Thursday, May 30, 2019

Urmila Rathore: Do Schools Kill Creativity ?

School is a very important place for both the creators as well as the learners. There are a lot of schools in our society where there is no fundamental equipment to let the skills of a child shine. Most of the schools do not have extra co-curricular activities and they believe in academics performance only. That is where most of the students kill their interests and slowly it leads to their weak performance in academics.

In the early age we can see that a child can be a composer, an artist, teacher and scientist etc. It is because they play roles of various personalities according to their interest. But due to the adult's interest, a child gets confused too on focus his/ her own goal or interest.

My nephew who is 23 months old, one day he used two plates and a tablespoon to produce sound and he was very happy and enjoying the sound without any hesitation. I use the word hesitation here because whenever someone does work of their interest, they never fall in fear and hesitate, he /she becomes/feels very confident.

In rainy season children make their own houses, paper boats and create their own games and dance style with melodious music. They are their own crater and enjoys a lot. But when they get admission in the school they study and do homework which is given by a teacher. They slowly start losing their own abilities and become depended. These things go parallel in their life.

When they become adult they face peer pressure, hero worship and parent's high expectations. At this time he/she gets confused to choose the right profession so at that time parents should not pressure them. They should suggest and motivate them to choose their profession according to their interest.
Urmila Rathore
The Fabindia School

Rajinder Pal Devgan: My Experience Of Present Generation Parents in India

The inability to say "No" to a child is the biggest hurdle to parenting in India. This is especially so with the neo-rich generation of parents. Parents in trying to give their children what they couldn't get fail to draw a line. Lack of time, patience and at times ignorance adds to it.

The gradual disappearance of the joint family the young couples in town and cities at their wits end when it comes to raising Children. They are a confused lot, depending on a few books on parenting and advice of friends and family. Their parenting often ends up in just keeping the child happy. They cannot stand the sight or sound of their child crying. Once the child has its way the crying turns to tantrums if its wishes are not met. Parents also fall into the trap of so-called permissiveness, subscribe to the theory that child should not be admonished or told off. As the child becomes a teenager it makes the best of the situation and turns everything to its advantage by indulging in emotional blackmail.

Parents fail in drawing a line"this much and no more. Emotionally weak parents fall into a trap of their own making. Children outsmart them by making them succumb to their whims and fancies.
They at times threaten their parents with dire consequences if their demands are not met.
I have known of teenagers locking themselves in their bedroom refusing to eat. Some parents unfortunately also blame Schools for their children's behaviour. Expressions such as"my child have gone into a depression" for the slightest of reprimand.

Teenagers turn into juveniles when they get the support of their parents. It is imperative that the parents have trust and faith in the School. Permissiveness does not mean that a child can get away with murder. The sooner a child understands that a No means a No. He must not try to play one parent against the other when he doesn't get his way. This is a big hurdle in bringing up children
In bringing up children the parents must stand together this also helps in inculcating the right Values in a child.

Children need parents time, not money and gifts. Parents must take great interest in their children and make sure they imbibe the right values most important for a good education.

- Rajinder Pal Devgan is the Chairman of Learning Forward India.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dr Tazeen Siddiqui - Democracy

Democracy Is not a successful system of government  in countries where there is
2- Corruption
3- Religious Power Politics (Blind Politics)
The unemployment rate in India rose to 7.2 per cent in February 2019, the highest since September 2016, and up from 5.9 per cent in February 2018, according to data compiled by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)

Unemployment adversely affects the system of Democracy as people are hired to work for the political parties which in turn takes away their own ideologies and thought process which affects the voting process. Unemployment brings a great impact on the system of democracy as it encourages Power politics and injustice is encouraged.

Corruption ruins the Economy at a state and national level and majorly affects the Democracy system of government as people are bribed to vote and more privileged are the private sectors and it increases the gap between the poor and the rich which can lead to a breakdown of war between the haves and have not. Corruption leads to the most alarming situation in the nation where uneducated people lead the nation which shakes the law and order of the nation and peace is at its danger.

Religious  Power politics encourage to vote on caste, race and religion which deviate the focus from the real issues of the nation that affects every individual life of the nation in every department. Religious Power politics are“ Blind Politics” that encourage people to accept the wrong, believe the wrong and do the wrong. It encourages people to fight and vote on the basis of caste, creed and religion blindfolded of the realization of its results.


Dr Tazeen Siddiqui, Mansha Vision India, Email

David Geurin: Balancing Achievement and Agency

How do you define student achievement? Is student achievement defined by how students perform on some type of standardized assessment? When politicians, policymakers, and lots of educators too, talk about raising student achievement, it usually means raising test scores.
The problem is that test scores are a very narrow way to define student success and student achievement. That definition favours a certain type of student, magnifying a certain type of skill set while diminishing a whole range of other factors that can lead to success academically and in life.
So why is it the current definition of student achievement is always tied to how students perform on one test that happens in one moment once a year? I want to see more emphasis on student agency. I want to find ways for students to connect to what they are learning, to apply what they are learning, to do things with their learning that are making a difference. To me, when students exercise agency and demonstrate growth, that is an achievement.

When we are driven by preparing kids for a test, we may neglect to prepare them for life. I'm not saying we can't prepare kids for the test and for life, but too often I think that's exactly what's happening. The test is driving everything in some schools.

But does the learning stick? Will students remember the things they must know for the test? I really like how Will Richardson put words around this idea. He says we need to aim for learning that results in permanence. We should seek learning that has lasting value. When students have agency and ownership in learning, it's much more likely to have long term impact. When it connects to their passions and their goals, they're much more invested emotionally and intellectually.

Another question I would raise is this, does the learning shift perspective? Simply learning content and using it to answer test questions doesn't necessarily change who you are or how you see the world. And I think education should always result in more empathy and understanding. It doesn't just change what you know but helps you better understand who you are and how you can make a bigger difference.

If we want more permanence and perspective in education, we have to be willing to invest agency. We must empower students and teachers to do things that are bigger than just mastering content standards. We have encouraged creativity and connection and allow for learning that taps into strengths and passions.

So let's aim to get a better balance between achievement and agency. Achievement won't solve the world's problems unless our students learn they are powerful problem solvers. They must know first and foremost the significant agency they have to make a difference.

Originally published:

Monday, May 20, 2019

“When I am teaching at my best, I am like a _________ .”

When I am with my Angels I am like a  mother to them helping them to grow up to be good human being taking care of all there needs with love kindness and patience being with them is a joy and a privilege  I wish all my little angels to have a  bright future ahead. - Corrine  Gomes

When I am teaching at my best I am like a mother. I do not only impart bookies knowledge but also teach good manners.  I try to inculcate good values in these children. I want them to feel loved and wanted in this home away from home. Sincerely hope that I make them grow up to good human beings. - Deepa Kharga

When I am teaching at my best, I feel like a programmer. I try to program the teaching and events in a much simplified manner. For me, teaching is like coding a program which is to be done in a proper way to get the best output. - Arvind Jha

When I am teaching at my best I feel like an "Architect", who design, develop and construct a house to provide the maximum utility of space and make the living happy and comfortable. Similarly, my job is somewhat like an architect who is in "man making industry". I design, develop and construct the study programme to cater the needs of every individual in my classroom, provide them with the maximum utility of space to grow, derive the maximum out of them, develop sense ownership and responsibility, living behind a memorable and happy moment. - Rakesh Kumar Das

When I'm with my boys, I play the role of a father, a brother and a guide, where they feel free to share their feeling, thoughts and difficulties so that I may be able to guide them in the right path to be well behaved and make them a good human being. I Ralston Hurley a pastoral member taking care of boys from classes 9 & 10. - Ralston Hurley

The post is inspired by Palmer Parker's work Courage To Teach.

Is Your Child Ready To Face The World?

They say you can fail at anything, but not at parenting. And that’s true, to a degree because life is topsy turvy for most of us and nobody really seems to have found the perfect formula to hold it all together. But we got to try. There are no two ways about it.

Which is why this book–Is Your Child Ready To Face The World?– by Professor Anupam Sibal, Senior Pediatrician and Group Medical Director, Apollo Hospitals Group, seems all the more relevant, today. In this handy parenting Bible, he guides us through these troubled waters, with aplomb and elan.

A strict sermon? No.

An easy flowing conversation? Yes.

The first time I met Dr Sibal was many years ago, when I was a junior reporter in the features department of the Hindustan Times newspaper, Delhi. And while health was never one of my beats (it was largely glamour and lifestyle), I jumped at a chance to do something different.

Its been more than a decade since that article was published and in all the years that I have known him, I have always been struck by his extremely good manners and humility and the desire to help. This book exemplifies all that he is about, both as a person and as a professional.

Here, he reminds us of one of the basic tenets of parenting that we all know but usually sidelines such as talk to your child, listen to him/her and spends time with them. Despite his hands-on approach, he, however, never diminishes the important role of the mother in raising the child.

To know more, of course, you have to read his book that was first published in 2015 and went on to become a national bestseller.

While most parenting books sermonise and make us feel inadequate, this book not only tugged at my emotions but also inspired me to become a better parent the moment I started reading it. Simply, because it’s inspirational, aspirational and yet not so far fetched that we can’t do it. So, while we draw from the pool of resources that our parents bequeathed us with, it is more important to not get overwhelmed and trust your own instincts as you parent your child.

In a nutshell, these are the values I learnt. Be a friend. Listen. Guide. Encourage. Never impose your will; instead, create a want or a need in the child so that he or she will do all it requires to achieve goals; for it must be their dreams and not yours that they will work towards. Throughout the book, Dr Sibal talks about great personalities like Lincoln, Obama, Mother Teresa, Sachin Tendulkar and many more to drive home a point on his son’s young impressionable mind. He also uses his own personal examples and people around him to reinforce the values.

While, at many times, we feel that we are getting a peek into this very personal relationship as Dr Sibal, the father talks, guides and explains things to his son Devaang, we can also feel the many influences that have made him into such a successful person. The struggles are normal, one that every parent would identify with.

Getting inside a child's head is not easy but once they allow you in; you stay there and help them to take flight. Lead by example, not by words. Walk the talk is the motto; all made easy in the book in the form of 18 virtues that we need to inculcate.

And most importantly it’s never too late to create a bond. Never so late that you give up. Like Amitabh Bachchan, in his foreword says, “It is all about mindful parenting.”

Post Courtesy: Tashneem Ali & Dr Anupam Sibal
Is Your Child Ready to Face the World?
Author: Dr Anupam Sibal
Penguin Books (Rs 250)
The book is available at The English Book Depot. Order by email
Call Manish Chhetri on +91 135 2655192 for assistance


Q. Dr Sibal, do tell us about your growing up years…

A. I grew up in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. My father served in the Indian Army and my mother is a homemaker. Being the only child, I have shared some great moments with my cousins and my childhood was filled with picnics, shikhara rides and outings.

My favourite memories, however, are having a great time each summer with a house full of guests from all over the country and abroad. With my mother, I could take a lot of liberties. With my father, I needed to be careful as he tried to instil a sense of discipline. Here, I would like to mention a couple of life lessons that my father taught me that shaped my thinking, “Never believe anything you hear about yourself unless it is said to your face’, ‘Always try to share others’ sorrows; sharing their joy is optional.’

Q. You cite a lot of examples of great men in the book….you are a voracious reader I presume. What advice would you give parents who don’t have such a store of information?

A. Children need to be interested in what a parent is trying to get across. To capture their imagination, one needs to weave a discussion that they would find exciting. One way to do this is to use examples of well-known people that the child might be interested in. Examples from history and incidents that a child might have witnessed can be used. The key is to structure the engagement around the child’s interest. Children are remarkably perceptive. Their eyes keenly observe, ears intently listen and minds keenly process what their environment has to offer. These experiences at a young age leave a lifelong impression.

This is something parents should never forget. Jim Hansen said so rightly, “They (your children) don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.” As the child gets older a meaningful dialogue should commence instilling values. Movies, visits to museums, books, magazines, and numerous activities (sports, family outings) can provide the stage for this dialogue. And these days, with the internet at hand, a lot of information is just a click away.

Q. Was there any time when you felt you were failing as a parent?

A. Let me here quote from my book, “When it comes to being a father, it really doesn’t matter whether you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation, a sports star, an army officer, an engineer, a farmer or an information technology professional. For your child, you are just a father. Nothing more, nothing less.” And yes, there were many moments when I felt I was failing as a parent. Finding time in a packed day is a challenge for every parent. I just needed to remind myself that I had to find the time. I needed to adapt and be flexible to generate extra time while doing everything else.

As I look back, I do have the satisfaction of having tried, despite my shortcomings; having tried to discharge my duty as a father to prepare him to face the world. As a doctor, with emergencies to handle, night calls, hospital rounds on holidays and Sundays, finding the time was not easy.

Q. A lot of parents I know, feel a lot of guilt at not doing enough. Parents of special needs kids, like myself who have to balance two kids with different sensibilities. What advice would you give us?

A. Parenting is always tough. The thought of shouldering the huge responsibility of parenthood can be daunting. Undoubtedly, it is more challenging when you are a parent of a child with special needs. We must however always remember that as parents we give a 100% and that’s what counts. Guilt has no role to play in parenting. And here I give some tips from my book.

Accept the fact that ‎when we are not perfect how can we expect our children to be perfect. We need to accept the mistakes our children make and their flaws with grace.
Don’t expect your child to live your dreams. Every child has his or her own dreams.
Understand what makes your child happy. Once you discover that, and you start doing things that make your child happy, the relationship will become very positive.

Q. Lastly, will there be a sequel to this book? Perhaps written by your son Devaang, as to what he felt about your extremely intelligent and friendly parenting style?

A. I like your idea. As of now, I am looking at the opportunities for getting the book translated into other languages. I have been giving talks in schools and speaking at educational conferences. I would like to interact with educationists as much as I can. The idea is to reach a large cross-section of parents to be able to make a small difference.

I have no idea if Devaang, my son, who is currently doing an MBA at Columbia Business School, New York, would like to write a book. I also do not know how he found my parenting style.

But if there’s something I can say, it is that my son and I are best friends for life.

Published by Tashneem Ali Journalist. A new writer of fiction. Blogger. Reader. Poet. Chef. Music lover. Photographer. Singer.

Dr Anupam Sibal and Sandeep Dutt are the mentors for the My Good School Program, they have the most wonderful association of Professional Learners who have worked together for over five years to help build the first of its kind Professional Learning Association in India. Visit the website www.LearningForward.Org.IN.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Great Himalayan Bird Count

Dear Friends and Family of the Doon Valley!

Something wonderful is happening in your town since 2008, we are back once again with the long awaited news regarding GHBC.

Opportunity to contribute by way of your participation in this unique Himalayan Bird Conservation initiative since 2008.

Dates: 18th to 21st October 2019.
Organized by: Action & Research for Conservation in Himalayas, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

A non-commercial Himalayan bird conservation initiative since 2008 involving birders and nature photographers/ trekkers undertaking base-line data generation activity of bird populations in 97 treks of roughly 10 Kms each over 4 Days in different representative bird habitats from Wetlands to Alpine Meadows in all river valleys of Garhwal Himalayas in Uttarakhand.

We can only accommodate upto 200 participants so act NOW if you do not want to miss this classic Himalayan Birding Opportunity.

This year we have collaborated with HIGHLAND ADVENTURES and are also inviting Mountain Bikers who are interested in specially created mountain cycling and birding trail dedicated to birders who can cycle.

It is also an opportunity to meet and interact with some of your favorite names in Birding n Photography world.

Please also share with your birding friends. Intimate your participation intention and please share with your birding friends.

Prateek Panwar
Founder Trustee ARCH
Member, State Wildlife Board, Uttarakhand.
Call 8859289651 and 9412054216

Note: We will also be sending two teams in the presumed habitat of this presumed extinct species for rediscovering the elusive Himalayan Quail (last sighted in 1876)
Image courtesy: Johannes Plenio

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Shomie Das on Education

The term education encompasses a whole gamut of experimental learning which, in a school, is given through teachers in the classroom and often, more importantly, outside. It is the nature of the experience and how it is designed to be imparted that makes the difference between a good school and an ordinary school.

How are the academic subjects taught and what is it a school should teach outside academic subjects?

There are three important functions, among others, of the educational process in the classroom apart from mere learning:
- To develop problem-solving abilities.
- To develop creative abilities, and
- To develop curiosity and an inquisitive spirit.

Does the school have systems of teaching and learning that encourage the development of the above? For instance, through assignments, seminars and project work? What place does the library have in the learning process? In the assessment systems used by the school, how much emphasis is given to marks?

Often the opportunities for learning outside the classroom are greater, through sports and games and other activities like adventure sports, dramatics and community service. All play an important role in developing character and citizenship. A good school will provide a balance of opportunities in its curriculum to allow a student to develop along with his or her special interests and talent.

Shomie Das, a renowned educationist
Thank you, Shomie Das Sir, we have come a long way in our quest for My Good School!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Registration is now open for Learning Forward’s 2019 Annual Conference

Registration is now open for Learning Forward’s 2019 Annual Conference

Education leaders will gather in St. Louis, December 7-11, 2019, to share professional learning expertise focused on creating and sustaining equity and excellence in teaching and learning every day. 

The content you need
Choose from more than 300 concurrent sessions addressing the most pressing issues for education leaders including improving instruction, social-emotional learning, culturally responsive pedagogy, applying data-driven decision making, understanding professional development redesign, developing leadership capacity, learning facilitation skills, supporting new teachers and principals, implementing effective school improvement, and much more.

Take advantage of early-bird pricing now. 

Learn more about this year's conference and registration information.

Principal's Letter To The Parents - May 2019.

Dear Parents and Stakeholders,

As we begin the summer vacation after today, I would like to share a few thoughts with you all.

1. Just a few days back, we have seen the results of the CBSE Class X and XII. This year all students have performed exceptionally well in terms of marks scored. We have been congratulating the toppers and the 'high" scorers. In this rat-race for marks, we forget to appreciate those that have put in their exceptional best but have not made it to the top list. They are the ones who deserve the real appreciation, because they are not so talented academically, but have put in extra hard work and have managed to complete the race! Parents and teachers of such students should encourage them and acknowledge their hard work.

2. Learning is a lifelong experience and every day of our lives we come across new experiences, which teaches us a lot about life skills. Learning is not only theoretical studies but also practical living skills which prepare us to deal with life in the long run. Help your child to develop an attitude of openness to learning from life experiences and to develop the skills for future life. Motivate them to learn from mistakes and start afresh.

3. There are no short-cuts to life and nothing is free. Let us teach our children to go through life in its fullest form; every step is essential, they cannot take short-cuts! Often we do things at home and around, where we want to avoid essential procedures in order to get to the end; those are the short-cuts and we expose our children to the culture of short-cuts which is eroding all moral values in our society today.

We cannot compromise with moral values, we cannot overlook them. We are collectively responsible for the quality of our future generation. Let us not spoil their future by teaching them unlawful methods of bypassing systems and values. Integrity and honesty are more rewarding in life than achieving success through short-cuts!

Have a great vacation with your kids and use every opportunity to make them learn from situations. That is way more beneficial than all that the textbooks can teach!

with my very best wishes


Extract from a circular sent by Dr Jayanta Biswas, our Associate to his school students!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Booknerds Hangout @ The English Book Depot - June 15, 2019

The Booknerds
Author Session featuring
bestselling author Kevin Missal

June 15,2019
5 pm-7 pm
The English Book Depot
15, Rajpur Road

About the book
The Mahaavatar Trilogy - Book 1

The lion warrior. The conflicted king. The Asura emperor.
Divided by fate. United by tragedy.

Narasimha, once a brave soldier, has left the war and hides in a village, working as a physician. But soon, a familiar face from his past finds him, seeking his help to stop the tyranny of the blind usurper — Andhaka.
If Narasimha refuses, the world might just end.
Prahlad, the interim king of Kashyapuri, is conflicted between the ideals of his unrighteous father and his love for Lord Vishnu. Whom will he choose?
Hiranyakashyap, the ruler of the Asura Empire, seeks to avenge his wife. But to do that, he must get the ultimate weapon—the Brahmshastra. For that, he has to go through the Trials that has sent so many others to their death. Can he win?

About the author
Kevin Missal wrote his first book at the age of 14, and at 22, the St Stephens graduate is a best-selling author and a full-time writer, with the first two books in his Kalki being runaway successes. Dharmayoddha Kalki: Avatar of Vishnu and its sequel Satyayoddha Kalki: Eye of Brahma have sold one lakh copies in under a year.
Kevin loves fantasy fiction and has always been a fan of mythology. His books have been featured in publications like The Sunday Guardian, The New Indian Express and Millennium Post. He lives in Gurugram.

Open for all free event
RSVP 8958260927
Limited Seating
Hurry up and register!

“When I am teaching at my best, I am like a _________ .”

You may know Palmer Parkins' The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life as one of the best books ...we are inspired and share an exercise from the book.

I rediscover my special abilities and feel it’s possible to help each child of mine to explore his own superpower and acquire wings. The inspiration of the pupa becoming a butterfly is aloft! The magic lies in using one's own potential.  I am the guardian of my children. I feel responsible for their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical evolution.  May God guide each one of us to provide this support system to the young ones entrusted to us. Like the angles hovering around their loved ones, may we keep receiving and spreading abundant blessings".

Priyakee Gupta, Educationist/ Advocate
Academics: Loreto Darjeeling and North Bengal University law college

"When I am with my students, I am like a Gardner who takes care of the budding flowers to flourish and grow with colourful petals. I wish all my students to enrich their talents and prepare for a brighter future ahead".- Sangita Roka, Matron

"I serve Sacred Heart School as an English Teacher. When I am teaching at my best, I am a Sculptor, making children come to life by joining and moulding the materials together". - Preeti Rai, English Teacher

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Stockbroker, who multiplies and adds happiness and knowledge; subtracts and divides sorrows. I play with numbers and variables and encourage children to do the same. I motivate them to enjoy solving problems; it is what provides us with solutions".
- Anand Acharya, Maths Teacher

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like Dronacharya, not only teaching the subject matter but also try to build my student into a wholesome person. Excellent intellectually, spiritually, physically, morally and emotionally. This is my prime duty". - Gautam Mukherjee

" When I am teaching at my best, I am like the Spectrum. I am ready with the versatility to impart the ultimate colours that expand the learning capacity indulging my little ones into hope, surprises and laughter making the characters more colourful. I strive to reach every ward so that no child is left behind. I am open to learning which gives me time to analyse. I love my profession. It gives me immense pleasure and opportunity to be more than just what I am. I can do this all day.- Mahima Pradhan

"When I'm teaching at my best I'm like a Waterfall, pouring down knowledge and wisdom. I find my students as to be the rivers carrying the resources of knowledge and wisdom, paving their way through the challenges of life". - Niloy Hait

"When I'm teaching at my best I'm like a Juggler,  juggling and playing with numbers. Involving the student's active participation in creating an atmosphere of making learning more funfilled as well as challenging". - Poulami Moitra Hait

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Boat. The students are like an ocean. They might not be at their best every time, but they are very interesting to work with. We work together whether fast or slow and take up something new every time. We try to understand them in various ways and teach them according to their needs". - Pankaj Sharma

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Mystic who is empathetic but also makes the students wonder with amazement that such information does exist. I am sensitive to their environment and their capabilities putting myself in their place is how I approach them. While in the library at my very best, I am like a Watchdog patiently looking after our library, observing the psyche of our students by the way they are reacting to certain situations, just like a watchdog". - Winston Dutta

"When I am teaching at my best, I am an Analyst. As we all know, economics is a subject of practicality. Many students believe this subject to be boring and abstract. But I as an analyst always tries to find ways to reach out to the comforts, interests, strengths and weaknesses of the students. I make sure that that they connect the theories and laws of economics to the happenings of the world". - Nigam Pradhan

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Motivational Speaker. Most of the students claim science as a boring subject. But as we are surrounded by technology and the product of science every day and also to know about the natural world, it is better to have scientific knowledge also. I try to motivate students not to see it in a complicated way but rather look at it in an interesting way. When I teach anything, if I get back a response of interest, I feel satisfied and that motivates me too. I share them the knowledge I have, to help them learn about the world which will help them grow even as a person. I prefer to inculcate scientific attitude in them. I try to teach them to think well and make an informed decision". - Ruchi Tamang

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Researcher. Whenever I teach any topic, it takes me to that time when a researcher was using all possible concepts to build the theory and verify it. It gives me immense pleasure on how simple concepts with a given amount of thoughts can give a wonderful result. I try to relate all the thoughts that might be going on at that time with the physicist". - Roshan Pradhan

"When I am teaching at my best, I see myself as an Artist. I take up words and try to create images with them. I try to show children the beauty, magic and rhythm of words. I try to bring the characters to life. I have always believed in feeling the characters and the situations that we discuss. While teaching language, I try to encourage children to imagine". - Malini Banerjee

"When I am teaching at my best, I am a Seer, struck by wonder at how many things can be explained to a willing mind. I realise that the things that didn't make real sense while learning or reading, all comes together while imparting it. However, I do believe in this quote: "We ( teachers or students) remember those lessons the best which we don't remember learning." So teaching for me is more about learning, because the more teach, the more I learn". - Arpan Rai

"When I am a teacher, I am an Actor with the apt attention of my students over the day. I am mindful of my audience the entire day and their needs to make learning effective and enjoyable. I have become a person who I thought was only possible. The respect that I get though I work hard to earn stays forever once achieved. My audience requires me to play different roles over the day to meet my ultimate aim of making learning possible. Some students listen to the clown in the circus while some see a superhero". - Ruby Pradhan

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Clown- with a didactic act. With a handful of subjects of fun and to cause laughter but a bagful of matters to reflect on, to realise and to learn from, my role in a class serves best to manifest both comedic role and a sacred role. I believe that Education at its best should make pupils able to deliver Solutions to the problems of the world today. As a clown, with a didactic act, I have been endeavouring to be a catalyst for individual and societal transformation. No other stage is as perfect as a classroom for clowning because it comprises the future of the world". - Sangarsh Chhetri
Image Courtesy: Iconfinder.Com

"When I am at my best, I am like a Rockstar 😊. My complete loyalty is to my fans and my Art. While I need to see that what I present is true and correct, my responsibility is also to present something original, what I feel is intrinsically truthful and that which raises the standards of my fans to the next higher level of perception and understanding!" - Prafulla Pradhan

Soham Anand: 100% Something Wrong

Without taking anything away from the kids who worked so hard to secure 99,100, it doesn't really make sense, something is wrong somewhere. 

Are we to assume that they are perfect or near perfect, that they are masters, that they have transcended all barriers of intelligence and learning. Are we to understand that they are superior to those who may have scored less.

I have seen many a topper fall apart and break when confronted with the harsh realities of the world and their own expectations which is practically economic and financial. It's a mad rat race from which there is no coming out. They simply can't cope up.
It is no secret that our two Boards CBSE and ICSCE are highly politicised and engaged in a race to outshine each other. Both have diluted and compromised the curriculum to enable the children to score maximum marks without teaching them to think, to rationalise, to analyse, to conceptualise. Our system still encourages learning by rote and memorising. The present marks based system must come to an end. 

It teaches them to become a successful lawyer, a successful doctor, a successful engineer, without teaching them the virtues of empathy, of considerations, of scientific temper, virtues of using one's hand. It doesn't teach our children about their surroundings, they live in. It teaches our children to be robots earning machines, without a sense of equality, totally devoid of their surroundings and environment they live in, often becoming a reason for friction and discontent.
It doesn't teach graces of earning and spending money. Any society not teaching the virtues of equality is an unequal society. A society of haves and have nots. 

Whereas our system of education, to some extent, satisfy our emotional urges, it fails to stir our intellectual curiosity. For instance, our Social Science Curriculum stirs our patriotic and nationalistic instincts but does precious little in terms of scientific exploration of the subject. 

The curriculum and system are far removed from the harsh and truthful realities of the world.
Our Schools, run by industrialists and moneyed individuals, despite being in a position to put pressure on the Boards and the Govt to bring about substantial changes, are least concerned, so far they get their pounds and dollars.

Our Principals, who certainly can take a lead are too busy bending over backwards to stay in the favour of their management.

So, what then is the way out, where do we go from here, there are no easy answers, but one thing is sure, we cannot carry on like this.

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Booknerds Hangout @ The English Book Depot

The Booknerds Hangout
The Himalayas, Writing and Travel with author Bill Aitken and travel blogger Surbhi Sabharwal.
Location partner The English Book Depot.

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