Why Relationships Matter? - Chandrani Singh


Relationships are the cornerstone of human existence, shaping our emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being. Whether they be familial, romantic, platonic, or professional, the connections we forge with others profoundly impact our lives in myriad ways.

Emotional Fulfillment
At the heart of any relationship lies emotional fulfilment. Through bonds with loved ones, we experience joy, love, and companionship, which serve as pillars of support during life's trials and triumphs. Sharing our innermost thoughts, fears, and dreams with trusted confidants fosters a sense of belonging and validates our experiences.

Mental Well-being
Healthy relationships contribute to our mental well-being by providing a sense of security and stability. Knowing that we have someone to turn to in times of distress alleviates feelings of loneliness and isolation. Moreover, engaging in meaningful conversations and activities with others stimulates our minds, broadens our perspectives, and fosters personal growth.
Physical Health Surprisingly, the quality of our relationships can also impact our physical health. Research has shown that individuals with strong social ties tend to live longer, experience fewer chronic illnesses, and recover more quickly from ailments. The emotional support provided by loved ones can bolster our immune systems and lower stress levels, thereby enhancing overall health and longevity.
Personal Development Beyond the immediate benefits of emotional support and companionship, relationships play a pivotal role in our personal development. Interacting with others exposes us to diverse viewpoints, challenges our assumptions, and encourages empathy and understanding. Through conflict resolution and compromise, we refine our communication skills and learn invaluable lessons about cooperation and mutual respect.
Professional Success In the realm of work and career, relationships are equally crucial. Building a network of professional contacts and mentors can open doors to new opportunities, provide invaluable guidance, and enhance job satisfaction. Moreover, fostering positive relationships with colleagues fosters teamwork, boosts morale, and ultimately contributes to a more productive and harmonious work environment.

In essence, relationships are the fabric of human existence, enriching our lives in profound ways. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we cultivate a sense of belonging, foster emotional well-being, and pave the way for personal and professional growth. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us cherish and prioritize the relationships that bring us joy, fulfilment, and a sense of purpose.

Chandrani Singh
Sunbeam Indiranagar
Masterclass 2024 Reflections

Why Do Relationships Matter? - Suparba Roy Choudhuri

Relationships matter because it is the essence of our lives, they provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. They offer emotional, social, and sometimes practical assistance, contributing to our overall well-being and happiness.

Additionally, relationships can provide opportunities for personal growth, learning, and sharing experiences with others. Our life otherwise would have been so mundane and monotonous, if no relationships were there. For me, it is very hard to imagine a life without relationships. They might not be something without which it is impossible to survive but survival in this "rattrap kind of world" is made a lot easier.

Through relationships, we find support during challenging times, celebrate joy together, and create lasting memories. Interactions with others help us grow personally and socially, expanding our perspectives and shaping our identities; 'just like the rattrap seller's perspective changed after coming in contact with Edla Willmanson'. Ultimately, relationships form the fabric of our lives, influencing our happiness, health, and sense of fulfilment.

Suparba Roy Choudhuri
Sunbeam School Lahartara
Masterclass Batch 2024

Why Relationships Matter? - Gitika Kapoor

Relationships are the fabric of our existence, the threads that weave together the tapestry of our lives. They are the connections that bind us to one another, giving depth and meaning to our journey through this world.

From the moment we are born, we are thrust into a web of relationships - with our parents, our siblings, and our friends. These connections shape us, mould us, challenge us, and support us as we navigate the twists and turns of our human experience. 

They are the mirror in which we see ourselves reflected, the sounding board for our thoughts and emotions, the anchor that keeps us grounded in a turbulent sea of uncertainty. As we grow and mature, our relationships evolve and change along with us. 

We form romantic partnerships, build friendships, and create professional connections. Each new bond we forge adds another layer to our identity, another dimension to our understanding of who we are and where we belong in this vast and interconnected world.

But relationships are not just important for our personal growth and fulfilment - they are essential for our very survival. Studies have shown that people with strong social connections live longer, healthier lives than those who are isolated and alone. Our relationships nourish our souls, feed our spirit, and sustain us in times of hardship and adversity.

So cherish the relationships in your life, nurture them, and cultivate them like a precious garden. In the end, it is the love and connection we share with others that truly define the richness and depth of our human experience. 

Gitika Kapoor 
Sunbeam International
Masterclass Batch - 2024

War Vs Peace - Chandrani Singh


War and peace are complex concepts that even young children encounter through various media and experiences. Exploring these topics in a classroom setting for children can be approached with sensitivity and age-appropriate content. 

This aims to provide educators with strategies and resources to introduce the concepts of war and peace to the students in an accessible and engaging manner.

Understanding What is War:
Definition: Begin by explaining war as a situation where groups of people fight against each other, often causing harm and damage.

Examples: Use simple, relatable examples such as conflicts on the playground or disagreements between characters in stories to illustrate the concept of conflict.

Feelings: Discuss the feelings associated with war, such as fear, sadness, and confusion, and validate children's emotions by creating a safe space for discussion.

Impact: Help children understand the impact of war on families, communities, and the environment using age-appropriate language and visuals.

Exploring Peace:
Definition: Define peace as a state of harmony, where people get along with each other and work together to solve problems peacefully.

Examples: Highlight instances of peace in everyday life, such as sharing toys, resolving conflicts with words, and showing kindness to others.

Feelings: Discuss the positive emotions associated with peace, such as happiness, safety, and friendship, and encourage children to share their experiences of feeling peaceful.

Importance: Emphasize the importance of peace for building strong friendships, creating a safe environment, and making the world a better place for everyone.

Activities and Resources:
Storytelling: Read age-appropriate books or tell stories that depict themes of war and peace.

Art Projects: Engage children in art activities where they can express their thoughts and feelings about war and peace through drawing, painting, or collage.

Role-Playing: Encourage children to act out scenarios where they resolve conflicts peacefully and demonstrate empathy and cooperation.

Peaceful Practices: Teach simple mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques, and calming strategies that children can use to promote peace within themselves and their surroundings.

Introducing the concepts of war and peace to students can lay the foundation for empathy, conflict resolution skills, and a sense of global citizenship. By providing age-appropriate explanations, fostering open discussions, and engaging children in creative activities, educators can empower young learners to contribute to a more peaceful world, one small act of kindness at a time.

Chandrani Singh 
Sunbeam Indiranagar                
Masterclass 2024 Reflection 

Nurturing Foundations - Sneha Chakravorty

The Vital Role of Relationships in Education

In the bustling corridors of academia, relationships often take a backseat to academic pursuits. However, beyond textbooks and lesson plans, they are the backbone of the school environment, shaping experiences, nurturing growth, and fostering a sense of belonging. 

Let's delve into why relationships are paramount in education, highlighting their profound impact on holistic development and academic success.

🠶Cultivating a Supportive Community

Schools are vibrant communities where students, teachers, and staff converge on a journey of discovery and growth. Relationships within this ecosystem create a supportive environment where individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered.

For students, connecting with peers and mentors provides crucial emotional sustenance for navigating the challenges of adolescence. Whether it's a smile in the hallway or guidance from a teacher, these connections serve as anchors in their academic and personal development.

 🠶Fostering Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is often overlooked, yet it's crucial for academic success. Meaningful relationships within the school setting nurture this essential skill set.

Through interactions with classmates and educators, students learn empathy, effective communication, and conflict resolution. These skills are invaluable not only in the classroom but also in personal and professional life.

🠶 Enhancing Academic Achievement

Positive relationships between students and teachers significantly influence academic performance. When students feel supported and respected, they engage more actively in class, seek assistance when needed, and take ownership of their learning journey. Likewise, educators who cultivate strong rapport with students can tailor instruction and foster a conducive learning environment.

🠶Cultivating a Culture of Respect and Inclusivity

Schools serve as melting pots where individuals from diverse backgrounds converge. Nurturing relationships within this diversity fosters respect, empathy, and inclusivity.

By promoting open dialogue and celebrating differences, schools create a welcoming environment where every voice is valued. This enriches the educational experience and equips students with the skills to thrive in a globalized world.

🠶  Conclusion

Relationships are the threads that weave together experiences, perspectives, and aspirations in education. From the bustling corridors to the quiet classrooms, their significance cannot be overstated.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, let's recognize and celebrate the profound impact of meaningful connections. Ultimately, it is through these bonds that we unlock the transformative power of education.                                                                                   

Sneha Chakravorty 
Sunbeam Suncity
Masterclass 2024 Reflections

The Significance of Relationships- Khalid Zafar


I've come to deeply understand the profound impact relationships have in all phases and spheres of life. Relationships are pivotal for trust, and growth.

A genuine connection between teacher and student acts as the sunlight that illuminates students' paths, guiding them through the complexities of learning.

In the garden of learning, emotions flow like a gentle breeze, carrying with them the seeds of empathy, understanding, and encouragement. As teachers, we have the privilege and responsibility to cultivate these emotions, fostering an environment where students feel valued, supported, and empowered to blossom into their fullest potential.

But relationships extend beyond the classroom walls; they transcend grades and academic subjects, touching the hearts and minds of students long after they leave our care. Like the roots of a tree, strong relationships anchor students to their educational journey, providing stability amidst the winds of uncertainty and challenges.

Moreover, relationships serve as bridges, connecting students to a wider community of learners, mentors, and resources. Through meaningful interactions, students cultivate essential life skills such as communication, collaboration, and resilience.

In essence, relationships are the cornerstone of humanity, breathing life into young learners. 
For in the end, it is the bonds we forge and the hearts we touch through a beautiful relationship.

                                                                                                        Khalid Zafar
Sunbeam School, Suncity
                                                                               Masterclass 2024 Reflections

Why Relationships matter? -Shivangi Gupta

Relationships are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives, each connection leaving an indelible mark on our journey. In the tapestry of my existence, relationships are not just moments shared but the essence of who I am. 

They are the echoes of laughter, the solace in silence, and the comfort in shared moments of authenticity. Through the highs and lows, relationships have been the compass guiding me, grounding me in a chaotic world. 

They illuminate the path to self-discovery, reminding me that life's beauty lies in the intricate dance of connections, forging bonds that shape the very core of my being.

                                                                                   Shivangi Gupta
                                                                                 Sunbeam School Annapurna
                                                                                 Masterclass 2024 Reflection


Why Relationships Matter? - Vijeta Wilson

PC- LinkedIn

I will start with, if there were no relationship life would feel lonely and isolated. We wouldn't have anyone to share our joys, sorrows and experiences in life. We actually need a relationship because it matters a lot. Having someone to talk to and share our thoughts and views is so important in every aspect of life.

It helps us feel heard, understood, and validated. Whether it's discussing our dreams and aspirations, seeking advice, or simply venting about our day, having someone to share with makes life more enjoyable and meaningful. 

And not only this. We go through different types of relationships, in the workplace, we have professional relationships with our colleagues and boss. These relationships are important for Collaboration, Teamwork, and Career Growth. In personal hobbies or interests, we may have relationships with fellow enthusiasts who share our passion. And of course, in our personal lives, we have relationships with family and friends.

Each relationship adds its own unique value and enriches our experiences in different ways.

Last I will end up with this Quote...

"All relationships have one law, never make people feel alone, especially if you're there."

Vijeta Wilson 
Sunbeam Indiranagar
Masterclass Batch 2024

War Vs Peace - Sneha Singh

Choosing between war and peace may be a bit extreme for describing a new workplace, but I understand the analogy.When considering a new job, it's essential to weigh the potential challenges (war) and the positive aspects (peace).

When I walked in the school premises after a break, it was a mixture of emotions. It was nostalgic, with a sense of familiarity, and perhaps some apprehension about changes.
The war (challenge) in a workplace can include adapting yourself, understanding new workflows and processes, building relationships with new colleagues, and overcoming the initial learning curve.

Reconnecting with familiar faces brings a sense of peace and positive familiarity. Knowing the work place and colleagues from previous work experience can foster a supportive environment, ease the integration process and contribute to a more comfortable atmosphere.

I believe, navigating the professional landscape involves both war-like challenges and peaceful opportunities.

Sneha Singh 
Sunbeam Bhagwanpur
Masterclass Batch - 2024

Reflection: War versus Peace in Class

1. In your journey so far, have you been the ‘different’ student/teacher joining a new school? 
Have you been on the other side too - of welcoming a ‘different’ person into your world? How did that go?
Based on the session, reflect a little on what could have been the pros and cons of your own experience joining a new space and welcoming another joining your space. What could have been better in both, if any? Or list any possible learnings from them. 

2. Reading about high-risk behaviour in the classroom, did any incident in your classroom or outside, come to mind? If yes, how did you handle it? What was the final resolution like and does this session add some more learnings to perhaps add to your style of handling?
If you haven’t experienced a high-risk scenario in your classroom, imagine yourself to be in Roma’s place and reflect on how you would have tackled it. 

What School Means to Me? - Sanyogita Dubey

PC- The Headteacher

According to me, school is a place that opens up a student's mind to all sorts of possibilities. Schools provide opportunities for students to learn how to solve problems. 

The school provides a platform for students to display their problem-solving abilities. They do this in a few different ways.  

One way is by providing opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities. This gives students the chance to try new things and to find out what they’re good at.

Sanyogita Dubey
Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur
Masterclass 2024

Why Relationships Matter - Sanyogita Dubey

PC- LinkedIn
It’s not an exaggeration to say that lack of relationships can be deadly. Relationships have the power to influence physical and mental health.

People learn to safely manage worries, fears, hopes and dreams in healthy relationships. This capacity builds intimacy, closeness, and a sense of security that has a far-reaching impact.

When a person feels supported by a healthy relationship, there is a sense of safety. There is excellent security in knowing it is okay to share deeper needs, self-doubts and concerns without fear that the person you’re confiding in will shame you or make you feel bad for appearing weak (vulnerable?) or needing support.

Sanyogita Dubey
Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur
Masterclass (Batch- 2024)

What School Means to Me? - Sneha Singh


  • Excitement
  • Friendship
  • Learning
  • Teachers
  • Passion
In the dynamic realm of education, schools serve as hubs pulsating with excitement, where the tapestry of friendship weaves tightly among students. Learning becomes the vibrant heartbeat, echoing through classrooms, while dedicated teachers impart knowledge with unwavering commitment. 

Within the walls of academia, passion ignites, fostering a deep connection to the pursuit of understanding. Excitement permeates the air, creating an atmosphere ripe for exploration and discovery. 

Together, these elements form the quintessential essence of the word "School," encapsulating the multifaceted experience that shapes not just minds, but the very fabric of lifelong connections and intellectual fervour.

Sneha Singh 
Sunbeam Bhagwanpur
Masterclass -Batch 2024

My Reflection My Way

Why does relationship building matter? (In school) By SNEHA SINGH.

Relationships are the fabric of human connection, providing emotional support, understanding, and a sense of belonging. They contribute to our well-being by fostering shared experiences, joy, and growth.

Meaningful relationships offer support during challenges, reducing stress and promoting mental health. They create a foundation for communication, empathy, and trust, crucial elements in personal and professional spheres.

Additionally, relationships enrich life with diverse perspectives, broadening our worldview. Investing in connections cultivates a sense of purpose, enhancing overall happiness and resilience.

Relationships are integral to our social and emotional fulfilment, shaping the quality and depth of our lives.

Photo courtesy Learning Forward India Foundation.

Why Relationships Matter? - Reeta Tiwari

"Relationship matters a lot" to me. It can bring happiness and joy to life. The most significant relationship that can enhance all other experiences is the one with yourself. By consistently working on this beautiful relationship, we can improve self-care, self-love, and overall well-being.

While relationships with family and friends can bring happiness and joy to life, the best relationship is between me and my son. My son is six years old. When I come home and see the happiness on his face and in his eyes, it makes my day. He waits for me in the evening to play, and when I deny him, he gets angry. Then he wants me to make him smile. This "Ruthana Manana" is the best relationship in the world.

Relationships matter because they provide emotional support, connection, and a sense of belonging. They contribute to personal growth, happiness, and overall well-being. The relationship fosters a positive learning environment, promotes trust, and enhances communication. A solid teacher-student relationship can inspire motivation, academic success, and a lifelong love for learning.

Reeta Tiwari
Sunbeam, Bhagwanpur

Image courtesy Canva Pro

What School Means to Me? - Reeta Tiwari

SCHOOL is a centre where KNOWLEDGE is imparted to the STUDENTS by the respective  TEACHERS and where their OBJECTIVE decides their FUTURE.

It might also involve memories of learning, academic challenges, friendships, or a mix of positive and challenging experiences associated with the educational journey.

It says, " Students Come Here to Obtain the Objective Of Life."

Reeta Tiwari 
Sunbeam English School
Bhagwanpur, Varanasi

War Vs Peace in Class - Deepti Sharma

Since I don’t have any high-risk classroom experience. Reading about high-risk behaviour in the classroom if I had been at Roma’s place I would try to navigate the class to calm down. I would convey a clear message to the students that such behaviour is unacceptable. 

I will counsel the child and make him/ her understand that we value him. This behaviour is not good for him to be a responsible adult one day. I would have not handled it the way Ms Roma has handled it. There are a few things that I am learning here. In this Case study Ms.Roma was guided by counsellor Ms.Uttara. 

Roma being a wonderful teacher has also proven herself to be an ideal student. The importance of calculation is realised when Ms Reshma miscalculated her response by underestimating the situation which in turn led to the deterioration of the situation. 

The students should realise that they are valued at school. They will reciprocate the same to their teachers. A teacher has to be emotionally strong only then she will raise emotionally strong students.

Deepti Sharma 
Gyanshree School, Noida 

Reflection: War versus Peace in Class

1. In your journey so far, have you been the ‘different’ student/teacher joining a new school? 
Have you been on the other side too - of welcoming a ‘different’ person into your world? How did that go?
Based on the session, reflect a little on what could have been the pros and cons of your own experience joining a new space and welcoming another joining your space. What could have been better in both, if any? Or list any possible learnings from them. 

2. Reading about high-risk behaviour in the classroom, did any incident in your classroom or outside, come to mind? If yes, how did you handle it? What was the final resolution like and does this session add some more learnings to perhaps add to your style of handling?
If you haven’t experienced a high-risk scenario in your classroom, imagine yourself to be in Roma’s place and reflect on how you would have tackled it. 

Why Relationship Building Matters? - Shalini Tiwari

In my opinion, building relationships is a foundation of any school which first of all influences the environment of the school where a student is the centre point of the school. If he/she feels valued and connected to everyone in the school then he/she develops in every area. 

The child gets wings and this is possible only when a teacher connects with him/her emotionally, personally understands his needs, removes his/her doubts or understands his her inclination and helps him/her in that direction. 

Then the child develops self-confidence, accepts challenges and achieves academic success. Often children who are introverts are not able to express their needs, due to which many times they are not able to prove themselves even after having the ability. 

In such situations, the teacher should not be judgemental.He/she has to help that child. There is a need to further strengthen their relationship.

The role of teachers is not limited to just teaching their subjects. It is seen that even today many parents consider studies done in this traditional way, which creates problems for a child in balancing school and home studies. 

In such times, the role of a teacher becomes even more important, how he can explain to the parents the importance of the changing methods and technology of education.

For this, relationship building with children and parents will have to be strengthened. 

Courtesy- Shalini Tiwari
Sunbeam School, Indiranagar

Why Relationships Matter? - Mizan Ali

A relationship is the plinth of life. It is mandatory for everyone from the womb to the tomb. A fetus has a relationship with the womb, a teacher has a relationship with his/her students, a cloud has a relationship with rain, a plant has a relationship with soil, a devotee has a relationship with deity ...and they hear the innocent and innermost thoughts and feeling of each other which are often not expressed or only hinted at, through their actions.

A healthy relationship shields not only in fair weather but equally in sickness. Standing in tranquillity even the Laburnum tree finds itself lonely as the goldfinches transform the tree and make it alive, without the goldfinch and the chicks the Laburnum is just like any other tree. 

Overall what can be deduced out of this is that if one wants to live a dynamic life one has to have healthy relationships in all possible ways. Relationships are essential to humans. It is difficult to express what is a perfect relationship but it's quite easy to be one of those perfect people who carry relationships with love, care, trust, respect and honesty. 

It always adds meaning to life and gives purpose to live life to the fullest. The success of a student depends on the relationship he or she has with his or her teacher, how much they value each other and how they develop a connection among themselves based on mutual understanding. The same goes for other relationships too. 

It's a must to maintain relationships, to keep them healthy forever, & this applies to all relationships. But if it doesn't, the sugar coating recedes with the passing of time and the relationship ends in a broken, lost situation. Only verbal commitments do not work; one needs to express his/her love, through caregiving, and gratitude, through his her body language, gestures and the way they interact.

For example, if we see a perfect classroom it means that somewhere there is a strong relationship between the teacher and the student's communication and it plays a major role in building a strong relationship whether it is verbal, visual, nonverbal or any other way. Humans can't live alone; we need healthy relationships, which is crucial for healthy and meaningful survival. 

To conclude, I must state that relationships are eternal, infinite and pure and we must contribute to them through honesty, compromise individuality communication, control and purity of heart and soul.

Mizan Ali 
Sunbeam School, Indiranagar

What School Means to Me? - Mizan Ali

Five words that come to my mind when I think of the word ‘SCHOOL’-






I was actually transported to my childhood days while reading this masterpiece of Kavita Bhupta Ghosh. The expressions like Multigrain diet, convoluted madness, broaching the crucial topic and countless golden words gladden me at its extreme.

More than anything else, a School is an adorable place for each child whether a backbencher, a last ranker, a mediocre or a topper. Jacob planned to appoint a teacher who was perfectly imperfect for the post of a teacher but even a backbencher, a last ranker and the one who experienced bitter failure in school or even in life can set conventional principles which can be used as bedrock.

We know that School is a place where we learn and grow. It is a place where we make friends and memories. It is also a heavenly place for a child where he learns about the world around him. They learn to read, write, think critically, solve problems and think creatively. It is a place where they can be themselves, they can be individuals and the centre of the whole system and where they can find a place in the world. For everyone school is the first place where they are introduced to various subjects. 

At school, we learn math, science, English, history, and many other subjects. We also learn about different cultures and different ways of life. All of this helps us to develop our unique perspective on the world. We learn to believe in ourselves and we are taught how to be the best version of what we are!

At school not only children but even teachers feel at home. They learn, laugh, play, create, bloom & smile together. School teaches children to cross the milestones with courage and a smile on their faces. Going to school and getting love, care, support, and respect, is the birthright of a child.

I, as a student during my childhood received every bit of knowledge and respect from my school and teachers and now I as a teacher should be giving the same, to my children to build their self-esteem, courage and confidence. Imparting knowledge and holding hands with our students is equally important to qualify the motto of a good school.

Let's build a nation where people are humble kind, loved, educated, confident, ideal citizens full of integrity, empathy, resilience, open-mindedness, and committed to justice and equality. They should be willing to contribute positively to their communities, embrace diversity, and work towards the betterment of society as a whole.

Mizan Ali 
Sunbeam School, Indiranagar 

Joining a new organisation as a Principal - Paul Puthenveetil Variath

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay

Joining a new organisation or welcoming someone into your existing institution entails many opportunities and challenges. When considering the prospect of joining a new space, one of the primary advantages lies in expanding networks. Such expansion broadens opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, potentially leading to fresh perspectives and ideas that can invigorate our endeavours. Moreover, engaging with a new space provides invaluable learning opportunities, facilitating acquiring new skills, knowledge, and insights. Additionally, access to resources, funding, or infrastructure may be granted upon joining, enhancing your capabilities and visibility within relevant communities. 

However, integration into a new space may present challenges, such as adapting to its unique culture, norms, and dynamics, which may require time and effort. Furthermore, aligning objectives with those of the new space and managing competing priorities can be daunting tasks, potentially resulting in conflicts or inefficiencies. There's also the possibility of relinquishing some degree of autonomy or decision-making authority, raising concerns about independence and the risk of uncertainty regarding outcomes. 

I experienced a similar situation when I joined as a principal at SOS Hermann Gmeiner School, Chaubeypur- a school owned and managed by the SOS Children's Village of India- the premier childcare NGO in the world. The first year was definitely the most challenging one. I had a few teachers (the old veterans, as I may call them) who constantly troubled me with opposing anything new I proposed, though I had the support of the majority. 

Another challenge was dealing with the unruly students who were least bothered about adhering to the school's rules and regulations. The third challenge was an Assistant director who was a thorn in the flesh. The fourth one was finances. The school needed more self-sustaining and depended on grants from the Central Office to meet various expenses, including salaries.

After reviewing the situation, I decided to deal with the problems of teachers first as I felt that they were the backbone of any school, or for that matter, of society. I spent several brainstorming sessions with them and agreed upon a plan - Working for good academic results and setting examples for acceptable behaviour and spoken language from the part of the teachers and from my end, representing their issue of low salary to the management. 

I fulfilled my commitment within a month as the SOS management hiked the salary by 15% (if my memory is correct), considering my recommendations based on convincing data. This boosted the morale of the teachers, and they stood by me for all good reforms that were to happen henceforth. To my surprise, the old veterans left the organisations one by one. At the end of the session, we received a reasonable result of 97% passing in the board examinations, and for a 100% passing result, we had to wait for another 2 years.

Managing the students was much easier once the teachers were guided on the right track and convinced of their role as nation-builders. I always emphasised character building as the main focus and creating good human beings and global citizens as the objective of education. We worked with students and parents as a team, counselling and mentoring them occasionally. My active intervention in classroom teaching, from the notebook cross-checking, calls to parents, etc., to class observations, sent a significant message to the parents that we are determined to make their child a good, responsible citizen. 

Soon, the news of academic reforms spread far and wide, and admissions poured in large numbers, resulting in higher income and zero deficit. Over 3 years, I could make the school self-sustaining with a minimum fee hike. From the consecutive years, we found substantial surpluses which we used for the infrastructural development of the school. 

The Assistant Director lost ground in the school and, on my request, was transferred to the Delhi office, giving me a free hand to manage the school's affairs. I completed 15 years of successful service and retired from the organisation in 2022. 

To navigate these opportunities and challenges effectively, it is crucial to prioritise effective communication, establish clear expectations, and embrace diversity and inclusion. Furthermore, cultivating adaptability, flexibility, and a commitment to continuous evaluation and feedback can lead to desired improvements and enhance overall effectiveness. By embracing these principles, joining a new space or welcoming another into your existing space can be a rewarding and enriching experience for all involved parties.


Paul is part of the Masterclass 2024 Cohort

REFLECTION - Food for thought! 

In your journey, have you been the 'different' student/teacher joining a new school? 
Have you also been on the other side of welcoming a 'different' person into your world? How did that go?
Based on the session, reflect a little on what could have been the pros and cons of your own experience joining a new space and welcoming another joining your space. 

What could have been better in both, if any? Or list any possible learnings from them.

Live recording Masterclass 2024 Session II


Welcome to the first episode of season 16, where we meet Sandeep Dutt, a School Improvement Coach and the mastermind behind The Teacher's Academy at the Learning Forward India Foundation. 

Don't miss out on the Masterclass 2024, inspired by Kavita Ghosh's book "Wanted Back­Bencher Last Ranker Teacher." This unique program facilitates collaborative efforts among teachers in reading, writing, and research. By sharing real-life learning experiences, teachers create presentations that improve student learning outcomes.

Equip yourself with the tools you need to thrive through the power of reading, reflection, and building relationships. As teachers, your happiness should be a priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Let's embark on this journey together! (The photo used for representational purposes is from The Fabindia School, and a Professional Learning - PLP - session is in progress).
Enjoy the live recording of the session hosted on the 3rd of February, 2024.

What Makes a School? - Anoushka Kathuria

A school is much more than just an organization where students are taught academics. It is a small world in itself. A child can not be put in front of the world right away, so they are sent to school. It is a place where they can feel safe. School definitely teaches us a lot academically but it teaches us so much more than that. 

To make friends, to deal with people who have very different ideas and backgrounds than ours. It teaches us all the prerequisite knowledge we require before facing the actual world outside. 

Personally, it is a great experience to remain in the same school for a very long time as it is the surroundings which form our personality and being within the same place really helps in learning while enjoying the classmates and teachers we can connect with so easily.

Why Relationship Matter? - Kapila Yadav

"Man is a Social being and Relationships are the thread that holds us together... "  Relationships remain fundamental to human well-being, serving as the cornerstone of emotional, social, and psychological fulfilment.

It contributes significantly to mental health, providing emotional support, reducing stress, and offering a sense of belonging. Strong interpersonal connections also enhance interpersonal relationships enabling individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

Beyond personal well-being, relationships form the bedrock of societal cohesion. They foster empathy, understanding, and cooperation, essential elements for building harmonious communities. Meaningful connections with others facilitate personal growth by exposing individuals to diverse perspectives and experiences.

In the digital era, where virtual interactions often dominate and the personal-ness is gone for a toss; maintaining strong relationships requires intentional effort. Effective communication remains paramount, transcending text messages and emails to include genuine, face-to-face conversations. Moreover, expressing empathy and active listening in the digital realm can bridge emotional gaps.

Prioritizing real connections over virtual facades nurtures genuine bonds. Ultimately, amidst the allure of technology, recognizing the enduring significance of human relationships is vital for personal fulfilment, societal harmony, and navigating the complexities of our interconnected world.

Last, but not the least, relationships at times also tag as, eg- Mrs, Mother of, Daughter of....and in these we find pride, joy and immeasurable emotions!

P.S: Although we are only connected by a distant "relationship" of being Teachers, we feel obliged to be associated with this group, and it is only this association/relationship that keeps us coming back for more!

Kapila Yadav
Sunbeam International

Why Relationship Matter? - Annie Mahajan

Relationships are like the magic that makes life feel special. They're the people who stand by you when things are tough and share the happy moments with you. 

Imagine them as your favourite song, always playing in the background, making everything better. Think of relationships as your safe haven, a place where you can be yourself without any worries. It's like having a bunch of friends or family who understand you, cheer you up when you're sad, and celebrate your victories. These connections turn ordinary days into extraordinary adventures.

When life gets confusing, relationships are like a guide, showing you the way. They're the friends you share secrets with and the ones who make you feel less alone. It's not just about having someone around; it's about having people who make your life richer, more colourful, and full of love. Relationships are the heartbeats that make your journey through life truly meaningful.

Annie Mahajan
Sunbeam Lahartara

What Makes a School? - Leena Bhattacharya

Five things which come to my mind when hearing the word school? 

1. Uniform 

2. ⁠Educators

3. ⁠Learners

4. ⁠Timetable

5. ⁠Playground 

For me, school is a sacred place which should be revered. It forms the formative years of a child which in turn lays the foundation of a good pathway for them. 

I prefer the word educators over teachers as I believe that educators teach not only a particular subject but also educate children on basic life skills and moral values. 

I also believe in calling students learners as I think students apart from learning subjects also learn the importance of friendships, mutual understanding, respect, obedience, diligence, perseverance and other valuable skills needed in various social settings. Therefore schools are a sacred place for an educator, a learner and society in general.

Leena Bhattacharya
Sunbeam Suncity

Why Relationship Matter? - Dipty Ahuja

Relationships are the positive connections between students, teachers and the education system that foster positive social interaction and establish a nurturing environment of trust and support in schools. Learning requires effort and one of the best predictors of students' effort and engagement in school is the relationships they have with their teachers. To promote high academic standards, teachers need to create supportive social contexts and develop positive relationships with students. 

Good relationships with teachers help students feel a greater sense of belonging and connection to the school community and encourage them to participate more actively. Student engagement in learning is linked to greater academic performance and is vital for a sense of belonging. Positive relationships help students and give comfort to discussing any problems sometimes they face in their lives.

A teacher needs to carry a robust personality where students should feel secure and at the same time a teacher should be able to enforce life learning under disciplinary acts. Young children, for instance, who have challenging experiences with trust and attachment can face further difficulties with social bonds and relationship formation later in life. These impacts can create obstacles for friends and intimate relations as well as further learning and employment. Having an early foundation for building positive relationships is important, and the school plays a critical role in this.

School belonging and teacher support are often investigated as bivariate connections in academic research. A correlation between two variables might build a relationship inference. While the student-teacher relationship is considered to be one of the most important components of school belonging, nurturing this relationship needs to be a priority.

A positive relationship between a teacher and with School administration will help a teacher understand the school and job expectations very well. So, it would be easy for a teacher to achieve the expected goal. Healthy relationships bring job satisfaction among teachers which always inspires them to excel in their work towards school and students.

Last but very important i.e. relationship with parents. The parent is the child's first teacher. When a school system values and respects the relationship between a parent and a child and welcomes parents as equal partners in their child's education, parents and teachers have an opportunity to influence a child to live a positive and fulfilling life.

Dipty Ahuja
Gyanshree School, Noida 

What School Means to Me- Shalini Tiwari

School is a place where we try to achieve our goals with proper education and moral values and in this context, teachers are our guides. But the achievement of a teacher and student can be achieved only when there is equal participation of both, that is, along with the student, the teacher should also be capable of adjusting to every upcoming environment. 

A school is where every student's ideas matter, and are encouraged to explore for themselves and engage with teachers. There, the student's self-confidence not only increases but also there is development in his/her field.

It is often heard that many rules are made in school, but remember that these rules do not bind children but give them the right direction to go towards their goals.

Sunbeam Indiranagar

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