Sunday, September 23, 2018

Helpful Icons: Patience

The School was preparing for the sports day and all the children were practising with full enthusiasm. The joy of participating in all the races was very high. The Sports head conceptualized all the races keeping in mind the spirit of chasing, fighting and developing patience.

The event started and the Sports Head was all set with the educators to start the event. The whistles and the claps have set the mode for the sports event to start. The only turbulence was with Joy for the 100-meter start race. The three-step command of “ on your mark, set and Go was released by the referee”. Joy due to his anxiety moved on the ‘ set’ command in place of the final one. This led him to a foul, and the whole team had to come back to the starting point. The referee gave warning to all about being conscious and not repeating the foul. During this time Joy was ridiculed, rebuked and was blamed by his peers for being the person responsible for the delay and revert to the starting line.

Joy’s confidence was shattered and he was afraid and had a guilt of not participating in the race further. It was at that moment that the Kedar sir observed him and immediately pitched in to whisper in his ears that “ You can do it and you alone will win”. Joy only looked at him, his expressions shared his disappointment and his hesitation to not go ahead. Kedar sir just held his hand and said, the one who takes the challenge is you and will be you and he repeated: “ You will and you can”. These were the magical words that lead Joy to run the race and yes he was the first one who made it to the finishing line.

Joy finished the race and immediately rushed to Kedar sir to thank him and making him the Hero for the day.

Helpful Icons - Dr Gargi Singh, Babita, Kedar, Rashmi & Swastika
The Iconic School

Understanding Icons: Courage

Courage is standing up to your fear and doing the things that may frighten you.

We all face difficulties in our lives whether we are an educator, a student or a parent, but what makes us different is strong-mindedness. Having the feel to move forward and face the challenges and diffuse them with passion and strength is rare to find. A lot of people find it difficult to share their fear and weaknesses in front of others. They cannot think about courage without thinking about loss and failure. There is no courage without risk. To have a value of courage one should be open to taking up risks in their lives which will help them become strong and fearless.

Here we would like to quote the example of Helen Keller who accepted her disabilities and gathered all the courage to overcome her difficulties. In spite of a lot of criticism, she did not look back and moved forward with courage by helping people who were facing the same difficulties. She finally invented the new language which is known as Braille Script which brought a revolutionary change in the world. This example of Helen Keller is one of the inspiring examples of moral and physical courage.

     “A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.”

Understanding Icons
Purnima Bansal, Isha Tiwari, Era  Saksena, Ratna Gupta & Shristi  Nayak
The Iconic School

Responsible Icons: Courage

“Courage is accepting the challenges beyond your physical and mental limits.”

Being an educator, our school gives us immense opportunity to explore and experience different minds and personalities around us. One such unique personality was of an energetic student in my class. This student has always been labelled and mocked by his educator and peers. The reason for being labelled was his peculiar behaviour which included funny gestures and facial expressions. As a class teacher, I was concerned about the child’s behaviour and thought of observing him for a few days.

My observations and conversation with him led me to the conclusion that his behaviour was not deliberate but a reaction of his fear for public speaking. I was very determined to work in hand with this child and give him that much-needed opportunity to overcome his fear. And there we had this opportunity knocking at us as this week we had to present the school assembly.

Both of us sat together and here was our action plan to kick off his fear. We decided to take up ‘Courage’ as our topic for the assembly. And here I was with my plan. I asked this student to present a small speech on the topic but before that, he had to show the courage to accept his fear in front of the entire school. To which he reluctantly agreed. I must appreciate his efforts through his presentation was not a polished one he made me proud by showing the courage to accept his fear. And this was his victory. Gradually the child shed off his gestures and expressions and rose to be a good orator.

This one incident not only changes the child’s personality but also reflected that every fear has its way out. It’s an individual who has to gather the courage to face his fear and move out of the boundaries to reach for their goals.
Responsible Icons
The Iconic School
Nikita, Manish, Shivani, Bhavna & Poonam

#22Values: Tolerance

Tolerance means the ability to tolerate something. It is about appreciating the views and opinions of the different individual. Children can develop their tolerance skills by listening to other people’s views, respecting each other, showing patience, understanding the needs of others and showing appreciation of everyone’s differences.

Teachers live and work in diverse communities and have friends who are different from themselves in some or in many ways. They teach the children to respect others and they demonstrate tolerance in their everyday life. It sends a powerful message and as a result, children learn to appreciate differences too.

Tolerance also means rejecting unfair stereotypes, discovering common ground and creating new bonds. When teachers encourage a tolerant attitude in their children, they talk about their values and mould the behaviour they would like to see by treating others well. Kids will also follow in their footsteps.

– Swabhi Parmar, Rajeshwari Rathore and Prakash Dangi
The Fabindia School, Bali

मनमानवेंद्र: एक बुद्धिमत्ता दिल की और एक बुद्धिमत्ता दिमाग की

एक  बुद्धिमत्ता  दिल  की और एक बुद्धिमत्ता  दिमाग की, दोनों के अपने- अपने मायने है और दोनों का असल जिंदगी में बहुत महत्व है,क्योंकि दिल हमें रिश्ते मजबूत करना सिखाता है और दिमाग उन रिश्तों को बनाए रखना सिखाता है। 
दिल और दिमाग चाहे शरीर के अलग-अलग स्थान  पर है लेकिन दोनों ही हमें फैसला लेने में मदद करते हैं वैसे तो हम हमेशा अपनी दिमाग की सुनते है लेकिन हमें तनाव या दुख हो तो दिल ही वह काम करता जो दिमाग नहीं कर सकता और उस तनाव से हमें दिल ही बाहर निकलता है। कबीर दास जी ने कहा है कि "पोथी पढ़ी -पढ़ी जग मुआ पंडित भया कोई। ढाई अक्षर प्रेम के पढ़े सो पंडित होय यानी  कि चाहे कितनी भी पुस्तकें आदि पढ़ लो लेकिन जब तक प्रेम से काम नहीं लेंगे वास्तविक विद्वान नहीं बन सकते। मेरे विचार  किसी के पक्ष या विपक्ष में नहीं है बल्कि जो सच्चाई है और दोनों का जो महत्त्व होता है वह बता रहा हूँ। 
सभी जीवो से इंसान आज बहुत आगे है क्योंकि इंसान के पास दिमाग (विकसित) है अन्यथा दिल तो सभी जीवों के पास है। वहीं दूसरी तरफ अगर देखे तो दिल का भी उतना  महत्त्व है जितना कि दिमाग का,क्योंकि इंसान बुद्धिहीन दिमाग से तो जिंदा रह सकता है लेकिन बिना दिल के इंसान एक पल भी जिंदा नहीं रह सकता। इसलिए दोनों अपनी -अपनी जगह पर ठीक है और मेरा मानना है कि जब भी कोई तनाव -पूर्ण स्थिति में फैसला लेना हो तो हमेशा दिमाग की सुनें और जहाँ स्थिति  रिश्तों की हो वहाँ अपने दिल की सुनो तभी हम सही मायनों में कोई सही फैसला ले पाएँगे। 
लेकिन लोगों का मानना है कि दिमाग ऊपर स्थित है और इसलिए हमेशा दिमाग की सुननी चाहिए कि दिल की ताकि हम भावनात्मक होकर फैसला ले सकें लेकिन मेरे विचार लोगों के विचारों से विपरीत है क्योंकि कभी -कभी रिश्तों की गरिमा बनाए रखने के लिए दिल से भी फैसला लेना पड़ता है। 
उदाहरण के तौर पर देखे तो एक खिलाडी के जीवन में फिटनेस बहुत जरूरी है लेकिन कभी-कभी उसका दिल ऐसी चीजें खाने का करता जो उसके सेहत के लिए सही नहीं है और उस समय उसका दिमाग उसे रोकता है और कहता है यह सही नहीं तो कहने का अर्थ है दोनों ही दिल और दिमाग कुछ भी फैसला लेने में बहुत मदद करते है और एक तरफ से हमारा दिमाग दिल के अनुरूप काम करता है। लेकिन जब हम सिर्फ एक की ही सुनते हैं या तो दिल की या दिमाग की तब वहाँ हमारा लिया हुआ फैसला गलत भी हो सकता और इसलिए हमें हमेशा दोनों की सुननी चाहिए और फिर फैसला लेना चाहिए और तभी हम यह कह सकते है कि "एक बुद्धिमत्ता दिल की और एक बुद्धिमत्ता  दिमाग की
                                                                        मनमानवेंद्र सिंह /कक्षा 12 - The Fabindia School

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