Esteemed Ladies & Gentlemen, the Corporate Titans and businessmen & women of our unique, ancient Indian nation. Please lend your country your eyes, your ear, your love, your support and – most importantly - your incomparable determination to achieve in these strained times of competitiveness and ecological chaos. This appeal has little to do with boardroom discussions, the infrastructure of your companies or any aspect of profit. But please do not stop reading this missive!

If we do not have respect for our own selves, each other or the nation of our birth and life, then how can we expect the rest of the world to have any respect for us? Therefore to ensure the land we live in is a safe & healthy haven for each and every citizen, the people of India are about to be encouraged to go to war against desertification of our country, against the death of our holy, life-giving rivers, mountains and seas, and against deforestation of the paltry 11% of forest India has managed to retain against indiscriminate felling.

Rich or poor, we all need clean air to breathe, pure water to drink and uncontaminated food to eat. And putting it very bluntly, the ecology of the nation we all know and love as Bharat Ma, Hindusthan and India is dying, and we need your help, as the inspiring citizens of this nation, to work together with us all to reverse that grim reality - for the good of all concerned.

Our action plan is as follows: -

 That for the next 12 months we are going to ignite a fire in the citizens of India to reverse the disgraceful damage done to the environment we all live in by Re-Greening India – For Life, using the electronic and physical media to spread the message that action is required by each and every individual.
 That the Collectors of every district, in each of India’s individual states designate one large plot in each Panchayat Block for reforestation. This ensures people can easily reach the sites, with or without transport.
 That in larger towns, cities & Metros the Municipal Corporation designates one area in each voting division on large degraded land plots, again, so that all citizens can reach the areas easily.

 That the Ministry of Forests & Environment requests every DFO in each district to ensure the growth of ample indigenous saplings of value to each region in India, in each and every nursery across the country. And as August 2009 approaches the forest dept. will supply the saplings to their fellow countrymen, women and children for planting at the designated sites.

 That on 26th January and 15th August 2009 the commencement of this campaign - “Re-Greening India – For Life!” begins after the Flag hoisting ceremonies are completed celebrating on our Republic and Independence Day. Every year for a 10-year period the people of India will repeat this process until our green cover is what it should be in this most ancient, most cultured and most unique and diverse land.

 That we ask the corporations and business houses of India to contribute to the protection of these locations being reforested by providing the fencing, irrigation source and guards per plot to ensure these efforts to maintain good quality oxygen for our citizens; to prevent soil erosion and landslides and to ensure water and not soil flows into our rivers and seas during the monsoon seasons.

In comparison to the era of my childhood in this land - when our world was greener, and we as a nation were infinitely more sensitive to the natural world and all the voiceless creature therein - we are at a shocking juncture in regard to the environmental devastation in India, with most of the country’s citizens too busy trying to succeed, or even survive, to pay this aspect of life any real attention.
The current status of India as a place to live a healthy life is becoming a major concern, but as awful as it may be we have absolutely no right whatsoever to bequeath this total mess to the children of today and future generations. This situation can only be reversed with the whole-hearted efforts of every citizen and friend of the country.

So please join this campaign to reverse the destruction of our beautiful India
 Your corporate business name will be displayed on the Internet, TV networks, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, airports, and cinema hall, bus depots and hoardings, in all regional languages, for the full 10-year period. (Should you wish to change the copy for such promotional material during the course of the campaign any costs would be borne by the said company.)

 Posts and signs stating the name of the corporations & Business houses that contributed to the protection of that particular reforestation plot will encircle each reforestation plot. We would need to be supplied with your particular corporation’s or business house’s signboards.

 Your corporation or business house will be seen being in touch with the fundamental needs of all those living in the Indian nation, for we all have to breathe air, drink water and eat food to live.

In anticipation of your positive response and participation in this campaign we the people of India thank you most sincerely, and look forward to working together for a cause important to you, all of us who currently reside in India, and the future generations who will thank and bless you for your involvement to save our fragile ecology in India.

To become involved in our efforts to Re-Green India – For Life!, please contact Margie Watts-Carter on the following email addresses: -

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