Dr Tazeen Jamal Siddiqui: Delusion Of Love


If we love  someone we want to have them  to be with us so that we can feel happy whenever we watch them, but if it's not possible to have them, we must still love to the same intensity, bless them and care for them but by letting  it go, love is in its purest forms in the art of giving  , it's not about being together  always or close to each other its also about connecting hearts together even if miles apart.

Hearts are connected by even miles and miles of distances with great force.

A strong point of connecting with hearts is more substantial than just the connect of Physical presence.

Its seen in relationships sometimes which is a delusion of love that is convenient love, few examples of convenient love.

“When a friend does amazing for a friend the friend loves that friend, but when the same friends get in trouble or are not of any benefit than the love disappears”

A second example of convenient love is
“When a wife does all great things at home takes care of children and does everything amazingly, the husband loves it, but sometimes if she missed it out, then that love turns into anger without understanding the situation of the lady and love turns to punishment”.

True love is beyond the existence of perfection...
True love is beyond the weaknesses of the person, you love...
True love is beyond being  judgmental
True love is when you can feel, your love in their hearts …
True love is when you honour their will and wishes as your own…
True love is when you encourage the person to live their dreams and travel distances to excellence …
True love is when you share kindness over Punishment and care over anger...
Teach the values of True love to your children not Delusion of love or convenient love…

Dr Tazeen Jamal Siddiqui, MD, Mansha Vision India fortazeen@gmail.com

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