Saturday, March 30, 2024

Love Learning vs Hate Learning - Sanyogita Dubey


Learning involves absorbing and integrating information or abilities that can lead to personal growth, development, and adaptation.
It could be Hate learning or Love learning.  
Love Learning: When people are motivated to acquire new skills or knowledge or to build on existing skills or knowledge then it would be termed as love learning. People feel good when they are learning new things, even though they may occasionally become frustrated when the material is challenging.

Contrary to it there is the concept of Hate learning as well.

Hate Learning: "Hate learning" refers to having a strong aversion or dislike towards the process of acquiring new knowledge or skills. It can stem from various reasons such as feeling overwhelmed by the workload or having negative past experiences with education.


The importance of loving learning lies in its transformative impact on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Here are some key reasons why love for learning is crucial:

1. Loving learning fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills. 

2. Embracing a love for learning enables individuals to continuously improve their knowledge and abilities, enhancing their professional opportunities and career advancement.

3. Love for learning fuels innovation by inspiring individuals to explore new possibilities.

4. Access to education and a love for learning empower individuals to overcome barriers, pursue their passions, and achieve their full potential. 

5. Loving learning cultivates critical thinking skills, enabling individuals to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and solve complex problems effectively. 

6. Engaging in learning activities has been linked to improved mental health, cognitive function, and overall well-being. 

7. A society that values and promotes a love for learning fosters a culture of intellectual curiosity, collaboration, and mutual respect. 

8. Education and a love for learning are fundamental drivers of sustainable development, contributing to economic growth, and social progress. 

Overall, embracing a love for learning is not only personally enriching but also essential for building a thriving, resilient, and equitable society in the 21st century.

Sanyogita Dubey
Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur 
Masterclass Cohort 2024

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Love learning Vs Hate learning - Gitika Kapoor

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere!"

As an English primary teacher in the 21st century, I have witnessed the stark difference between love learning and hate learning in my students. Love learning is when a child is enthusiastic, curious, and eager to absorb new information. 

They approach learning with excitement and passion, always eager to discover new things and expand their knowledge. On the other hand, hate learning is when a child is disinterested, unmotivated, and finds learning to be a chore. They approach learning negatively, often procrastinating or avoiding it altogether.

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, the ability to love learning is more important than ever. With technology constantly evolving and new information being discovered every day, students must have a love for learning to thrive in the 21st century. Those who love learning will be more adaptable, more innovative, and more successful in their careers.

On the other hand, those who hate learning will struggle to keep up with the pace of change and may find themselves left behind. In a world where knowledge is power, students need to embrace learning and see it as a lifelong journey rather than a chore.

As an English primary teacher, my goal is to foster a love for learning in each and every one of my students. I strive to create a positive and engaging learning environment where curiosity is encouraged, questions are welcomed, and mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth. By instilling a love for learning in my students, I am equipping them with the skills and mindset they need to succeed in the 21st century and beyond.

Gitika Kapoor 
Sunbeam International Varuna

Saturday, March 23, 2024

War Vs Peace- Mizan Ali

My journey so far as a teacher; Joining a new school

Transition to a new school as a teacher can be both exciting and challenging. It seems difficult to navigate the transition smoothly but it actually depends on many factors. I still remember my first day at Sunbeam Indiranagar. 

It was the 1st of  Feb 2023, the harshness of the winter was moribund, the temperature was mild, the sky was clear, and early signs of spring were visible. A scenic landscape was in front of me. A cosy place; not very big in infrastructure but big at heart, created a stunning sight for exploration and learning. Longer daylight and a perennially blooming shady neem tree standing in the eastern corner of the assembly ground, protected people from harsh sunlight for decades and gave a peekaboo view of the vast sky, providing ample scenic beauty to admire nature's blessings with refreshing and invigorating air all around, took away my heart as if it was love at first sight.

My sight captured the view of a designated space in the centre, for the performance of little artists to begin their journey of becoming eloquent orators and dramatists, in future.

I entered Indiranagar premises, being an optimistic person I didn't lose hope so I gave a second chance to myself and prayed to God to help me prove my worth but still, my heart was skipping beats.

I had worked tirelessly at my previous workplace, giving my tooth to it, even in bleak circumstances related to my health and happiness, but I couldn't prove myself. So again I swam with the current to prove myself.

I kept walking and then climbed the uncarpeted stairs to reach the staffroom. I was a little nervous and had some apprehensions about my future but with a big smile, I entered and found inquisitive eyes, smiling faces and open arms to accept this fallen leaf of a strong, old renowned tree. And soon they became strong pillars for me, no less than family. They were generous, kind, and gave me a warm welcome, showed nonjudgmental behaviour that allowed me to fly high & walk the extra mile.

The day passed enthusiastically and we had a lot of fun working together. After a few days, I was asked to move to the kindergarten section as a recruit was demanded over there. Meeting all new faces back to back was a little sceptical but I was proved wrong. Their heart and arms both were waiting for me. They made me old in a day. 

Ongoing learning, tireless striving towards perfection, daily insights and of course the true and unconditional support of my work buddies made me what I am today. The appreciation, trust and recognition by the chairperson and colleagues helped me gain my courage back, granting me access to demonstrate my confidence and allowing me to think and do beyond boundaries. Hence what I learnt at Indiranagar is not to be judgmental even with the Wanted Back Bencher and Last Ranker Teacher (Book by Kavita Bhupta Ghosh).

A unique, note-worthy, verdant, enchanting, harmonious, majestic, luminous and invigorating school that nestles its people to foster growth, is my ''Sunbeam Indiranagar'' a great source of peace for me!

Mizan Ali 
Sunbeam Indiranagar

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Love Learning Vs Hate Learning - Vani Vij

Loving learning involves a genuine passion and enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge and skills and finding joy in the process of discovery and growth. 

On the other hand, Hate learning implies a strong aversion or dislike towards the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, possibly stemming from negative experiences or lack of interest in the subject matter.

Hating to learn leads to - 

1. Limited Growth: A strong aversion to learning can hinder
personal and professional growth by limiting exposure to new ideas, skills, and experiences.

2. Missed Opportunities: Disliking learning may lead to avoiding situations where learning is necessary or beneficial, resulting in missed opportunities for advancement and self-improvement.

3. Stagnation: Without a willingness to learn, individuals may become stagnant in their knowledge and skills, falling behind in rapidly evolving industries and fields.

4. Decreased Adaptability: Resisting learning can make it difficult to adapt to change, leaving individuals ill-equipped to navigate new challenges and circumstances.

5. Negative Impact on Self-Esteem: Continuously avoiding learning experiences may erode self-esteem and confidence, as individuals may perceive themselves as unable or unwilling to grow and develop.

6. Limited Problem-Solving Abilities: A lack of willingness to learn can hinder problem-solving abilities, as individuals may struggle to acquire and apply new information to solve complex problems effectively.

7. Reduced Innovation: Without a curiosity for learning and exploring new ideas, individuals may struggle to innovate and find creative solutions to problems, leading to stagnation in personal and professional endeavours.

Transforming hate for learning into love for learning can be a gradual process, but here are some strategies to help you shift your mindset from Hating learning to embracing it with enthusiasm and love-

1. Find Your Passion: Identify subjects or topics that genuinely interest you. Explore different areas until you find something that sparks your curiosity and passion.

2. Make Learning Relevant: Connect what you're learning to your personal interests, goals, or real-world problems. Understanding how knowledge can benefit you in practical ways can increase motivation and engagement.

3. Set Achievable Goals: Break down learning goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate progress and achievements along the way to maintain motivation and momentum.

4. Experiment with Different Learning Styles: Explore various learning methods to find what works best for you. Whether it's visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or a combination, adapting your approach can make learning more enjoyable and effective.

5. Embrace Mistakes: Shift your mindset towards learning from failures and mistakes rather than seeing them as setbacks. Recognize that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and an opportunity for growth.

6. Seek Support and Community: Surround yourself with supportive peers, mentors, or learning communities. Engaging with others who share your interests can provide encouragement, accountability, and valuable insights.

7. Celebrate Curiosity: Cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around you. Ask questions, seek out new experiences, and approach learning with an open mind.

8. Find Joy in the Process: Focus on enjoying the journey of learning rather than solely on the end goal. Experiment, explore, and appreciate the opportunities for discovery and growth that learning provides.

Courtesy- Vani Vij 
(Q.C.R&D ) 
Sunbeam Group of Schools

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Love Learning vs Hate Learning - Deepti Sharma

Michelle, a child of destiny, could not hear or see. Her unimaginable condition made her emotionally distraught and ill-behaved to the extent that her father considered putting her in a mental hospital. But then her life took a turn when an ‘eccentric teacher’ entered her life.

The teacher taught her to ‘Never Give Up’.With her guidance and coaching, Michelle earned her graduation degree although it took her 19 years of failing before she could wear that graduation gown. But as life came to a full circle, a few years later Michelle's teacher was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and that's when Michelle held her teacher's hand and taught her to "Never Give Up" and helped her teacher to navigate her remaining life.

I believe that Michelle and her teacher were the luckiest student and teacher duo, to have found each other at the right time to do their part. If I can bring even a small change in my student e.g. brushing the teeth before bed or Respecting Women around, I have done my part. 

To me, the definition of a successful teacher is when her student carries a bit of her everywhere he goes. Love is an emotion of giving, caring, and never giving up. Love is an essential component of continuously trying. Just like a painting is beautiful with bright colours. The efficiency of the human brain can be enhanced with positive emotions as they affect the cognitive process of learning. 

Emotions are like an On/Off switch for learning. Emotions like joy and confidence have the power to motivate the learners whereas emotions like anger, frustration, and embarrassment are negative emotions. They can actually make the learning journey more difficult. An emotionally distorted class can be controlled by the power of positive emotions and the controlled body language of the teacher. 

Learners respond differently to the same stimuli on the basis of their emotional state of mind. Being aware of and managing one’s emotions may not be the easiest thing to do. Teachers are Superheroes in the life of learners who are juggling with complex emotions. I, being a happy teacher, facilitate ‘Super Heros’ realising their ‘Super Powers'.

Deepti Sharma 
Gyanshree School, Noida

Love is Learning - Paul Puthenveetil Variath

Love is learning. It is an ongoing process of growth, understanding, and adaptation. At its core, love is about making connections and building relationships. For a teacher, it's about forming deep bonds with students, their parents and fellow teachers. And like any meaningful connection, it requires effort and investment. Love asks us to learn about the students we care about — their hopes, fears, dreams, and vulnerabilities. It challenges us to see beyond surface appearances and embrace the complexities of their inner worlds. Love teaches us patience, compassion, and forgiveness as we navigate the inevitable conflicts and misunderstandings that arise in our lives as teachers and mentors of young men and women.

Moreover, love is a catalyst for personal & professional growth. Through our interactions with our students and colleagues, we confront aspects of ourselves that we may have overlooked or suppressed. Love challenges us to become better versions of ourselves — more empathetic, understanding, and resilient. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, encouraging us to confront our fears and insecurities head-on.

The most profound aspect of love as learning is its transformative power. Every teacher experiences this transformation when he/she loves this profession of teaching. It is explicit in his/her commitment and dedication. We carry with us the lessons we've learned, the memories we've shared, and the connections we've forged. Love shapes our perspectives, influences our decisions, and colours the way we see the world. Love is a lifelong quest to understand ourselves and others more deeply, cultivate meaningful connections, and embrace the beauty and complexity of human relationships. 

We, as teachers, play a pivotal role in shaping the minds and hearts of our students, guiding them not only in academic pursuits but also in personal and moral development. Effective teaching is not merely about imparting information; it is about fostering a genuine connection with students, understanding their individual needs, and nurturing their potential. This requires empathy, patience, and a deep commitment to the growth and well-being of each student. 

Just as in romantic relationships, the bond between teacher and student is built on a foundation of trust, respect, and mutual understanding. Like any meaningful relationship, it requires continuous learning and adaptation on the part of the teacher, who must remain open to new ideas, perspectives, and pedagogical approaches. Through the reciprocal exchange of knowledge, support, and encouragement, both teachers and students embark on a journey of discovery and growth, enriching each other's lives in profound and meaningful ways.

Paul Puthenveetil Variath
Additional Director- QCR&D

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Lifelong Learning - Sandeep's Post via Linkedin

A big thank you to the wonderful people who believed in me and continue to invest their faith in me. Their love and belief are my most considerable earnings, so I thought I would share some beautiful words they have penned for me.

Kunal Rajpurohit with Sandeep at The Fabindia School. The photo is of the steps leading to the principal's office. Kunal is currently a Fellow at The Teacher's Academy.

Photo credit - the official school photographer at The Fabindia School Annual Day celebrations.

One person whose contribution I would particularly like to highlight is Sandeep Dutt, who joined us as Chairman and Executive Director of the Bhadrajan Artisans Trust in 2012. He has facilitated many of the landmark achievements we celebrate today. - William N Bissell, Founder & MD Fabindia

You rarely come across a stand-out talent like Sandeep. He never fails to make a dramatic difference in any role he occupies. He can juggle multiple projects without compromising on the results. He can get teams to work to the highest standards through a strategic and inclusive leadership approach. Sandeep is a committed humanitarian and educationalist who has influenced change in the development and corporate sectors. He is highly recommended as a leader and as a team member.  - Cristal de Saldanha,  Leading Commonwealth Youth Adviser.

Learning Forward has developed best practices for the world through innovative innovations like the byte-sized PD, which focuses on core values and every individual's personal and social development. - Kalyani Chaudhuri, Principal Billabong High International School Thane

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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Why Relationships Matter? - Vani Vij

Relationships play a crucial role in mental, emotional, and physical well-being because they provide social support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Positive relationships contribute to emotional stability, and reduced stress, and can even impact physical health through shared activities and mutual care. Loneliness, on the other hand, has been linked to various health issues.

To improve any kind of relationship, communication is the key. Listen actively, express your thoughts openly, and seek understanding. Foster trust by being reliable and consistent. Show empathy and be willing to compromise. Prioritize quality time together and engage in shared activities. Be supportive during challenges and celebrate successes. Continuous effort, mutual respect, and a willingness to grow together can significantly enhance the strength of any relationship.

However, negative relationships often stem from poor communication, lack of trust, and unresolved conflicts. Other factors include dishonesty, disrespect, unmet expectations, and a lack of emotional support. Criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling are known as the "Four Horsemen" in relationships, identified by relationship expert John Gottman, and can contribute to negativity. Identifying and addressing these patterns can be crucial for building and maintaining healthy relationships. 

Overall, healthy relationships foster a supportive environment that promotes well-being on multiple levels.

Penned by Vani Vij
Sunbeam School(QCR&D) 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

War & Peace - Swati Kesharwani

A person reflecting on my own experiences, I have indeed been both the "different" person joining a new school and the one welcoming others into my space. When I joined a new school as a student, I vividly remember feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. In some instances, I was warmly welcomed by my peers and teachers, which made the transition much smoother. However, there were also times when I felt like an outsider, struggling to find my place amidst established social circles. As a teacher, I have also been in the position of welcoming new students into my classroom. I have always made a conscious effort to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, ensuring that new students feel valued and supported from day one.

Looking back, the pros of my own experiences joining a new space include the opportunity for personal growth, the chance to make new connections and friendships, and the exposure to different perspectives and cultures. However, there were also challenges, such as feelings of loneliness, the pressure to fit in, and the need to navigate unfamiliar social dynamics. In terms of welcoming others into my space, the pros include the satisfaction of making someone feel welcomed and included, the opportunity to learn from others' experiences, and the chance to broaden my own worldview. However, there may have been instances where I could have been more proactive in reaching out to new students or creating opportunities for them to connect with their peers.

As for possible learnings from these experiences, I have come to appreciate the importance of empathy, open-mindedness, and inclusivity in fostering a sense of belonging and community. I have learned that small gestures of kindness, such as offering a friendly smile or striking up a conversation, can make a big difference to someone who is feeling uncertain or alone. Moving forward, I aim to continue creating welcoming and inclusive spaces where everyone feels valued and respected.

If I imagined myself in Roma's place, faced with a high-risk scenario in the classroom, I would approach it with a calm and composed demeanour, while also being vigilant and proactive in addressing the situation. I would prioritize the safety of all students, quickly assess the level of risk, and intervene appropriately to de-escalate the situation. I would also make sure to follow up with the students involved, offering support, guidance, and resources as needed to prevent similar incidents in the future. Overall, the session on high-risk behaviour adds valuable insights and strategies that I can incorporate into my own approach to handling such situations in the classroom.

Sunbeam Annapurna
Masterclass (2024) 

War Vs Peace- Vani Vij

It's important for students to understand that War and Peace represent opposite ends of the conflict spectrum. War involves armed conflicts, violence, and hostility between nations or groups, often resulting in destruction and loss. On the other hand, Peace signifies a state of harmony and cooperative coexistence. 

War brings profound human suffering, causing loss of lives, displacement of communities, and long-lasting psychological trauma. Infrastructure is ravaged, economies collapse, and education and healthcare systems crumble. The environmental impact is severe, with destruction of ecosystems and pollution. Wars also fuel hatred and resentment, fostering cycles of violence and unrest that can persist for generations. Overall, the devastating consequences of war extend far beyond the battlefield, affecting societies on multiple levels.

Diplomacy, negotiation, and understanding play pivotal roles in maintaining peace. Through diplomatic channels, nations can address conflicts peacefully, fostering open communication and mutual respect. Negotiation allows parties to find common ground, compromise, and reach agreements that serve the interests of all involved. Understanding each other's perspectives promotes empathy, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflict escalation. These diplomatic efforts contribute to the creation of stable international relations, fostering a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue rather than violence.

Peace is crucial for students as it provides a conducive environment for learning and personal growth. In a peaceful setting, students can focus on their studies without the disruptions and anxieties caused by conflicts. It promotes a sense of safety, enabling them to explore ideas, express themselves, and collaborate with peers. Peace also nurtures positive mental health, allowing students to develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and a broader perspective on global issues. Ultimately, a peaceful environment fosters an atmosphere where education thrives, contributing to the well-being and success of students.

Penned by Vani Vij
Sunbeam School(QCR&D) 

Monday, March 4, 2024

War Vs Peace - Shalini Tiwari

 "निराशावादी को हर अवसर में कठिनाई दिखाई देती है।

                     आशावादी हर कठिनाई में अवसर देखता है।"

मेरा सोचना है कि जब कोई व्यक्ति नई संस्था में जाता है तो उसके मन में थोड़ा भय होता है कि मैं यहाँ के लिए उपयुक्त हूँ या नहीं, या मुझे स्वीकार किया जाएगा कि नहीं और यदि ऐसे में कोई अनुपयुक्त स्थिति उत्पन्न हो जाए तो विश्वास भी थोड़ा हिल जाता है। कुछ ऐसा ही अनुभव मेरे साथ हुआ। मैं जिस विद्यालय में आई थी वहाँ काम करने की कभी कल्पना भी नहीं की थी क्योंकि मैं स्वयं को उस काबिल नहीं समझती थी। परंतु कुछ ऐसी परिस्थितियाँ आईं कि मैं वहाँ तक पहुंच गई।

हर तरह के काम करने की चाह मुझे सकारात्मक सोच की तरफ ले जाती कि चलो कुछ तो नया अनुभव होगा और मैंने  स्वयं को सिद्ध करने का पूरा प्रयास किया। मैं भाग्यशाली थी कि मेरे प्रयासों का सकारात्मक प्रभाव विद्यालय प्रबंधन पर पड़ा और मैं वहाँ एक अध्यापिका के पद पर नियुक्त हुई। स्वाभाविक रूप से ज्यादातर मनुष्यों के अंदर प्रतिस्पर्धा का भाव रहता है, विकास के लिए आवश्यक भी है परंतु यह भी सच है कि प्रतिस्पर्धा व्यक्तिगत रूप से ज्यादा सामूहिक रूप में सफल होती है ।

अध्ययन के दौरान मैं सिखाने के विभिन्न तरीकों एवं शिक्षण सामग्री का प्रयोग करती रहती थी जिससे छात्र उत्सुकता और उत्साह के साथ अपनी भागीदारी दिखाते थे। फलस्वरूप कभी-कभी इस पर प्रतिक्रिया व्यंग्यात्मक तो कभी सकारात्मक होती थी। मेरे अनुभव के आधार पर शायद ये व्यक्तिगत स्वभाव का परिणाम होता है। किसी भी संस्थान के लिए सामूहिक एकता अत्यंत आवश्यक होती है। हमें सभी के विचारों और तरीकों का सम्मान करना चाहिए क्योंकि निष्कर्ष तो एक ही निकलेगा, जिसमें सफलता का मापदंड कम या ज्यादा हो सकता है।

यहाँ पर कुछ ऐसे बिंदु है जिस पर मैं अपना व्यक्तिगत अनुभव साझा कर रही हूँ –

  • अपनी नए कार्यशैली के बारे में प्रबंधन को अवश्य बताएंँ फिर लागू करें।
  • समय के साथ अपने संस्करण को बेहतर बनाएँ।
  • सहकर्मियों के विचारों और तरीकों का सम्मान करें क्योंकि हमारा लक्ष्य एक ही है।
  • अंतिम और महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु – ‘सकारात्मक सोच’ जो हर परिस्थिति में मनोबल को बनाए रखता है।

शालिनी तिवारी
सनबीम विद्यालय इन्दिरानगर
मास्टरक्लास (२०२४)

Saturday, March 2, 2024

War VS. Peace In Class - Carol Henrick

Teacher- Student Relationship 

One of the most sacred relationships in the world is that of a teacher & a student. The relationship between a teacher and a student is a unique bond. It’s a blend of respect, trust, and mutual learning.
Teachers and students are the two ends of knowledge-building in society. This is why it’s so important to form a rapport between them to be well constructed and to allow students to be the protagonists of their own learning process.

Sometimes, students are under pressure to accomplish so much within a short time, and a good student-teacher relationship may aid them in overcoming such challenges.

A relationship that acts as a guiding light to spot any problem right after conception. Educators are extremely attuned to their students’ reactions, conduct, and behaviours, so they can notice issues before they become significant problems regarding academic progress, behaviours, or personal matters. 

This sense of trust & respect results in an environment for rich conversation & common goals to learn. It also furnishes the impetus for risk-taking miscalculations & mistakes that lead to growth opportunities.

The classroom would then be a vibrant learning space, a place of inquiry, imagination & discovery that engenders in its students the practice of life learning, empowered with knowledge but made skilful & sensitive enough to face a world filled with uncertainties.

One behaviour issue that I have noticed from the very beginning is talking. I have noticed that when the students are asked to be quiet, they usually take this as an instruction to just be “quieter” rather than completely silent. I struggled with this because my cooperating teaching allowed this habit to continue often, and I knew that this was something that I needed to break coming into full takeover. 

I have learned the value of simply waiting. This was hard to do at first, knowing that many things we had to get through in a day, but when I stayed patient and refused to start the lesson without them being completely silent they noticed and reminded one another to stay quiet.

I would like to conclude by saying, "The bond between a teacher & student is built on trust, respect & understanding".

Carol Henrick
Sunbeam Suncity 

War Vs peace- Mohini Rai

A 15-year-old child's personality is not a result of a few days, a few months or a few minutes. Each and every minute, each and every year, each and every person matters a lot in creating a child's personality. A child's behaviour reflects his or her surroundings more or less.

When a child undergoes a longer period of personality-building process and reaches a certain age of adolescence, then they create a kind of boundary around them which is very hard or difficult to penetrate and enter. And maybe this is the stage, which we as teachers quote - a stubborn child. And, possibly we are wrong because this is the age where a child's personality is too delicate to handle. Their personality is too fragile at this stage. Possibly it could be difficult for a teacher to earn their faith. So as a teacher, one should not be judgmental of students.

For every teacher, his/her teaching experience actually matters. When I joined a new school, my first batch was actually very difficult for me to handle. Maybe my experience was less. Initially, I used to lose my temper frequently. Gradually I tried to read my children's mindset. I started looking at every situation from their perspective. This is how, to some extent, I have learned how to handle my Class of 40 students where each child is different from the others. 

In my teaching experience, I have encountered many cases where I found that each child in his or her opinion is always right. A child never finds himself in a mistake. Probably a child's behavior has a strong influence on his or her background. The most notorious child in the class could be the one who later on respects the teacher the most. The most indisciplined child could possibly be a successful businessman in the future. A truant could be an IAS officer in future. So we cannot judge a child's whole personality and behaviour just with a few incidences. 

In a class, a child may seek for acceptance. When they don't get this acceptance, they behave in a rebellious way. This rebellious behaviour could be his anger or frustration. Therefore a teacher must keep calm and patient enough to read the children's mindset and to understand the whole situation before reacting. After all each child has a beautiful heart inside, which could be delicate enough to be handled. So we should handle them with care. 

We all accept the fact that children come to school to learn but sitting in one place for six hours could be extremely difficult for those children who are highly energetic. Children are basically like little birds who want to fly freely in the open sky. If we encage them, they will not be happy. Similarly, a child encaged in a classroom for six hours can't be happy enough to sit for whole six hours. So, learning should be done in different ways such as flipped classrooms, activity-based learning and some curricular activities. Such activities will add extra spice to their six-hour learning which will make this teaching-learning process fresh and fun-filled. 

 Therefore, as a teacher, I can say that a teacher is just like a gardener who keeps on doing timely pruning of the baby plant to make it healthy and bloom beautifully so that it can bear fruits in future.

Courtesy: Mohini Rai 
Sunbeam Suncity

Friday, March 1, 2024

High Risk Behaviour in Classrooms - Deepti Sharma

Many challenges, which arise due to behavioural patterns, we see are due to intense emotions not handled carefully by teachers.

However, an equipped teacher tries to understand and work on the root cause of those challenges for now and forever. 

A student’s success is directly related to their feeling of connection at school. 

Connection before Correction is a fundamental positive discipline teacher tool. It encourages students to acknowledge that there is a problem and it needs to be corrected. 

A teacher is like a window to ignorant minds, facilitating the sunshine to pass through it. The broader the window the more the light will be passed into the dark room. Hence right path shall be visible.

We all want to be listened to, especially when we are talking about something important. How would one feel when one realised that one was unheard?

Being a Happy teacher, let’s hear out our students from the heart and build a supportive relationship with them.

Deepti Sharma
Gyanshree School, Noida

Why Relationships Matter?- Leena Bhattacharya


The Importance of Student-Teacher Relationship-Build the Bond

A student-teacher relationship in the classroom is a positive relationship between the teacher and the student to gain trust and respect from each other. This relationship may consist of getting to know our students better, providing choices and encouraging the students to become stronger learners every day.

By doing this, teachers respect their students, valuing their individuality and politeness. 

Having a positive relationship with our students helps them become more successful in the classroom as well as makes our classroom a safe and welcoming environment for all.

Strong relationships provide a foundation for students' engagement, belonging and ultimately- learning. The more high-quality relationships students have with their teachers, the better their engagement in school.

Relationship first, everything else second.

This commitment to building strong, empathetic, nurturing relationships before we begin putting pen on paper or thinking about facilitating a lesson. Remember, we must touch students' hearts first before we put anything into their heads.

Leena Bhattacharya
Sunbeam Suncity

Why Relationships Matter? - Swati Kesharwani

Why do Relationships Matter for Kids?

It’s not only parents' duty to teach children about relationship concepts but teachers can play a crucial role in it as well. That’s why schools in India are teaching children about relationship concepts helping them to create healthy relationships with other peers and this is necessary for the overall development of the child as alongside academics and sports children should also have knowledge about relationships.

Building warm, trusting relationships with the children in your care is one of the most important things you can do as an educator. 

Research shows that close relationships formed in early childhood can positively impact children’s academic and social-emotional skills while conflictual relationships can have a detrimental impact on the child’s well-being and development. 

Overall, relationship building in schools lays the foundation for a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel valued, motivated, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Swati Kesharwani 
Sunbeam Annapurna

Fire on the mountain..Run, Run, Run - Kapila Yadav

As a teacher, I can't help but feel a sense of concern and responsibility amidst the rising tide of new diseases and health challenges. It's disheartening to see how quickly we can move from one crisis to another, barely catching our breath before another threat emerges. 

However, amidst this turmoil, I also find solace in my role as a guide and educator. I believe that education is key to combating these issues. By raising awareness about diseases and promoting preventive measures, we can empower individuals to take control of their health and reduce the burden of these illnesses.

Furthermore, addressing the underlying social determinants of health, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to healthcare, is essential for creating a healthier and more equitable world. By tackling these root causes, we can create conditions that support overall well-being and resilience in the face of health challenges.

In my role as a teacher, I will continue to educate and empower my students to become advocates for health and agents of change in their communities. Together, we can work towards a future where everyone has the opportunity to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Sunbeam International School 

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