovation, share your own work as well as help others' ideas spread. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Hundr... - Becoming an official HundrED Ambassador. https://hundred.org/en/ambassadors

Monika Vaishnav: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

First, we have to understand ‘What is creativity?' Creativity is the use of one's imagination and new ideas to generate something new. I believe that all the children are blessed with creativity in different areas. But some time due to the formal education system, syllabus completion and a shortage of time, the children do not get a chance to show their creativity and in this way, their creativity is killed. They should be motivated to write, draw, sing and speak on their own using their imagination and original thought.  

A school must focus on co-curricular areas where the child can use his creativity to improve his skills in a better way. He should be allowed to think in his own way. The teacher should teach them how to think, not what to think. The children can develop their skills and do their best using their imagination and original ideas. Their creativity makes them unique and helps them to develop their personality. A teacher should understand that every child has different qualities and thinking. So, their responses and area of interest will also be different. So we should understand them and help them to grow their creativity in a positive way. If any school does not work in this way, they definitely kill their creativity.  I feel that the school like The Fabindia School does not kill the creativity of a child.
Monika Vaishnav
The Fabindia School

HundrED Wednesday WEBdays via Facebook Live - meet Sandeep Dutt

Join Sandeep Dutt, Founder of Learning Forward and HundrED Ambassador from India as he goes live on the HundrED Facebook Page to share how learning must be an experience and not a mere outcome of going to school. 'My Good School' program run by Learning Forward India empower students to personalize their learning by creating an environment for the personal and social development of an individual.

HundrED WEBDay Facebook Live Part 2
Click link above

Where and when is the webinar?
Wednesday WEBdays are via Facebook Live and we invite everyone to actively participate in the conversation! You can access the Webinar by joining the HundrED Facebook page.
Recording of the conversation on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, at 09:00 (UTC).

Who is Sandeep Dutt?

Sandeep Dutt is one of the HundrED Ambassadors from India. As School Coach, Sandeep Dutt focuses on school transformation with an emphasis on culture as a service. 30 years of experience as a trainer and mentor, he has been involved with schools across India and worked with teachers and students across the socioeconomic environment.

Sandeep is the Founder of Learning Forward India (LFIN), which is an affiliate of Learning Forward (LF) for any person interested in professional growth and organisational development. LFIN shows you how to plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so you and your team can achieve success with your system, your school, and your students.

Sandeep is also the Chairman, Bhadrajun Artisans Trust since 2012 and spearheads the growth of The Fabindia Schools Programme, by demonstrating excellence in school operations, involving the community and helping the rural youth live their dreams.

Dr Tazeen Jamal Siddiqui: Delusion Of Love


If we love  someone we want to have them  to be with us so that we can feel happy whenever we watch them, but if it's not possible to have them, we must still love to the same intensity, bless them and care for them but by letting  it go, love is in its purest forms in the art of giving  , it's not about being together  always or close to each other its also about connecting hearts together even if miles apart.

Hearts are connected by even miles and miles of distances with great force.

A strong point of connecting with hearts is more substantial than just the connect of Physical presence.

Its seen in relationships sometimes which is a delusion of love that is convenient love, few examples of convenient love.

“When a friend does amazing for a friend the friend loves that friend, but when the same friends get in trouble or are not of any benefit than the love disappears”

A second example of convenient love is
“When a wife does all great things at home takes care of children and does everything amazingly, the husband loves it, but sometimes if she missed it out, then that love turns into anger without understanding the situation of the lady and love turns to punishment”.

True love is beyond the existence of perfection...
True love is beyond the weaknesses of the person, you love...
True love is beyond being  judgmental
True love is when you can feel, your love in their hearts …
True love is when you honour their will and wishes as your own…
True love is when you encourage the person to live their dreams and travel distances to excellence …
True love is when you share kindness over Punishment and care over anger...
Teach the values of True love to your children not Delusion of love or convenient love…

Dr Tazeen Jamal Siddiqui, MD, Mansha Vision India fortazeen@gmail.com

Nonie Bagga - Founder The Magic Door Centre

“If They Don't Learn the Way You Teach, Teach the Way They Learn”
Image: LifePage
This quote perfectly encapsulates Nonie's passion for teaching as a profession as she truly adheres to it. Soon after completing her first year of teaching at Welham Boys’ School, Dehradun it was very clear to her that she has a special bond with kids that have emotional and behavioural issues. Now with over 20 years of experience, her insights about people & situations and analysis of human nature make her one of the most sought-after trainers in the educational forum.

Teaching comes naturally to her and gives deep her a  sense of personal satisfaction. Undeniably, watching students make improvements and sharing positive praise with parents are her most rewarding moments of teaching. She has worked with a diverse range of emotional, physical and cultural backgrounds and often consider herself an autodidact. She is a true lifelong learner who loves to teach and learn, unlearn and relearn.

Ms Bagga is the founder of The Magic Door Centre which is a learning centre working with students with learning gaps in reading, spelling & Comprehension.

The Magic Door Centre also provides life & soft skills training.

Nonie is an instant hit amongst hundreds of students she passionately delivers coaching to. Her connect and enthusiasm is highly infectious and makes learning a fun endeavour.

Please feel free to reach out nonie_bagga@yahoo.co.in | +91 9837503900

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