Volunteer for INME this Summer- Gain invaluable experiences while being outdoors! Gold Holder Ankit Dugra did it in 2010, now is your chance

INME summer programs are weeklong adventure and wilderness based camps for 9-17 year olds. The programs are designed to help participants build self-confidence and self-worth and explore their potential... and of course have fun in a spectacular outdoor setting.

The programmes are held at our campsites at Tons (near Purola in Uttarakhand), Uroli (near Ranikhet in Uttarakhand), Yercaud (near Salem in Tamil Nadu) and Honey Valley in Coorg (Karnataka). In addition, Team INME also has off-campus programmes that include an expedition to Kedarkantha, a kayaking, rafting & trekking trip down the Alaknanda and exploring Coorg and the Kumaon hills on bicycles.

All INME programmes are conducted by outdoor activity experts, and every programme has a group 15 participants; looked after by three such experts and a volunteer.

Gold Holder Ankit Durga (red tshirt in the centre)
at the iNME Camp in Uroli 2010
Gold Holder-Ankit Durga worked for INME in the Summer of 2010 and he summarises his experiences as 'BRILLIANT!'. Ankit- who is a keen hiker, mountain lover and  adventure enthusiast added that being a part of the team that enables young people to discover the unknown, be excited about adventure and learn essential skills through the INME Camps, taught him to be a better manager, learn the best ways to approach young people and to also relive his Award journeys from school. Today, as a full-time employee of Zomato, Ankit looks back at this brief summer experience as a 'defining' one. 

INME are currently seeking volunteers who think they can contribute positively to the programmes and bring some skill (hobby or interest like music, photography, astronomy, dance...) to share with the group.

  • Must be at least 20 years old
  • Interested in working with young children
  • Have a skill/interest/hobby they can share
  • Willing to spend at least a week on a wilderness camp
  • Award Holders/Gold Participants preferred. For Gold Level participants, this will qualify as Gold Residential Project

Visit www.inme.in for more information on the programmes.

Applications (with a resume) should reach Ankur at Ankur@inme.in by March 20, 2012.

Rekha, Saanya, Surabhi and Vivek share their experiences from Training for Trainers (T4T) in Manila, Philippines

  • Saanya Gupta- Gold Holder and Award Volunteer since 2009
  • Surabhi Vaidya- Gold participant and Award Volunteer since August 2011
  • Rekha Dey- Head of YES Project since November 2011
  • Vivek Gaur- Award Leader (since August 2011) at NAZ Foundation 

Saanya's Topic for Presentation: "Selling the Award to either corporates or NGOs or the Government."
"My partner was Tessie, a participant from Philippines. It was a challenging topic for both of us. Athough we introduced The Award fairly well, we forgot to cover quite a few loopholes. Hence this exercise was huge learning."

Vivek's Topic for Presentation: "Introducing the Award program to a group of Parents & Teachers."
"My partner Cynthia and I actually enjoyed our presentation a lot. We played couple of role plays, such as of a "Time machine Ginnie" and of a "Happy Mother"  to take the parents back in the memory lane and illicit from them the best thing they enjoyed when they were younger, and how enjoyable life would have been had they continued their passion as their profession; and then mapped their expectation from their kids with the Award sections. We worked around the emotional angle of the parents." 

Rekha's Topic for presentation: ‘The Adventurous journey’
"My co-presenter Rich was amazingly creative while I added with my set of skills to put together a presentation on the topic. It was a mixture of power point, flip charts and using the white board. We started with a picture gallery on the screen with ‘Mission Impossible’ music playing behind. We also organized an activity inside the room. An exploration – we placed different coloured ice-cream sticks (a bundle) at various places inside the room – on top of lights, behind the tea/coffee stand, underneath the chair etc. and participants were asked to find it and record the number and colour of the sticks collected in a tally chart.

We did face some personal challenges of time keeping and using the right words/jargons. To overcome this we first prepared a schedule with the exact flow and time (in minutes) for each part of the 25 min. presentation. To ensure that we use the right words, I once again read carefully the section on adventurous journey in the handbook."

Surabhi's Topic for Presentation: "How to train activity coaches to take forward the Award Programme in respective institutions"
"I faced a few challenges while preparing for the presentation. Being a student, I had to think  from a teacher's point of view so that I could present better. Also, as we were the last pair to present we had the disadvantage of being reviewed more strictly but we also had the advantage of more time than other pairs to prepare for it. 

We tried to include all training methods which was a bit difficult considering that ours was a bit of a technical topic which included things like filling and signing of record books etc. So, for the presentation we gave an introduction about the award, an activity coach's experience, explained how to fill the record book which was also an activity for the rest of the participants." 

Bea Fancisco-1st Gold Awardee from the Philippines
with Gold Participant Surabhi and Gold Holder Saanya 
Recounting, Vivek says that the T4T definitely helped him become mentally aware about the Award program to relate to daily things. Similary, Saanya and Surabhi felt that as young people and Award Leaders in their respective colleges the T4T helped them know the Award better and get more confident about presenting to other peers. Rekha added that "the idea of different groups presenting different topics is really good in T4T as it gives an opportunity to presenters as well as listeners to learn from each other and the kind of questions and innovative techniques used can be truly useful."

Rekha shared enthusiastically that the 'best thing' she liked about the Workshop was an activity in the presentation by one of the groups on Service section in the Award. The two presenters asked us to stand in a circle. A ball of string was to be passed/ thrown to each person who would state an example of service and pass it to another person randomly. At the end a cob was formed and considering all the examples stated by each it was reiterating to the basic principle of why service was an essential part of the award programme. 

Visit page 4, narration of a mother Eunsuk Kim whose daughter did the silver
2)     Visit page 4, story of Julius Irungu Krush, grown from Mathare slums  
3)     Visit page 4, story of Khadraa Glenn, an Iraqi Muslim girl living in Australia and her experience in Camp Bucca

Rekha Dey, Saanya Gupta, Vivek Gaur and Surabhi Vaidya (Left to Right)

"The T4T Workshop was a great experience. I really liked the activities that we were given to do."
- Saanya Gupta

"The best thing about the T4T Manila was the comfort level that the presenters built with the participants. The training was very intercative and an experience which I'll cherish forever."
- Surabhi Vaidya 

"The Workshop was really good and encouraging. If possible, T4T should organize homogenous groups in terms of their background. At Manila most of the participants were school teachers or students; one or two were adventure partners."
- Rekha Dey

" It was wonderful to be part of this Asia pacific region T4T training, The one important take away was the Gardner's Multiple Intelligence learning approach to keep in mind while organizing a Training workshop."
- Vivek Gaur


Nestled amidst the beautiful Kumaoun Himalayas, this little hamlet of Uttrakhand, Harsil situated at an altitude of 7860 feet above sea - level and 23 km from Gangotri, is no less than a trekker’s dream destination. On 12th December, 2011, amidst the biting cold of winter, 47 IAYP (International Award for Young People) Awardees from La Martiniere For Girls, Kolkata, along with our Award leader Dr. Tapti Dasgupta began our journey to Uttarkashi district, Uttrakhand. We journeyed by train and completed the last leg of the journey by bus with the hope of accomplishing this “himalayan” task.

Our trek commenced from Bhelura village (close to Uttrakashi) and as we ascended we got a beautiful breathtaking view of the Shrikanth and Banderpoonch mountain ranges. We spent first night in our tent at Ayuli Bugiyal and began the night trek at 7 pm towards Nachiketa Taal with the stars providing heavenly cover. The following day, we journeyed towards Harsil where we set up our campsite for the next three nights. We erected our own tents along the banks of the holy Ganga. The next morning we trekked to Sattal, a mysterious cluster of seven lakes set amidst picturesque surroundings. It was a long, steep and arduous climb. The path, lightly blanketed with snow, resembled a carpet laid out to welcome us. The frozen lakes and a snow cave were a visual treat. Amidst all the snow fights, there was a sense of achievement and pride because we had trekked to a height of 12,500 feet above sea level (approx.).

Crossing the icy cold waist-deep waters of the Ganga barefoot, self cooking “dhokas”, tri-lino traversing, pitching tents and discussing the days events around a campfire - these Awardees have done it all! We returned back safely on 23rd December, 2011 and are greatful to our Principal, Mrs. L. Mirza and Vice- Principal, Mrs. R. Sarkar for their constant support and co-operation.

Through this enriching and memorable experience we learnt that in unity lies our strength and together we can face any challenge in life. Steep climbs and freezing temperatures ranging from 2 to -10’ C made survival more difficult. However we Martinians embodied Labore-et-constantia - with hard work and consistency one can reach great heights. Nature welcomed us at every turn of the road while the Mountains beckoned us to return, promising a fresh challenge on our next visit.

- by Ayushi Bainwala

La Martiniere For Girls

IAYP, Gold Qualifying Awardee

Award Adventure partners in India

 Adventure PartnersContact PersonEmailPhone
 INME Learning Pvt. Ltd.Manvi Guptamanvi@inme.in+91.11.46714663
 The ExplorersAloke Bajpaialoke@explorersindia.com+91.9821421566
 FEMCOJuzer Abbas Shaikhallyfemcogroup@yahoo.co.in+91.9920544171
 Holiday Moods Adventures Pvt. Ltd.Tejbir Singh Anandtejbir@holidaymoods.net+91.9810122384
 Juniper WingsJoydeep Ghoshaljuniperwings@gmail.com+91.9831028316
 Leap AdventuresRahul Sharmarahul@leapindia.in+91.9810409055
 RocksportPiyush Khandlwalpiyush@rocksport.in+91.9811398050
 Himalayan River RunnersYousuf Zaheer
Ganeve Rajkotia
 Nature Trails Resorts Pvt. Ltd.Janardanjanardan@naturetrails.in+91.9223596505
 Negi Sports Pvt. Ltd.Vipul Negiinfo@negisports.com+91.9815906316
 News TravelsAnupam Vaidanupam@newstravels.co.in+91.731.3919111/222
 Raleigh International IndiaMark Ashbymark@raleighindia.org+91.9008556902

Visit the new website

|| Welcome to IAYP ||

The new design has space for social media and business.

India Education Summit 2012

India is evolving into a knowledge-based society and it is critical that we adapt ourselves to the evolving changes to respond to the competitive dynamics. The abilities of the people to create, apply, disseminate and secure knowledge more effectively will determine our competitive edge. This transition will require India to develop knowledge workers who are more flexible, analytical, adaptable and multi-skilled. India’s demographic dividend of a younger population compared to developed countries is as much an opportunity as it is a challenge. Unlike many other countries, where the young working age population is fast shrinking with higher dependency ratios, India has over 587 million people below the age of 25 years. According to Census figures, over 32% cent of the approximate 1.1 billion population is between the age group 0-14. This means that the number of people in India needing primary and secondary education alone exceeds the entire population of the USA; and these students will be seeking higher education in India over the next decade it illustrates the sheer size of the India Education Market. Experts are more bullish about the growth of the sector and estimates that private education sector itself would grow to US$ 70 billion by 2013 and US$ 115 billion by 2018 and they sees enrollments in K-12 growing to 351 million, requiring an additional 34 million seats by 2018. This equals US$ 80 billion at US$ 2400 a seat.
The Government has set a target of 21% Gross Enrolment Ratio GER) by the end of the Twelfth Plan (2017) for the higher education sector. This is a formidable target considering the present GER of 12.4%. While there has been some private investment in setting up institutions, there remains a glaring mismatch in demand and supply, particularly in high quality educational institutions. Example - only 1 out of approximately 150 applicants gets admission into the elite Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) compared with the ratio of 1:10 for MIT. It is therefore not surprising that an industry chamber has recently reported that 450,000 Indian students spend over USD 13 billion each year in acquiring higher education overseas. As a result of all of this, Higher Education segment is seeing some rapid transformations, both in India and internationally.
Technology is enabling multi-modal teaching, changing curricula and spawning rich forms of online research and collaboration.
Technological innovation, long a hallmark of academic research, may now be changing the very way that Schools & Universities teach and students learn. For academic institutions, charged with equipping students to compete in today’s knowledge economy, the possibilities are great. Distance education, sophisticated learning-management systems and the opportunity to collaborate with research partners from around the world are just some of the transformational benefits that universities are embracing.
But significant challenges also loom. For all of its benefits, technology remains a disruptive innovation—and an expensive one. Faculty members used to teaching in one way may be loath to invest the time to learn new methods, and may lack the budget for needed support.
Technology would make the greatest contribution in terms of improving educational quality over the next five years along with dynamic delivery of content and software that supports individually paced learning. Sophisticated learning-management systems and enhanced video and presentation tools are among other innovations that are likely to have a profound effect on the academic experience.
It is interesting to note that despite the growing array of technology-enabled teaching tools available, nearly three-quarters of participants say that the greatest potential benefit of technology is something far more straightforward—namely, the expanded access to educational and reference resources that it provides.
Collectively, such advances may lead to profound changes in the way courses are taught. Our theme was chosen deliberately to reflect the edgy, uncertain and intellectually challenging times that we are facing in education space specifically Higher & VET.
The Summit will provide a platform for Industry leaders to discuss important issues which will shape the future of the sector. At this Event we will discuss, debate and strategize and highlight the key issues like, the role of ICT in education system, how to encourage PPP & international participations in the Higher Education & Skill Development, what are the government priorities and what kind of initiatives are required from the them to raise the quality & standard of the Education.
In addition to providing a forum for the voices of academic staff, researchers and professional staff who find themselves at the front lines of a rapidly diversifying higher education workforce, the conference aims to push some of the more traditional higher education boundaries by encouraging representation from colleagues in the vocational education and training sector, from business, industry and the private sector. Senior institutional leaders and policy makers will play a pivotal role in our conference as we consider both the policy and the practical implications of what it means to engage with higher education.

Award participants from Special Project-Manav Vikas School do an educational tour of Shantiniketan

Shantiniketan is a small town near Bolpur approximately 18o kilometers away from Kolkata.It was made famous by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore whose vision  became what is now a university town which is also a major tourist attraction in Bengal and our destination. Rabindranath lived here and penned many of his literary classics and his home is a place of historical importance.

Our educational tour convened on 15/01/2012 and we were a team of 28 members consisting of 26 students and 2 teachers. Most of the students were Bronze level awardees and many of them did not have the opportunity to travel by train earlier. We reached Shantiniketan at four in the evening and were shown into our rooms which were booked in the Youth Hostel. We were given an hour to freshen up after which classes were conducted on mountain manners, country code, teamwork etc.

Day 2 started with trekking to the banks of the Kopai River.  We had the opportunity to see the market place of Shantiniketan. One particular thing I noticed that the names of the shops in some way referred to Tagore and his works. Names of the shops were Geetanjali Sari shop, Sonar Tori jewelers etc. Shantiniketan has schools which are modeled on the ancient gurukul system. We saw that classes were being conducted in the open air amid green surroundings. Another noticeable feature of shantiniketan was that there was no hustle and bustle of vehicles; signboards forbade people to use horns or to drive at speeds in excess of 20 km/hr. The place truly justifies its name shantiniketan or “abode of peace”. We reached the Kopai River, which did not have much water as it is only rain fed. We saw some statues made by famous sculptors along the banks of the river, which were so lifelike.

Then we visited the Vishwa Bharathi University it's symbolic meaning being defined by Tagore as "where the world makes a home in a nest". We learnt that the aim of this educational institute was the quest for truth, blending the methods of learning of the East and West. Visva Bharati, now more than a hundred years old, is one of the most prestigious universities of India with degree courses in humanities, social science, science, fine arts, music, performing arts, education, agricultural science and rural reconstruction. We were unfortunate to see Rabindranath Tagore’s house only from outside as tourists are not allowed to enter the house or to click photographs of  the house after the theft of the Nobel prize. We were lucky to see a famous sculpture of a santhal family by the great artist and sculptor Ram Kinkar baije, who himself was a santhal.

After luncheon we paid a visit to the Netaji club, where our instructors from ICNL (Institute of climbers and nature lovers) taught us the basics of rock climbing. The club had an artificial hillock which I must admit would have been difficult to climb without the help and motivation of our instructors.
We returned to our hostel and the children were given the responsibility to cook dinner. Ravenous as we were from a hard day’s work, we found ourselves gorging on chicken, baigan ka bharta and rice after which we retired to our beds.

Day 3 started with physical training. After an hour of exercise our instructors taught us the rudiments of pitching a tent. We then visited SRIJANI, the Shilpagram Complex of which is a unique cultural centre provides a conducive environment and infrastructure to nurture our traditional arts and crafts. The complex comprises huts. The huts incorporate traditional architectural features and design. The centre also provides Craft stalls, Art gallery, Patta painting gallery and Landscape Children’s Park so that the visitors of the Shilpgram will be acquainted with the rare, ethnic and vanishing art forms of the country. 
We then came back to our hostel and started preparing for the camp fire which went off smoothly. After which we had our dinner which was again self cooked by the students and then we retired to our rooms with a heavy heart. We had to return to our routine lives the next day.  

It was an experience of a lifetime and I would like to thank the IAYP India National Office for providing us the opportunity to visit the “abode of peace”. Whatever I felt during the 3 days is inexpressible in words. Lastly I would like to thank  ICNL for conducting the trip safely.

KALYANI CHAKRABORTY, Teacher and Award Leader, Manav Vikas School

Himalayan River Runners present Rafting Camp for University Award participants this Holi

DATES: 6th-9th March 2012

ORGANISED BY: Adventure Partners-Himalayan River Runners (HRR). Visit http://www.hrrindia.com/

Day 01 : On arrival at Camp, Camp briefing, timings, dos and donts.  Group to pitch small alpine tents (2,4 and 6 person tents) in an area allocated to them. A hot luch will be provided after which a safety briefing and the first introduction to white water rafting with all equipment and guides provided. Back at Camp for tea. A game of volley ball to further the team building exercise that would have started with the journey, then the rafting. They will collect firewood and build a bonfire.Dinner will be provided.

Day 02 : After an early breakfast the group will be encouraged to put their own packed lunch together under guidance of HRR cook and Camp Manager and with a local guide they will trek approximately 6 hrs to a high meadow. Local plants and trees and birds will be identified. They will return to Base by early evening. Bonfire and dinner.

Day 03 : After breakfast a longer white water rafting section. Alongwith an opportunity to do some diving from the "jumping rock". Back to base for lunch. Thereafter some exercises will be set up on the "ropes course" and  'slackline balancing'  where the group will be divided either into pairs or teams for the various exercises.There will be some leisure in the early evening for journal writing,showers etc.Bonfire and dinner.

Day 04 : After breakfast the group will be divided. One will do "rappelling" from an 80ft rockface under expert guidance with full saftey gear for 90 minutes while the other group will kayak in the bay area of our Camp under guidance of instructors. Groups will switch activity on completion. Depart after lunch and make your own way back to Delhi.

THE COSTS (Special rates for Award participants)
Rs.3960 for a group of atleast 15 students + 2.575% Govt. Service Tax. This cost will not include transportation.

Costs include 2 rafting trips, 1 Rappelling session, 1 Ropes/Slackline Course session, 1 kayaking session, 1 hike, pitching their own tents, making 1 packed lunch.

CONTACT: Shubhda Hirawat at shubhda@dofe.in or call 09711930168/ 011 26497154 ext 21 for more information

Note: This camp can be canceled if minimum requirement is not met. The costs would be refundable.

One Award Alliance

The project is evolving rapidly from theory into practice; the thrust of the strategy has become more definitive and more streamlined; the tools are on trial; all will be presented at Forum 2012 in Malta.

The ‘One Award Alliance’ is our strategy for improving and growing the International Award. It will improve the profile and perception of the charity by making it clearer and more consistent; it will improve the charity’s capacity to grow by making the way we run it fit for the foreseeable future; it will also improve the charity’s ability to manage the quality of experience for participants in International Award programmes.

The Intended Outcome is to offer present and future members of the International Award Association a significantly better sense of identity, purpose and capability which will engage with and embrace the International Award family in a more relevant and meaningful way.

The Objectives of the project are to help the IAA realise its ambition to make the International Award the leading youth achievement award, principally by adopting an appropriate business model to help apply rigour and discipline in the way we:
  • own, manage, protect, develop and value our business format; build capacity to deliver and grow
  • define the charity’s brand platform and position; enhance the look, feel and visual identity; achieve clarity, consistency and leadership throughout all our communications, especially digital media
  • ensure our quality assurance by measuring the success of our vision through our performance, impact and outcomes
The Key Deliverables have evolved from ideas into practical tools which, with the approval of the International Council, are being further developed through a limited number of trials. The tools and their objectives are:
  • Licensing and Standards Framework – revised to better promote, provide and preserve our brand; give clarity to all operators and authorities about roles and responsibilities; enable NAAs to increase the number and variety of operational licence holders and delivery partners; generate funds through appreciation of the value of the brand and managing it
  • Visual Identity – redesigned to re-capture value in our brand; unify our image, create clarity and consistency; transfer greater value to Award achievers
  • Online Award Management System – developed to deliver real-time performance measurement and management information; enable capacity to grow and deliver; enhance quality experience and assurance
  • Research Template – created to enable consistent research across the IAA; to measure outcomes (life skills Award holders might attain by participating) against essence and vision; to measure impact (wider effect of Award on society) in nine areas; to demonstrate our effectiveness more meaningfully with supporters and partners
  • Training Modules – new training materials to reflect and support the OAA objectives and tools; new methods including online tools to give volunteers more confidence to get started and to progress
The overall benefit of the ‘One Award Alliance’ is to help present and future operators and authorities to reach out to and cope with more participants, to give them a quality experience and to enable more to achieve an Award which will have international credibility and recognition.

The implications of the ‘One Award Alliance’ are that while the Award Programme stays unchanged the ways in which it is presented, managed and measured will change. This is evolution rather than revolution, with the tools and objectives outlined above being welcome and necessary to take the charity into the 21st century and fit for the foreseeable future.

For further information about the project please contact Stephen De-Wint by e-mail stephen.dewint@intaward.org or via Skype, Id: stephen.dewint or telephone +44 20 7222 4242.

Reward yourself!

When you live up to your resolutions, you reward yourself. This is the Award Programme.

When you resolve or set a goal and try to achieve it, you really find this self satisfaction. You are rewarded for reaching your very personal goals, and have fun in doing so. What makes the Programme so special ... keeps things really simple. You do what you want, with whom you like, and at your very own pace. There is no greater reward than to live up to your own expectations.

Next time you commit to your own self, ensure you take the challenge and be motivated enough to wear the badge of the Award for life. 


Sandeep DuttNational DirectorThe Award Programme Foundation 
Member: The Duke of Edinburgh's Award International Association

Creating Committed Citizens
The International Award Programme has reached more than seven million young people in over 135 countries. Regardless of ability, gender, background or location, the Award enables young people to set off on a personal journey towards a better future. Find out how the Programme is creating committed citizens of the world.

Presenting the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) from 16th to 30th August- N.E.W.S Travels

N.E.W.S Travel, Award Partner have received a mandate from LIYSF 2012 to select & send 35 students & 3 faculty members to the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) to be held in London between 16th & 30th August 2012.

LIYSF, is a two week residential forum that attracts over 350 of the world’s leading young scientists, aged 17-21 years old, from more than 60 participating countries, including the top prize winners from the European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2011.

Please see: www.liysf.org.uk for more information 

The modern world still presents new challenges and the scientific advancements continue to increase. How science moves forward in the future with the thinkers of today and the questions to be asked comes from those attending LIYSF.

  • Lectures and demonstrations from leading scientists
  • Seminars, debates and discussions on scientific topics of world concern
  • Visits to industrial sites and research facilities
  • Visits to academic research centers in London, Oxford and Cambridge
  •  Visits to the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum
  • Social activities, including discos, inter-hall competitions, a light-hearted international cabaret and an evening of Songs of Home.
  • Sightseeing tours of London, Stonehenge and Salisbury, Windsor and Hampton Court
  • Visits to some of the best shows in London theatres
  • Visit to the London Eye & London Dungeons – (This specially offered for the Indian Students attending the Forum)
  •  Accommodation is in London University Halls of Residence. 

Meals are provided throughout the Science Forum and free travel to all scientific visits and programmed events.

For two weeks, the participants live together as an international community can exchange their ideas and experiences of the world to fulfill the aim of the Science Forum: to give a greater insight into science and its application for the benefit of all mankind.  

The Forum is endorsed by the U.K. Prime Minister & is supported by the highest echelons of learning in the UK such as the Imperial College, London.

As one of the participants remarked, "..a unique opportunity to meet and get to know a great deal of incredibly talented people from around the world. People who you know will one day be making a difference to all areas of science"

LIYSF 2012 Visit and Speaker Line-up Getting Hotter!

UNIQUE VISITS- World famous academic institutions, scientific organisations, laboratories and centres open their doors to LIYSF students to see behind the scenes.  LIYSF students get the rare chance to meet scientists in small groups and get a close hand look at the work they do.  Choose the visit that is most suited to your interests and tailor your own programme.  Visits already confirmed include Airbus, The National Physical Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering – Imperial College London, Rothamsted Research Centre, UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory and The Culham Centre for Fusion Energy to name a few. 

LEADING SCIENTISTS SPEAKING- Check out our regularly updated EVENTS DIARY to see the leading scientists that will be joining our lecture programme for LIYSF 2012. Professor Sir Roy Anderson, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London will open LIYSF. Other confirmed speakers include; Professor Steve Cowley – Director of Culham and Chief Executive Officer of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Dr Aravind Vijayaraghavan – School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Professor Sam Evans – School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Dr Peter Douglas – School of Engineering, Swansea University and Dr Andrew Hanson – Outreach Manager, National Physical Laboratory.

For Details: India Tel: +91 731 3919111/222  Email: liysf@newstravels.co.in 
Check out http://www.liysf.org.uk/ for more

Participation Conditions:
  1. Participation is open to students of science between the ages of 17 – 21 yrs (Can be relaxed to 16 years for exceptionally bright students who are endorsed by their schools)
  2. The Forum is conducted throughout in English and participants should have a good knowledge of the language.
  3. Students must be studying science and have achieved or be in preparation for taking exam qualifications for university entrance
1)      The number of participants is capped country wise & the indicated numbers are the maximum that they will allow from India.
2)      Participants must arrange their own funding which would be approx GBP 2110 + INR 68,000/ = Rs 2,53,680/- (1 GBP = INR 88)
3)      The Registration to the Forum closes on 31st  March, 2012.
4)      Service Tax as applicable @ 2.575% will be extra at actual

Package Inclusions:
1.      Return Airfare with taxes
2.      Accommodation in a University Hall of Residence including Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner for the duration of the programme
3.      The full programme of Lectures, Seminars and Visits (including transport in and out of London), together with the social programme, maps and other necessary documentation. 
4.       City Tour of London
5.      Visit to Stonehenge & Salisbury
6.      Visit to the London Eye
7.      Visit to Hampton Court & Windsor
8.      Visit to the London Dungeons
9.      Theatre Visits
10.  Return airport Transfers
11.  UK Visa
12.  All transfers
13.  Travel Insurance
14.  Tour Manager
As a matter of fact we have factored in all the OPTIONALS in the package as such any student from India will NOT be required to pay anything over & above the indicated cost.

IMP: It has been the Forum’s experience that there is a substantial demand by the educators / teachers / professors to also attend the Forum, to facilitate this a provision has been made to add 3 (maximum) educators / teachers / professors for the LIYSF 2012, this is offered at a concessional rate as follows:

GBP 1710 + INR 68,000/ = Rs 2,18,480/ (1GBP= INR 88) + Service Tax @ 2.575%

This is ordinarily being offered to any institution that can commit 5 or more students for the Forum & is considered on a first come first served basis.



Thurs 16th
Welcome in Halls of Residence
Fri 17th
Opening Ceremony

Professor Sir Roy Anderson
Lunch & Lecture Demonstration
Professor Richard O'Kennedy
Welcome Party
Sat 18th
Lecture Demonstration
Dr. Peter Douglas
City Tour of London
The Science Forum Bazaar
Sun 19th
Visit to Stonehenge & Salisbury
Visit to Stonehenge & Salisbury
Student Topics
Mon 20th

Visit to Research & Scientific Establishments in London
Lecture Demonstration
Dr. Aravind Vijayaraghavan
Great Crossword Treasure Hunt
Tues 21st
Specialist Lectures
Lecture Demonstration
Professor Sam Evans
Lecture Demonstration
John Ellis
CERN Theorist
Weds 22nd
Visit to Research & Scientific Establishments in London
Visit to Research & Scientific Establishments in London
Visit to the London Eye
Thurs 23rd
Specialist Study Day
The Human Planet
Specialist Study Day
The Human Planet
Lecture by - Prof.David Phillips (President of the Royal Society of Chemistry)
London late night shopping
Fri 24th
Day visits to Oxford & Cambridge Research and Scientific Establishments
Day visits to Oxford & Cambridge Research and Scientific Establishments
International Cabaret
Sat 25th
Lecture Demonstration
Dr. Andrew Hanson
LIYSF Olympics
Lecture Demonstration
Dr. Cyril Isenberg
Sun 26th
Visit to Hampton Court & Windsor
Visit to Hampton Court & Windsor
Visit to the London Dungeons

Mon 27th
Specialist Lectures
Lecture Demonstration
Professor Steve Cowley

Visits to Science & Natural History Museums
Student Debate Evening
Tues 28th
Managing the Warming
World - Study Day.
Led by University of Surrey 
Professor Roland Clift
Managing the Warming
World - Study Day.
Led by University of Surrey 
Professor Roland Clift
Theatre Visits
Weds 29th
Participants Forum
Lecture Demonstration
Farewell Party
Thurs 30th

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