Training & Development Volunteer – India

Role Profile
(Version 1 – To be finalised upon commencement)

Job Description:
Job Title: Training & Development Volunteer - India
Location: Based at Delhi
Reports To: National Director
Direct Reports: None

1. Summary and Main Purpose:

The post will be responsible for the key areas of: Developing Partnerships; Extending the Award; and Quality Assurance within India. This post will also actively participate in aspects of the Strengthening the Structure pathway, where this pathway is concerned with areas of Award management and leadership development. Volunteers will work closely with the Delhi based National Director and the National team as well as liaise with the London based Programme team to ensure coordination of activity, policy and strategy.

The role has overall responsibility for the key areas of:

I. Work closely with the National Director, to set and meet the country’s annual objectives with particular regard to the Developing Partnerships, QA and Extending the Award pathways.

II. Design, develop and implement the capacity building and training, particularly in the developing and facilitating of best practice in the India and in helping key and emerging Zonal Award Authoritys (ZAAs) and Partners to develop training teams and plans.

III. Actively contribute to Award Management and Leadership training and development activity within the country.

IV. Maintain and develop effective and productive relationships with key delivery partnership organisations, such as Partners, World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM), World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), the Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) and others.

V. Proactively provide operational advice and pastoral care support to ZAAs, IOs and emerging National alliance partners in the social and corporate sector as required.

VI. Proactively develop and supporting key Gold Award holders throughout the region and follow up work with the Award volunteers and youth representatives.

2. Key Accountabilities:

KA 1 To contribute to the setting and meeting of the country’s annual objectives, with particular regard to the Developing Partnerships, QA and Extending the Award pathways.

KA 2 To motivate, encourage and further develop the Award Programme in the Country through designing and conducting appropriate training, contributing as a presenter at National conferences and events, utilising partner networks and country visits

KA 3 To research, develop and manage the training and development strategy for the NAA and its associated budget, in close liaison with the National Director/team and the Programme team

KA 4 To champion and ensure the application of Award delivery best practice across the country including the coordination and implementation of pilot projects or special initiatives.

KA 5 To provide operational advice and pastoral care to ZAAs, IOs and emerging National License Holders through visits and regular contact

KA 6 To contribute to Award management and leadership development in the country through the NAA and related project activity

KA 7 To establish productive links with youth networks such as National Youth Councils etc

KA 8 To facilitate links between Award holders and work with ZAAs to encourage them to engage their Award holders in developing the work of the Award

KA 9 To provide leadership, support and work with the regional youth representatives for meaningful participation in the governance and planning process

KA 10 To develop new operational, promotional and training materials as required

KA 11 To produce reports for the country and for the Programme team as required and assist the National Director in preparing concept papers, proposals and reports on regional/global youth development issues for the Chairman and for governance meetings

KA 12 To contribute and participate in NAA / Governing Council and other National meetings as required

KA 13 To promote the Award and the work of the Association at every opportunity, including to external and internal bodies and partners

KA 14 To perform any other task which may be assigned by the National Director

3. Essential Knowledge/Experience

i. Educated to degree level or equivalent
ii. Proven experience and evidence of success in a training and development role
iii. Proven experience of designing and delivering training
iv. Proven experience in running training events and public speaking
v. Experience of writing training plans and developing resources and materials
vi. Experience of managing relationships with partners and volunteers
vii. Experience of managing resources
viii. Experience of monitoring and evaluating training and development programmes

4. Desirable Knowledge/Experience

I. Experience of working in the charity/ not-for-profit sector
II. Knowledge and experience of the Award
III. Experience of quality assurance processes
IV. Working knowledge of the common national languages

5. Skills & Abilities
(acquired by training or experience)

I. Group facilitation
II. Small group training
III. Computer literate – word processing, power point and spreadsheet skills
IV. Designing, writing training plans and support material
V. Project and event management and evaluation
VI. Development and annual planning
VII. Budgeting and accounts
VIII. Quality monitoring

6. Competencies
(behaviours necessary to do the job well)

I. Excellent written and oral communication skills
II. Communicate concepts in simple clear language
III. Planning and prioritising
IV. Customer focused
V. Decision making
VI. Credible working and training with a variety of diverse cultures, gender, age and social groups
VII. Problem solver and Ideas generation
VIII. Results and outcome focused
IX. Effective communicator with different stakeholders and with colleagues at all levels of the organisation
X. Team player; is able to lead, manage and support as required
XI. Ability to work in a small team

7. Measures of Success
 Achievement of key accountabilities and national plan

Welcome to contact the National Office or email

Minutes of the meeting at OAC on 23rd August 2009

TIME: 4:00PM – 6:00PM
VENUE: Open Award Centre
               Sri Aurobindo Society, Adchini, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi 110017

PRESENT: Chaiman and Executive Trustee- Admiral Suren P Govil
National Director- Mr Sandeep Dutt
Youth Reprisentative- Ms. Shloka Vaidialingam & Mr. Rohit Saxena

To begin with the committee members introduced the ‘The International Award For Young People’, speakders were : Admiral Suren P Govil, Mr Sandeep Dutt, Ms. Shloka Vaidialingam.
Once the participants understood what was required of them, they were registered with the award by
Sachi Sareen (Open Award Center Team Leader).

The following is the list of participants that have been officially registered with the award:
1)Divyangana Dhankar Faculty of Law
2)Sahil Cordeiro St. Stephens College
3)Arshiya Singh Takar ---
4)Gauri Mehta DDV(Delhi University)
5)Ishaan Bhatia St. Stephens College
6)Karishma Rawat St. Stephens College
7)Gursheen Ghuman Jawaharlal Nehru University
8)Manvi Gutam Lady Sri Ram
9)Gayatri Talwar St. Stephens College
10)Sarthak Vyas St. Stephens College

Meanwhile Mr. Dutt addressed the team of volunteers, assigning them to various divisions as per their strengths and interests.

In the following is the list of Volunteers with their respective duties:
1. Training - Devyani (Works in Award Office)
2. Communication - Shloka (Youth Rep NAA - assist in PR and Communication)
3. Open Award Centre - Saachi (OAC Team Leader)
4. Event Management - Sanya (Works in Award Office)
5. Web and IT - Samriddhi (Will help Priyank)
6. Programme development - Freya (Works in Award office)
7. Award India - Karisma (Will assist Mrs. Jyotsna Govil)
8. Alumni - Rohit (Youth Rep NAA - assit in IT and Alumni)
9. Office Assitant - Chittranjan Das (Works for Book Cafe, handles the Award desk)
10. Award Office - Kritika (Volunteer Team Leader)

The meeting was concluded by Rohit Saxena who heads Alumni and Facebook initiatives. He addressed those present through a power point presentation, focusing on how the award has been progressing in india since it was initiated as well as ways in which we as key users of networking sights such as Facebook,can aid in the further spread of the award.

The next official meeting of volunteers and participants will be held on the 5th of September,2009 where the Open Award Center will be launched.

There after the team will meet every third Sunday of the month at the Open Award Center.

Special thanks to Chaiman and Executive Trustee- Admiral Suren P Govil,whose energy and young spirit stems to inspire the youth of today towards taking this award across barriers. We are most grateful to Ms. Daljeet Walia, Director of SAIMC, for not only being our host but for assuring us of full suppport towards the Open Award Centre Project.

Agenda for the Meeting of Volunteers at SACAC

We all meet on Sunday 23rd at 4 PM Sri Aurobindo Society, on road to Qutab Institutional area, from Adchini.

Need to separate Volunteers and Participants.

THE PARTICIPATION - Open Award Centre Team
Saachi ...will head the participation initiative, and Shloka will mentor.
The launch of Open Centre fixed for 5th Sept 09.

THE VOLUNTEERS - the Award Office Team
Kritika / Freya will captain the Volunteer imitative and the Volunteers of the Office will chip in.

We need to set up volunteer groups / projects:

1. Training ???

2. Communication - Shloka to take care of this.

3. Open Award Centre - Saachi will handle this.

4. Event Management - ???

5. Web and IT - Priyank is doing this, will need volunteers

6. Programme development - ???

7. Fund raising - ???

8. Alumni - Rohit to head this

9. Partnering - with corporate and social organizations

The Award and the Universities

The Award: Equipping young people with skills for life

The Award is an exciting self-development programme for 14-25 year olds worldwide, which equips them with life skills to make a difference to themselves and their communities.

Introduced first in the UK, the Award is now available in over 125 countries. More than 750,000 young people are now taking part in the programme, including college and university students from 630 institutions.

Offering individuals the chance to develop their skills, the Award is popular with students looking to improve their chances in the job market, and with good reason. In a recent survey employers ranked the Award as the most valuable extra-curricular activity when it came to skills for employment.

The Award: Benefits to students
Balancing your studies and, for many, a part-time job or voluntary work, can be hard enough without joining a club or society. But taking part in the Award programme allows you to build in your existing activities, and get recognised for them.

Split into four sections, Skills, Physical Recreation, Service and Adventurous Journey, the Award is tailored to each individual. For each section, you get to choose what you want to do, which means you can tie in your activities with your study.

You may be involved in voluntary work, for example. This work comes under the Service section of the Award. Or perhaps you’ve taken up a sport. Any physical activities that you are already involved in can be put towards your Award.

The Award is a life changing experience that enables you to:

· Learn new skills to add to your CV; team work, communication and problem solving, skills which employers find valuable

· Complete the Award alongside your studies and other commitments – fit it in around your time

· Make a difference to your community through volunteering and impress employers with your commitment to helping others

· Build your confidence - try something new

· Make lasting friendships

“The Award ensures you ALWAYS have something to talk about in interviews,” says Alex Murphy, University of Melbourne Gold Award Participant and Board Member of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Victoria.

“It guarantees life experience, teamwork and commitment - all things employers look for.”

“The Award recognises young people for the list of extra-curricular and voluntary activities to which they give their time. It’s often tough to balance school or college with activities, but Gaisce (the Award in Ireland) makes it easier. I think it’s because at the end of it you have a something that rewards you for all the work you put in!” says University of Limerick student Aoife Finnerty.

The Award and Institutions

The Award is also beneficial to institutions themselves, not least as a way to ensure students have a positive learning experience. The Award can:

· Add value to learning by integrating a programme that offers practical experience and builds confidence

· Help an institution build relationships with local businesses and the wider community

· Make you an institution of choice for students looking for more than just a qualification

· Build a team of student volunteers who go on to become Award leaders themselves who promote the Award and the institution

In Irish universities, the Award (Gaisce) is making a big difference to students and to institutions themselves.

“Gaisce – The President’s Award - is the most prestigious Award for young people in Ireland and is well respected internationally, says Student Development Co-ordinator Aidan Healy.

“We looked at how we could encourage learning outside the classroom and how we could engage with the community around us,” he explains.

“I had done the Award myself and thought it would be a great way to get students interested in activities outside the classroom. The fact that the Award is already set up nationwide was also a benefit to us, as with limited resources starting from scratch could have taken us a long time. It made sense for us to link up with a programme that is already well established and geared up to supporting those who wish to run it. Anyone at the university can oversee the process, from academics to support staff."

Students completing the Award at the University are also attracting publicity.

“The Award is generating positive publicity for the University and its students. There are times when the media can only focus on negative stories about student behaviour. Having positive coverage about students who are involved in good causes helps to change people’s attitudes and, therefore, build better relations in the community.”

In India, the Award is being used to engage students more with society, and to help build their skills for life. An Open Award Centre has been set up specifically for university students to focus on skills development and vocational training. The Centre offers students a programme for mass media, communication, visual arts and other skills. This Centre will bring together 10,000 students from independent colleges in New Delhi to complete the Award, individuals who would have previously been disengaged with society.

The International Award: A positive learning experience

At Egerton University, located in Njoro 200 km from Nairobi, the Award is helping young people make a difference in their communities. Award participants are teaching in primary and secondary schools, providing information on HIV/AIDS and taking part in outreach work to support parents. They are also fundraising to help send three children from primary schools they’ve visited on to secondary education.

“Participating in the Award Programme has been a powerful experience. Since joining the Programme, campus life has been fun and organized. It has instilled discipline and motivation to studies and other activities. There is the joy of participating in an activity and achieving what you set,” explains John Paul Kibet, Award holder and Unit Leader at Egerton University.

“Though some things are not fun, the spirit of perseverance developed after attending expeditions and physical recreation comes in handy. More still, becoming an Award Leader and seeing participants through the programme feels comforting. It gives one the opportunity to pass on the knowledge to someone else. I cannot tell how I would be if I did not join the Award, but I bet it would not have been as good as now”.

Good citizens

In Australia, institutions can see the value the Award brings to their students, their institution and to their community.

“The activities that Deakin students undertake to obtain their Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, will enhance, enrich and supplement the graduate attributes that students gain during their course of study,” explain Andrew Giles, Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor, Deakin University and David Essex, Director of Student Life, Deakin University.

“Deakin University is keen to ensure that all Deakin students maximise their opportunities to participate in programs of activities that will enrich their educational experience and enhance their graduate attributes – the Gold Award is such a programme.”

To find out more about the Award and how you can take part as a student or an institution, contact:

Sandeep Dutt
National Director
International Award for Young People, India
Call +91 11 64662720

Information courtesy : Communications Team, International Award office London

The Award this week

British Council pledges their support
NAA members meet at Modern School
British High Commission to support the Award Programme
Meeting with Award Volunteers
The Award Volunteers desk

12th of August 2009
Mr. Rod Pryde invited us to the British Council and introduced us to the new Director Programmes for India and Sri Lanka Mr. Charlie Walker. We are working on a MOU with British Council and more news will follow.

13th of August 2009
Meeting of NAA members at Modern School, kindly hosted by Mrs. Lata Vaidyanathan.
1. The Capacity Building and Training being done by the National Office will not be a NTW.
2. The National office will NOT run the Award in units / schools; will work with Corporate and Social bodies.
3. The Zones will focus on schools and add momentum to the Award with support from the NAA.
4. The events / workshops of the National Office will help build up the Volunteer force and the Award brand.
5. The next issue of Award India is due October 2009 and will focus on Capacity Building and Training.

14th of August 2009
British High Commissioner Sir Richard Stagg has kindly offered support and venue for events of the Award programme.

15th of August 2009
Meeting of Devyani & Kritika with Sandeep Dutt. It was decided to focus on the opening of the Award centre at SACAC on the 23rd of August 2009, and to build up the strength of the Award office with the help of Volunteers.

16th of August 2009
Kritika joins as Volunteer at the Award office, our Volunteer desk id is
At the office Chittranjan Das is available on +91 11 64662720, all weekdays 9 AM to 7 PM.
Need for 25 Award volunteers, contact Kritika for details (


Update and directions for Award Volunteers


The next NTW is being managed by the South Zone, and Mrs. Margarette Davidraj is planning this in January 2010 at Ooty.

With kind support for the new Development Plan from the Trustees and funds from IS, the renewed focus will be to build the 18-25 year Award Programme, the emphasis will be on Capacity build and Training (CBT) at a national level.

CBT and NOT 'NTW', will carry forward the theme of youth engagement and work on ways to deliver the Programme for the 18-25 age groups

Building on the core competency and capacity building in India, the focus will be on:

  • Train the Teachers and Award Volunteers
  • Offer a snapshot of the Award experience
  • Responding to an enhanced national agenda
The effort is promote the Award Programme in partnership with the Corporate and Social sectors. This will be in addition to the good work being done by the Zones at the School level, for 14-18 age groups. The National Award Office, will focus on building the Award Programme in partnership with corporate / social / institutions and groups that further the education and development agenda.

The forthcoming events are :-

September : Role of Volunteers 

October 9-11 : CBT "Capacity Building and Training Workshop"
last date of filing nominations is 21st August 2009-08-14
Please email to if you need the form.

December - Award Holders Forum

All the three events are being funded by a special one-time grant by the International Secretariat and will be delivered in New Delhi alone.

When the Zones choose delegates / participants, there is the need to choose individuals in light of the new enhanced national agenda please.

Finally, to save all from information overload, we have set up a warehouse for information and updates at
This will have the latest news and updates about our Programmes and Developments. All updates and information will now be available on our websites
Many thanks for the feedback by the Zonal Chairpersons and the Field Officers, for the most valued inputs.

With best wishes for the Independence Day.



Esteemed Ladies & Gentlemen, the Corporate Titans and businessmen & women of our unique, ancient Indian nation. Please lend your country your eyes, your ear, your love, your support and – most importantly - your incomparable determination to achieve in these strained times of competitiveness and ecological chaos. This appeal has little to do with boardroom discussions, the infrastructure of your companies or any aspect of profit. But please do not stop reading this missive!

If we do not have respect for our own selves, each other or the nation of our birth and life, then how can we expect the rest of the world to have any respect for us? Therefore to ensure the land we live in is a safe & healthy haven for each and every citizen, the people of India are about to be encouraged to go to war against desertification of our country, against the death of our holy, life-giving rivers, mountains and seas, and against deforestation of the paltry 11% of forest India has managed to retain against indiscriminate felling.

Rich or poor, we all need clean air to breathe, pure water to drink and uncontaminated food to eat. And putting it very bluntly, the ecology of the nation we all know and love as Bharat Ma, Hindusthan and India is dying, and we need your help, as the inspiring citizens of this nation, to work together with us all to reverse that grim reality - for the good of all concerned.

Our action plan is as follows: -

 That for the next 12 months we are going to ignite a fire in the citizens of India to reverse the disgraceful damage done to the environment we all live in by Re-Greening India – For Life, using the electronic and physical media to spread the message that action is required by each and every individual.
 That the Collectors of every district, in each of India’s individual states designate one large plot in each Panchayat Block for reforestation. This ensures people can easily reach the sites, with or without transport.
 That in larger towns, cities & Metros the Municipal Corporation designates one area in each voting division on large degraded land plots, again, so that all citizens can reach the areas easily.

 That the Ministry of Forests & Environment requests every DFO in each district to ensure the growth of ample indigenous saplings of value to each region in India, in each and every nursery across the country. And as August 2009 approaches the forest dept. will supply the saplings to their fellow countrymen, women and children for planting at the designated sites.

 That on 26th January and 15th August 2009 the commencement of this campaign - “Re-Greening India – For Life!” begins after the Flag hoisting ceremonies are completed celebrating on our Republic and Independence Day. Every year for a 10-year period the people of India will repeat this process until our green cover is what it should be in this most ancient, most cultured and most unique and diverse land.

 That we ask the corporations and business houses of India to contribute to the protection of these locations being reforested by providing the fencing, irrigation source and guards per plot to ensure these efforts to maintain good quality oxygen for our citizens; to prevent soil erosion and landslides and to ensure water and not soil flows into our rivers and seas during the monsoon seasons.

In comparison to the era of my childhood in this land - when our world was greener, and we as a nation were infinitely more sensitive to the natural world and all the voiceless creature therein - we are at a shocking juncture in regard to the environmental devastation in India, with most of the country’s citizens too busy trying to succeed, or even survive, to pay this aspect of life any real attention.
The current status of India as a place to live a healthy life is becoming a major concern, but as awful as it may be we have absolutely no right whatsoever to bequeath this total mess to the children of today and future generations. This situation can only be reversed with the whole-hearted efforts of every citizen and friend of the country.

So please join this campaign to reverse the destruction of our beautiful India
 Your corporate business name will be displayed on the Internet, TV networks, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, airports, and cinema hall, bus depots and hoardings, in all regional languages, for the full 10-year period. (Should you wish to change the copy for such promotional material during the course of the campaign any costs would be borne by the said company.)

 Posts and signs stating the name of the corporations & Business houses that contributed to the protection of that particular reforestation plot will encircle each reforestation plot. We would need to be supplied with your particular corporation’s or business house’s signboards.

 Your corporation or business house will be seen being in touch with the fundamental needs of all those living in the Indian nation, for we all have to breathe air, drink water and eat food to live.

In anticipation of your positive response and participation in this campaign we the people of India thank you most sincerely, and look forward to working together for a cause important to you, all of us who currently reside in India, and the future generations who will thank and bless you for your involvement to save our fragile ecology in India.

To become involved in our efforts to Re-Green India – For Life!, please contact Margie Watts-Carter on the following email addresses: -

Websites & email addresses

National Training Workshop (NTW), New Delhi India, 9-11 October 2009

7th August 2009
Theme: Growing Confidence
Originally planned for Coimbatore, now being held at New Delhi
Building on the core competency and capacity building in India, the focus will be on:

Ø Train the trainers and award volunteers

Ø Offer a snapshot of the Award experience

Ø Responding to an enhanced national agenda

1. Format & Key Topics
The NTW will incorporate group work, case studies, presentations and subject matter experts on how to best engage and add value to the sections of the Award Programme.

2. Outcomes: Confidence and capacity building to meet the draft plan objectives

Ø To demonstrate the Award’s usefulness to society and drive development, Participants will interact with Trainers and volunteers.

3. The Trainers
The trainers for NTW2009 will be from the National Office and Zones.

4. The Participants
The participants sought for NTW2009 must be Award Leaders and Trainers in the Zones / Units. We are seeking participants with a demonstrated interest and/or involvement in extending the Award into the wider community to meet a higher need.

The NTW 2009 participants will be five from each Zone .

In addition, it is aimed to have a group of external high level resource people – to work with each of the groups and then form a panel for a series of group presentations.

5. The Venues
The training and accommodation venues for the National Training Workshop are:

NTW2009 Training Venue Accommodation Venue
Sri Aurobindo SocietyAdchini Crossing, On Qutab RoadNew Delhi 110017

Sri Aurobindo AshramSri Aurobindo MargOpp. IIT CampusNew Delhi 110016

The centre is equipped with the necessary equipment, landscaped outdoor facilities, an auditorium and training centre.

Please note: Sri Aurobindo accommodation rooms are only available to us from noon 9 October 2009 to noon 11 October 2009. Any pre or post accommodation will be at delegate’s own arrangement and expense.

6. The Costs

All costs will be covered by the National Award Office; from noon Friday 9th October 2009 to noon Sunday 11th October 2009.

Delegates may apply for flight/travel subsidy to reach New Delhi.
A registration fee of Rs. 1000/- per delegate applies to all without any exemptions.
The Fee has to accompany the FORM, please remit by draft / at par cheque to “IAYP India” payable at New Delhi

7. The Programme

Date Programme

Friday 9th October
Arrivals (check-in from noon)Informal Lunch
Welcome Briefing
Session 1
Welcome dinner

Saturday 10th October
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Evening Free time post 4.00 PM

Sunday 11th October
Session 5
Closing Session
Tea & evening Departures Note (check-out by noon) – pre lunch

7. Registration Forms – by 21st August 2009

Completed registration forms for all participants should please be returned to the National Office by 21st August 2009. Formal invitations will be provided upon receipt of completed registration forms with participant names.

The NTW2009 Registration form follows and should be returned to the National Office by Friday 21st August 2009.

Note: further Travel Itinerary and Contact Details form will be sent to each participant via Zonal Award Authority.

Thank you for completing and returning this form for each participant by 21st of August 2009.


Weekly Award update

1. AV Team (Award Volunteers Team) Meeting will be on the 23rd August 2009
Venue: SACAC (Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Culture)
Please visit website for details and location,

• Orientation of new Award participants
• Enrolment at the Open Award Centre
• Plan for the Award Holders Association

Award holders and volunteers are welcome, for more information please contact:
AV Team Leader - Devyani Dutt
LSR Award Leader - Kritika
St. Stephens Award Leader - Saachi
Hans Raj College Award Leader - Meehak
JMC Award Leader - Freya

2. The National Office will host the IS supported National Workshop.
The Workshop originally planned for Coimbatore 9-11 October 2009 has been relocated to New Delhi, as a part of Capacity Building and Training, supported by the International Secretariat.
The venue now will be Sri Aurobindo Centre

National Training Workshop (NTW), New Delhi India, 9-11 October 2009
Theme: Growing Confidence
Building on the core competency and capacity building in India, the focus will be on:

 Train the trainers and award volunteers
 Offer a snapshot of the Award experience
 Responding to an enhanced national agenda

NTW will carry forward youth engaging in society, and work on ways to deliver the Programme for the 18-25 age groups

Format & Key Topics
The NTW will incorporate group work, case studies, presentations and subject matter experts on how to best engage and add value to the sections of the Award Programme.

Outcomes: Confidence and capacity building to meet the draft plan objectives
 To demonstrate the Award’s usefulness to society and drive development, Participants will interact with Trainers and volunteers.

The Trainers
The trainers for NTW2009 will be from the National Office and Zones.

The Participants
The participants sought for NTW2009 must be Award Leaders and Trainers in the Zones / Units. We are seeking participants with a demonstrated interest and/or involvement in extending the Award into the wider community to meet a higher need.

The NTW 2009 participants will be five from each Zone, please contact the nearest Zonal office for further details and for expression of interest.

In addition, it is aimed to have a group of external high level resource people – to work with each of the groups and then form a panel for a series of group presentations.

3. As a part of capacity building and training, NAA will do an add-on session to the Coimbatore Workshop in Delhi and focus on "Role of Volunteers". The workshop will help draft the Volunteer Management Policy. This will be developed after the meeting at the Open Award Centre on the

4. Nominations called for RTW 2009 in November, last date is 1st Sept 2009.
Asia Pacific Regional Training Workshop, New Delhi India, 23-29 November 2009
The details and forms available with the Zonal office.

Theme: Define The Future. The Award and National Development.
RTW will carry forward youth engaging in society, an umbrella challenge for the Region 2009-10.

Format & Key Topics
The RTW will incorporate group work, case studies, presentations and subject matter experts on how to best engage and add value to these six (6) sectors:

Local community
NGO/international sector

The Participants (Selection Criteria)
The participants sought for RTW2009 will have to be experienced hands and individuals with roles in policy, administration and youth engagement in the Zones.

We are seeking participants with a demonstrated interest and/or involvement in extending the Award into the wider community to meet a higher need.

The RTW 2009 participants from each Zone (two per zone) will work in six pre-selected groups. Each delegate will be asked to give inputs as a part of the RTW2009 registration process, and be involved in one or more of the six sectors and area of particular interest. The need for previous experience is important.

5. Proposed AHA (Award Holders Association) Summit in December 2009, send in your suggestions to Rohit Saxena please. He is our moderator on Facebook; we hope to have a group of 1000 individuals on FACEBOOK by then. Rohit Saxena is our NAA Youth Rep. and is working on this. He will contact the Zones to form chapters in each Zone, Namrata Daga in South, Swati in East have volunteered to assist. Rhea and Utkarsh, Gold holders in Delhi will support Rohit in his efforts.

6. Facebook and the website very active; and we now have near 340 fans and friends on Facebook.

7. South Zone to host the Annual National Workshop in Ooty in January 2009. The design and delivery will be done by the South Zone Team alone, with necessary inputs from all the Zones.

8. The OAC (OPEN AWARD CENTRE) pilot project of the National Office - details above in Para 1
How will we do this?
•On the 23rd of August 2009 Shloka will do a road show for new entrants.
•The OAC will be run and managed with the help of the AV Team.
•The final AV Team will be in shape in the coming few weeks.
•In Sept 2009 the AV Team will attend the ROLE OF VOLUNTEERS workshop.

The Open Award Centre is a pilot being done by the National Office and will register participants / individuals who cannot make it of any of the North Zone units. In addition the National Office will License Corporate bodies and Social organisation to operate the Award Programme.

The National Office is working with the AV Team and will run necessary training and development.

9. In the coming week the National Director to attend meetings at:
The British Council - to work on plans for partnering
The Modern School - to update NAA members and Award Volunteers on development so far
The British High Commission - seek support from the HC

Cheers, more until next week!

Calendar of Events IAYP India

July 09 – Meeting of the Brand Task Force (London 28-29, 2009)

August 09 – opening of the Open Award Centre, Delhi

September 09 – Role of Volunteers, Delhi

October 09  – National Training Workshop, New Delhi & Chairman to attend the Forum.

November  09 – Regional Training Workshop, New Delhi

December – 09 Meeting of the Award Holders Association, New Delhi

January 2010 – National Workshop – annual feature, hosts South Zone at Ooty

February 2010 – Meeting with NGOs / partners / youth bodies (National office to plan)

March 2010 – National Directors Strategic Alliance. (Initiative of the Regional office)


The Award this Week

TATW as on Sunday the 2nd of August 2009

1. Things to do for the AV Team (Award Volunteers Team)
  • Make an Executive Team and nominate Award Leaders for colleges
  • Workshop plan - ROLE OF VOLUNTEERS
  • First Orientation and formal launch of the Open Award Centre will be 23rd August 2009
2. The South Zone will host the IS supported National Workshop at Coimbatore 9-11 October 2009.
The venue is Chinmaya International School.

Total 30 = North, West and East will have 5 each, 5 for NAA and 10 for South
30 number includes faculty and trainers (NAA 5 will cover that).

The faculty will have two Award Volunteers, two trainers and one Director.
NAA 5 delegates = The Trustees of the APF have nominated the National Director to be the QA (Quality Assurance) Member on the trainers faculty, for the Coimbatore workshop.

The Zones are free to decide the five participants and may need to do rail bookings ASAP. Zones to please start the search for the 5 participants in each zone. The South will have 10 nominations.

3. As a part of capacity building and training, NAA will do an add-on session to the Coimbatore Workshop in Delhi and focus on "Role of Volunteers". The workshop will help draft the Volunteer Management Policy.

4. Nominations called for RTW 2009 in November, last date is 1st Sept 2009.
Asia Pacific Regional Training Workshop, New Delhi India, 23-29 November 2009

Theme: Define The Future. The Award And National Development.
RTW will carry forward youth engaging in society, an umbrella challenge for the Region 2009-10.

Format & Key Topics
The RTW will incorporate group work, case studies, presentations and subject matter experts on how to best engage and add value to these six (6) sectors:
local community
NGO/international sector

The Participants (Selection Criteria)
The participants sought for RTW2009 will have a to be experienced hands and individuals with roles in policy, administration and youth engagement in the Zones.

We are seeking participants with a demonstrated interest and/or involvement in extending the Award into the wider community to meet a higher need.

The RTW 2009 participants from each Zone (two per zone) will work in six pre-selected groups. Each delegate will be asked to give inputs as a part of the RTW2009 registration process, and be involved in one or more of the six sectors and area of particular interest. The need for previous experience is important.

5. Proposed AHA (Award Holders Association) Summit in December 2009, send in your suggestions to Rohit Saxena please. He is our moderator on Facebook, we hope to have a group of 1000 individuals on FACEBOOK by then.

6. Facebook and the website very active, and we now have near 325 fans and friends on Facebook.

7. South Zone to host the Annual National Workshop in Ooty in January 2009. The design and delivery will be done my the South Zone Team alone, with necessary inputs from all the Zones.

8. The OAC (OPEN AWARD CENTRE) pilot project of the National Office

How will we do this?

  • On the 23rd of August 2009 Shloka and Rohit will do a road show for new entrants.
  • The OAC will be run and managed with the help of the AV Team.
  • The final AV Team will be in shape in the coming few weeks.
  • In Sept 2009 the AV Team will attend the  ROLE OF VOLUNTEERS workshop.

The Open Award Centre is a pilot being done by the National Office and will register participants / individuals who cannot make it of any of the North Zone units.

The National Office is working with the AV Team and will run necessary training and development.

9. IC Brand Task Force meeting in London,  meeting was chaired by The Earl himself.
This group is working in the strategy to build the Brand of the AWARD and has the best of professionals from all over the world; Award Volunteers, Gold Holders, National Directors, Regional Directors and Trustees. The report will be presented at the Forum in October 2009

Cheers, more until next week at TATW

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