Let's take tiny tots to the journey of "Robofunzone" to play, learn, create and explore intelligence. The Robofunzone consist of the following fun pockets of learning.
Pre primary Robotic lab
1- Transport assembling, toys assembling
2- Puzzle pattern plants, animals, birds etc
3- Structuring Model parts of body
4- Assembling and rearranging pattern
5- 10 table grid for fun learning
6- Creative corner
7- Psycho verbal enhancement pattern
8- Identification and learning Musical sounds and its sound intensity

Pre-primary kids have the eyes of curiosity to feel touch create and play. This "Robofunzone" help kids in learning through these fun pocket zones which ignite the Thought of innovation and satisfaction of creating a new thing and confidence of building it again. The idea in the mind of tiny tots spread multidimensional as everything to their eyes are wonders of the world. When they touch a boat and slowly place it in water and  see it moving away from them their eyes twinkle with happiness and amazement because every scene that they witness from making the boat of paper to watching it gradually sailing in water ignite million of questions starting from why is the water blue to how it's moving, so to satisfy every curiosity of a child we need to give them freedom to create, learn, play and understand every aspect from formation to action to understanding.

.......Ignite Thoughts to create learning....

~ Ms Tazeen Siddiqui is Managing Director, Mansha Educational society. Her email address is

Goals - Hard Work - Excellence!

Over the summer break, I got a chance to read the book "Is Your Child Ready To Face The World?" by Dr. Anupam Sibal. Through this book, I have learnt many things. The one that struck me the most was the importance of knowing how to set one's goals. I believe it is a very critical learning for all children. 

In order to succeed, you must have a goal in mind. A goal drives you to work towards it. It automatically helps set targets towards the ultimate destination. To begin with, we must set small goals. Their achievement gives us the confidence to pursue bigger dreams. 

In our country, goals are set from the first day itself for many of us by our parents. The day of birth often attaches aspirations of parents with their children. They dream of their child succeeding as a doctor, an engineer, a scientist, etc. in the future. I feel that children should be given the space to develop these goals on their own. They should be allowed to cultivate their own interests and understand their own passions. Pre-deciding for them puts them under pressure and often forces them to pursue things that may not be of their liking. 

As teachers, our task is even more critical in this aspect. We must set an example in our classrooms and beyond by emphasising the need to follow one's interests. We must also show the children the right path that they need to follow in order to achieve their goals. I, for instance, try to do this in the following manner: 
1. Help assess the interest of the student towards the goal
2. Positive thinking
3. Constant motivation
4. Focus towards the goal
5. Mental preparation for every situation

6. Pushing children to make the most of every opportunity 

I always give my students the example of Mahendra Singh Dhoni. His journey began from a small town in India with very few resources. However, he let nothing stop him from achieving his goal of playing for the Indian cricket team. And once he was included in the team, he never became complacent but kept striving for more each time he stepped on to the field. 

We must motivate our students with examples - big and small - to help them dream and aspire for excellence. And we must encourage them to work hard towards these goals.

~ Vineet Kumar is an Educator at The Fabindia School. His email address is 

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