There are a lot of relationships in our lives, in this world like – a relationship between friends, parents, school children, classmates, workmates and even neighbours. A relationship is easy to make, but it is so hard to make that relationship stronger and lasting. A long lasting relationship is very easy to establish if we put the spirit of trust.
Here we are talking about a relationship of teachers with their students that how to build a good rapport with students by winning their confidence. Building trust is a process. In schools/colleges and even universities and other top educational institutes, it is not just; about trust between teachers and students, but between faculty and other faculty and their supporting staff of his institute too.
Improving student’s relationships with teachers have significant, active and long. It is seen that students who have close contact with their class teachers having active and supportive relationships would attain higher levels of achievement than others, students must talk to their teachers frequently without any fear, tell them their problems and receive guidance. The student is likely to trust their teacher more show their engagement in learning rather enter into conflict, show their better behaviour in the classroom, with their classmates, school staff. Positive teacher-student relationship draws students into the process of learning and good manners.
The teachers win the students trust by showing their love for them, sorting out their day to day problems helping them in their daily school learning activities, devote their time so that students feel home like atmosphere in the school and make the best relationship with their students, as trust within a relationship encompasses much more, as relationship always based on trust. Without trust, there would be no connection we can build with the students.
Teachers who have healthy, positive relationships with their students create a healthy environment which meets students developmental emotional and academic need. Teachers who create a good relationship with their students and win the trust of the students brings success as students attended their periods in the classroom regularly, remained cooperative and show good results in the examination. Teacher must adopt good relationships with their students by showing their pleasure, interact with responsive and respectful manners, avoid showing irritability aggravation, avoid negative attitude, teacher have to make an efforts to spend time individually with each student especially who are weak in their studies, shy in nature & who remained in stress by one or the other reason. This will help to create a more positive relationship with their students, encourage students to participate in games, yoga and give them best possible health tips, give them meaningful feedback, take them in a picnic in some historical, spiritual places.
Trust them so as to create/develop the best relationship among teachers and the students in this new era.
- Anita Sharma is a teacher at DBN Amarvilla School at Jammu, her email is
It is a very beautiful and awesome thing in the world. Without it we do not proceed in life. To make my notion clear, I take the example of a child who feels secure in the arms of his/her mother. He knows that my mother will not fall me that is called relational trust. Here is an example of a blood relation, to explain the idea. But I like to make it clear by giving the example of teacher & student. Students usually follow the command of his /her teacher. Toddlers always feel that my teacher is right. He imitates the teacher, not his /her parents. In class 1st of our school, student name (Pragun) follows the command of Shobha Ma'am no one else that is called relational trust. Relational trust is just like a pearl which dazzles when we care it. Otherwise, it looses its charm.
- Meenakshi Sharma is a teacher at DBN Amarvilla School at Jammu, her email is
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Arti Sharma of DBN SNS School shares her thought, you can email her |
It is a very beautiful and awesome thing in the world. Without it we do not proceed in life. To make my notion clear, I take the example of a child who feels secure in the arms of his/her mother. He knows that my mother will not fall me that is called relational trust. Here is an example of a blood relation, to explain the idea. But I like to make it clear by giving the example of teacher & student. Students usually follow the command of his /her teacher. Toddlers always feel that my teacher is right. He imitates the teacher, not his /her parents. In class 1st of our school, student name (Pragun) follows the command of Shobha Ma'am no one else that is called relational trust. Relational trust is just like a pearl which dazzles when we care it. Otherwise, it looses its charm.
- Meenakshi Sharma is a teacher at DBN Amarvilla School at Jammu, her email is
very true mam
ReplyDeleteI strongly believe in this.
ReplyDeleteVery beautifully & nicely written. & That's right mam. It is the master key to win students hearts. Thank you so much for this mam. :)
ReplyDeleteMeenakshi Sharma has added her views and am sure there will be more posts and comments.
ReplyDeleteWith my experience with students. " I trust you" compliment is greater than "I love you" for a child. It is more effective.
Yes, Sunanda
ReplyDeleteTrust is far deeper and more meaningful than just 'I love you', as the word 'love' may seem shallow and ' on the surface' sometime.
A small voice that says,"This might work and l'll try it" is the Trust with in. A teacher can help his students with this goal and the relation with them become more stronger.
ReplyDeleteabsolutely true, my daughter believes her teacher is right and will stick to her way of solving problems even if i try to tell her that it can be done in different way, and the argument always is - my teacher said so!
ReplyDeleteVery true. When students say they believe and trust their teacher it is a great achievement for the teacher.
ReplyDeleteThe most widely accepted definition for trust is that “trust is a psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based on positive expectations of the intentions or behaviour of another” (Rousseau 1998:395)
ReplyDeleteTherefore, trust is a willingness to rely on another to be there for you in good times and in bad times.
Positive teacher-student relationships are characterised by mutual acceptance, understanding, warmth, closeness, trust, respect, care and cooperation The success of any interpersonal relationship is dependent to a large extent upon input from both teacher and student In the classroom setting, it is the teacher who has the opportunity, and indeed, the responsibility, to initiate positive interpersonal relationships The teacher who is proactive in demonstrating acceptance, understanding, warmth, closeness, trust, respect, care and cooperation towards his or her students not only works at initiating positive teacher-student relationships, but also increases the likelihood of building strong relationships that will endure over time Teacher-student relationships greatly influence a student’s ability to adjust to school, to do well at school, and to relate to peers Teacher-student relationships have an impact on classroom management and affect learning progress. From a developmental perspective, the establishment of a positive teacher-student relationship aids a student’s cognitive, social and emotional growth and enhances their mental well-being Stable teacher-student relationships impact positively on a student’s developing sense of self and promote resiliency in them. Furthermore, the benefits of positive teacher-student relationships extend to teachers, contributing to an improved sense of job satisfaction
Here is a story of one student who is always seeking attention, but through negative behaviour . He admitted to his teacher that he seeks attention because he is lost, He does not understand what is being taught, and is not comfortable with telling the teacher that ‘he doesn’t get’ it for fear of been ridiculed or seen as “slow.” This was his grade eight experience. However, two years later, under her instruction, he now has him in a safe and trusting environment where he can take the risk, raise his hand and say “I don’t get!” without the fear of being ridiculed. was willing to take the time to conference with this student and listen to his voice ,his concerns and express the reasons why he was “acting out in class.” She continues: He always thanks her for listening to him and believing in him. And she thinks that is huge. He is able to get the help that he requires in order to understand certain concepts. She said that she become more aware of the need for her student to adapt instruction to student’s need…this helps them produce better quality work. It is important to note that if there is one child who does not understand what is being taught chances are that there are other students who do not understand, as well. By taking the risk and raising his hand for clarification, this one student is contributing to The Importance of Developing Trust.
According to Jade, the most important factor in building trusting teacher-student relationships is teacher authenticity..
With Regards
[28/11, 8:52 p.m.] Payal Sharma:
While my conversation with my students,i felt that despite of educational awareness,psycological knowledge,so much information about student's stress in today's world,parent's are not paying attention towards their students feelings.
To develop trust they should understand the feelings of their wards.Sometime due to this comparison too much frustration arise in students that despite of knowledge they are unable to do things in a right way.It is not always students but their parents need counselling here.
One of the factor due to which students are not coming close to their parents is the COMPARISON done by their parents.They are always comparing them with others.Why can't they understand that no two individuals are alike,everyone has their own capabilities.
As a teacher we can build this bridge by understanding the feelings of students.
And parents should be made aware that they should spend quality time with their kids.
Good thought, Payal(PSA)
The most expensive thing in the world is trust.It can take years to earn and just a matter of seconds to lose.
ReplyDeleteA little Knowledge is a dangerous thing
ReplyDeleteIt is a common experience that still waters run deep and shallow current makes a good deal of noise. A man with a little knowledge is apt to think that he knows a lot. This makes him proud and stands in the way of his acquiring further knowledge. Knowledge is like a vast ocean. One should not be proud of the knowledge that he possessed. Only empty vessels make much noise. A man having only little knowledge cannot distinguish between right or wrong. The life of a patient in the hands of a doctor with insufficient knowledge is always in danger. A teacher who has a little grasp of his subject most often misguides his pupils. A commander who knows little about the art of war brings about the downfalls of his country. In short, a little knowledge is dangerous in all walks of life.
Posted by..
जब दो या इससे अधिक व्यक्तियों का समूह दूरदर्शिता, सोच, लक्ष्य, के साथ कहीं मिलता है तो यह स्वाभाविक ही है| उनमें एक दूसरे के प्रति विश्वास की भावना बढ़ेगी और यही विश्वास उन्हें सफलता के साथ प्रसिद्धी भी दिलाएगा|
विश्वास को अगर हम स्कूल के सन्दर्भ में लें तो टीचर के दो कार्य हैं---
i) बच्चे की मानसिकता को जानना |
ii) हर बच्चे को अपना बच्चा समझ कर उसकी शिक्षा में आने वाली हर बाधा को हल करना |
इसी तरह बच्चे के भी दो अहम कर्तव्य हैं---
i) किताबों में अपने आप को इमानदारी से डालना |
ii) समझ न आने पर अपने में संकोच को न पलने देना, जिस प्रकार घर में स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनने पर ओर माँगने पर घर के सामने संकोच नहीं करता, उसी प्रकार कोई भी प्रश्न समझ नहीं आने पर उसे बिना संकोच दोबारा पूछ लेना चाहिए |
राजू शर्मा
In my experience, Trust is a very important part of a professional teacher – student relationship. I think this is because we are all human, both teacher and student, therefore we all have feelings. If a student doesn’t trust his teacher it can cause problems in the classroom. In the classroom as the student may feel uncomfortable around the teacher, which, in time will have an effect on their learning, as the student may not feel comfortable enough to talk to the teacher and may not make that teacher aware that they are not sure about the work. Teachers cannot read students mind so they have to rely on the student to make them aware of the situation.
ReplyDeleteFrom the other point of view, if a teacher does not trust a student then they may not be comfortable to teach the student properly. This could be the case if the student has shown violence or behaviors that make the teacher uncomfortable.
With Regards
Yash Paul Sharma