Conscientiousness: The Key to Success : Bharti Rao

Conscientiousness means to do something well and the purpose of practising it is understood. It is a long process of learning but the reward and achievement that we get through it is always enjoyable.

The system of Education according to the parents and students is to obtain high grades and get admission in the best colleges. This is not conscientiousness. Those who are conscientious are the people who are responsible, passionate, risk-takers, fearless and ambitious. To be conscientious you need to be efficient, organized, neat and systematic.

We as Educators need to help our children to be conscientious. We need to help them not to be dependent. They should be able to overcome their disability and take it as their advantage, and then they will surely become creative. Educators or parents should help the child to learn to embrace their disability than letting it rule his life. Every problem should be taken as positive learning and try to overcome it.

Conscientiousness comes when one takes the responsibility to achieve the target that he has set. In school we should help our kids to be focused, spontaneous by motivating them constantly. We should give the kids such tasks which will help them to be risk-takers and responsible. We should help them to plan their work and be punctual and disciplined towards work. This will help them to be systematic and conscientious.

You need to be passionate about your goal. An Educator should motivate his students to be conscientious by inculcating in them the traits of being dutiful, faithful, self-controlled, punctual, disciplined, steadfast and responsible.
Bharti Rao
TheFabindia School, Bali

Play, Curiosity and Enthusiasm : Sharmila Vijayvargi

The classroom is a second home for a teacher as well as for a child. The classroom should be developed into traditional playtime or exploration centres. These developmental learning centres promote a child to learn effectively.

The physical environment in a preschool classroom should be set up in such a way that it promotes self-learning and direction to the children. The environment provided to the children should be organized, stimulating and comfortable in order to learn effectively.

Preschoolers are full of energy, enthusiasm and determination to explore and learn,  hence the environment that we provide should be challenging, interesting and  foster independence and creativity. Phonemic awareness is the knowledge that each word is made up of specific sounds and, phonological awareness is the ability to manipulate the sounds of language.

For children to develop these skills, they need repeated opportunities to listen to and play with language. Children in the ABC and  word work centre practice alphabet, play with letter and sound associations learn words that are common and important in their lives and begin to and begin to create unawareness of high-frequency words in a relaxed risk -3 atmosphere through  games, songs and fun activities.
Sharmila Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School, Bali

मित्रता का भाव : कृष्ण गोपाल

जीवन में मित्र होना परमावश्यक है।  कहा जाता है अन्य रिश्ते ईश्वर बनाता है किन्तु मित्रता का रिश्ता व्यक्ति स्वयं ही बनाता है।  मित्रता के कोई नियम नहीं है।  सुख के पलों की अपेक्षा तकलीफ में मित्र का सहयोग करें। एक सच्चा मित्र बनकर संकटों और कठिनाइयों में सहयोग करें। अपने लिए भी ऐसे ही मित्र का चुनाव करें जो हर परिस्थिति में आपका साथ छोड़े।  अपने मन की बातों, जिसे किसी और के समक्ष प्रकट कर सकें, उन्हें अपने मित्र को बता सकें।  मित्र अंतरंग होने चाहिए हमारी बातों पर पीछे से उपहास करे वह इस अंतरंग मित्र की श्रेणी में नहीं सकता।  अंतरंग मित्र तो दूर वह सामान्य मित्र कहलाने के योग्य भी नहीं हो सकता। वही व्यक्ति सबसे अधिक धनवान है जिसके अधिक मित्र है।  लेने या किसी लाभ के वश मित्रता करें।  श्री कृष्ण और सुदामा की मित्रता यही भाव समझाती है। अपनी तरफ से देने का प्रयास ही मित्रता का भाव है। मित्र में कोई दोष निकालें, यदि है भी तो अपनी योग्यता से उसे दूर करने का प्रयास करें। हमें सच्चे और झूठे मित्र के बीच अंतर करना आना चाहिए। हमारा इतिहास मित्रता के किस्सों से भरा पड़ा है।  उन किस्सों को सुनकर या पढ़कर मित्रता का भाव समझ सकते है। 

कबिरा संगत साधू की हरे और की व्याधि
संगत बुरी असाधु की आंठों पहर उपाधि
कबीर का उपर्युक्त पद मित्रता की सठीक व्याख्या करता है।  सच्चा मित्र व्याधि हर लेता है जबकि दुष्ट मित्र हमेशा कष्ट देता रहता है। मित्र से सहानुभूति रखें, आवश्यकतानुसार सहयोगी बनें, प्रसन्नचित, उदार और हितैषी बने।  हम सामाजिक प्राणी है अतः मित्रों की आवश्यकता रहती ही है।  मित्रों की संख्या में वृद्धि करें और प्रसन्न रहें। 

कहि रहीम संपति सगे बनत बहुत बहु रीत
विपति कसौटी जे कसे तेई सांचे मीत

उपर्युक्त दोहे के अनुसार तो वही सच्चा मित्र है जो कठिनाई में काम आए।  परन्तु मित्र की कठिनाई में पहले स्वयं मदद करें फिर किसी प्रकार की अपेक्षा रखें। 
Krishan Gopal
The Fabindia School, Bali

Marshall Memo 824

You're getting the Memo early today because of my travel schedule. Enjoy!

This week's articles come from School Administrator, Educational Leadership, School Library Journal, All Things PLC, Education Week, and AMLE Magazine. Here are the headlines:

- Addressing unconscious bias in schools

- Culturally responsive school leadership in Michigan

- Carol Ann Tomlinson on what works best in reading, and for whom

- Timothy Shanahan on effective elementary reading instruction

- Problems when students read-only "just right" books

- Three questions school leaders might ask about literacy instruction

- Dealing with rational and irrational resistance to change

- Does "data-driven instruction" work?

- Semi-self-contained sixth grades in Maryland middle schools

- Picture books for middle- and high-school students

If you want an HTML version of this week's Memo, please click here:

For a podcast of last week's issue (#823), please click here:

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Fun Learning : Urmila Rathore

Play-The name itself has a lot of curiosity, enthusiasm and fun. When a child plays games and participates in any activity, he does a lot of effort to win and face the challenges. Playing games improves various skills, values, and more so brings curiosity in the minds of these children

Sports teach us to face challenges, to become decisive and of course the possibility of winning a competition.

We should play with children to know their personal lives, challenges, abilities of thinking. When we play with children, they become more comfortable in sharing their thoughts and this way develop a strong bond with their mentor.Children like to play with their friends and family with a lot of enthusiasm. Sports also remove hesitation and fear of public speaking in a group or a team.

Last summer I went to Delhi to attend a workshop 'Drama in Education' which was an amazing experience for me. Before going there, I had lots of questions in my mind like -
What will happen? How will we do? Who will be our mentor? How he/she will behave with us? How will I speak in front of unfamiliar people? and so on. I was a little nervous but excited at the same time to learn from the workshop. This curiosity and enthusiasm makes me optimistic to face whatever will be next. We reached there and met many people belonging to different parts of our nation, made friends, did many groups activities. Through all the games, skits, dances, orchestra related to the academic subject, we learnt skills of collaboration, observation, punctuality, responsibility, imagination, confidence and many more!

Playing games also cover our subject related problems and that’s why all educationists are emphasizing on play-way methods in schools because it makes our learning easy to understand.
A curious child learns more effectively. As it is said, “Curiosity is the mother of discovery”, so an educator must inculcate this skill into a child through his teachings and let him/her find the information. In this way, children become more self-reliant by doing it themselves. It thus creates a learning environment.

Enthusiasm is basically dependent on the environment and physical health. Parents, educators, guardians should learn to be an enthusiast and fill it in their children through storytelling and adventures. We should also tell them the success stories of our players and great leaders.

An enthusiastic child can be a great leader, actor, educator or inventor. It plays a big role in our life and helps in achieving a goal. It never keeps us down. It motivates children and makes them ready to face the world.

A happy child always creates curiosity and enthusiasm and these aspects rejuvenate and recreate our thoughts, imagination and learning.
 Urmila Rathore,  Educator
TheFabindia School, Bali

Writing : Kusum Sharma

Writing is a way to organize our thoughts or even to find out what we are thinking. It is a medium of human communication that represents language with signs and symbols. For languages that utilize a writing system, inscriptions can complement spoken language by creating a durable version of speech that can be stored for future reference or transmitted across distance. 

Writing practice help you write short, simple texts about known topics and fill in forms. Texts include messages, emails and forms. Writing skills means the ability to convert thoughts into words with proper standards and punctuation, grammar and other important aspects of writing. 

Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through face to face or telephone conversations. Being able to write well is a skill which will get you a long way in the workplace, partly because it is fairly rare in many places.

One skill that many people lack, especially in management and other professional environment is the ability to write in Plain English. That is avoiding unnecessary jargon and using very simple English. There are countless benefits to having strong writing skills, the benefit of teaching students these skills from an early age are mostly on academic success across the curriculum living in the digital age has made literacy even more important, as communicating professionally via writing is an important skill in most workplaces.

There are top five writing skills which every professional should have:-
1. Develop a unique writing style.
2. Make use of wide vocabulary.
3. Express your thoughts confidently.
4. First drafts are never perfect.
5. Get a writing partner.

This will help everyone to develop a perfect writing style.
Conclusion :- Writing is an important part of every digital marketing strategy. The way you convey the message to your readers reflects the success or failure of your campaigns. By using these simple tricks, you can improve your writing and add value to your marketing activities.
Kusum Sharma
The Fabindia School, Bali

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