Keep Trying with Determination - Monika Vaishnav
We all want to do something great in life, we have different dreams to achieve but we see that only a few of us could achieve, why?

Some people always think they will start tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes, so if you want to start something good for you, start now. Some people start things with great energy but give up soon. So it requires constant self-motivation and hope. 

Having dreams or wishes is easy, it doesn't require handwork or efforts. But it requires a lot of efforts and determination to achieve our goal. Determination plays an important role on the way to our success because it helps us to stay motivated every day and be hopeful until we reach our destiny.

There will be obstacles or challenges but if we have strong will power which gives us inner strength, we can achieve what we want and make it happen. We don't get everything easily in life and it is not necessary that we will get success in the first attempt, there can be rejections or failures but we need to try again and again if we want to achieve something no matter how difficult the situations are. 

Monika Vaishnav 
The Fabindia School

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