Competition Oriented Schooling - Manish Jaiswal

Hello Everyone, once again, I am before you with another relevant issue. I hope this article touches you when you are in the state of good health and spirit. Every time I come before you with a new welfare topic related to students.This time I want to draw the kind attention of educators towards the well being in the career of School students.

In our new education policy, we are very much concerned about the pattern of learning, we are providing to students. There is a lot of impact of the early school days on the career of a child. Whatever he or she learns in the school remains with him/ her till the achievement of a career.

Therefore it is of utmost importance that we give our students something efficient, very relevant and very much related to to the trending skills/requirements of the job.

Balancing between board exams and competitions

Some exams student can prepare in and after  10th are:-

National talent search Exam

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana






One of the several issues is competition exams which a student faces after schooling in the years of graduation to get a job. 

If a student is provided with the exact information on the career options by the school faculty then mostly the students make up their mind to go in a particular stream as per their knowledge, skill, interest and aspirations.

After the information on career options, faculty members should guide the students toward the syllabus and requirements different career options. It means which exam will lead to his desired career.

Then information of the syllabus good books, study material and guidance (what to study and how much is to study) is needed to be given to students.

We should tell them how much of the current curriculum will contribute to the competitive exam. It will raise the awareness of student and will give him the motive of studying current class syllabus.

Teachers should share some interviews of toppers of competition exams, revealing their strategy to get success.

We should guide students about how to maintain a perfect balance between class curriculum and competitive syllabus.

More emphasis should be given to multiple-choice questions, and one-word answers as it is the inherent pattern in all competitive exams.

Reference books should be included while covering the NCERT curriculum. Teachers should sort out topics common to both board exams and competitions and focus more on them.

Emphasis should be given on both speed and accuracy of the students in answering the questions.

The occasional test may be planned on the pattern based on career exams.

Orienting the students towards the pattern of career exams has become the need of the hour.

Thank you.

(Courtesy: Times of India)

Manish Jaiswal, The Fabindia School <>

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