Soham Anand: Life Passed Me By

Life passed me by
I kept watching
today turned yesterday
I kept watching
friends turned strangers
people left
without having to say goodbye
I kept watching.

She walked out of life
can see the passing in her eyes
she was the reason for everything
see myself in her smiles
some memories broken
some memories lived
dawn crossed over to  dusk
life passed me by
l kept watching

Tried to fit into her world
came from a different world
as the years slipped by
we tried to adapt
it's a strange world
how people you know turn strangers
missed her growing
missed her crying
life passed me by
I kept watching

The mistakes we mad are our own
let's live
the journey together is short
nothing I need
nothing I wait for
through the valley of shadows
I pass
chasing sun
chasing flowers
life passed me by
I kept watching

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