Edoardo Montenegro ”I am passionate about Education...

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Edoardo Montenegro, Torino, Italy

Episode #51: Sandeep Dutt in conversation with Edoardo Montenegro, a Hundred Ambassador and Country Lead. Edoardo has a strong passion for learning and a deep love for community, change and communication management. He developed his professional skills working for the banking industry in Italy, where he learned to plan and execute communication projects in marketing and HR. Once he understood the impact innovation has on companies and society, he gave space to his entrepreneurial vocation. He co-founded Betwyll, an ed-tech startup that fosters reading through social networking, working with more than 600 schools and universities worldwide. All this led him to Northern Europe, where he learned to work both as a tech entrepreneur and an ecosystem builder.

Betwyll helps teachers make students read more, better and with lots of fun.
We developed a reading method and a webapp which combine reading and social networking, a place where students can read, comment, share and learn together. The teacher chooses a book, sets a reading calendar and then asks students to read and add short comments of 140 characters to each paragraph they want. The method works on paper as well as on the webapp, improving deep reading skills.

Learning Forward Podcast 14th Nov 2020

Learning Forward
By Sandeep Dutt
You will love the stories shared by our happy teachers and passionate educators. We grow the capacity of your people to improve student achievement and transform your school into a culture of trust and collaboration in less time with fewer resources. Each person in your school contributes to the culture of your school. School culture is built on the actions and interactions of the people. You make your school stronger by adding value to others and making others feel valued.

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