Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dear Bougainvillea! - Nibbrati Rathore

Dear Bougainvillea!

Hope you are doing well! Do you know who I am?

I am your most enormous admirer. I will always see you in the Park. You are the most beautiful shrub I have ever seen. This is my first letter to you, and I would like to confess that I am simply in love with you. You are a visual delight; the first thing that captures my attention is the strikingly vibrant pink colour of the bracts that you have; I studied a long time back in my school that the bracts of bougainvillaea are technically not flowers but rather modified leaves, however, it's your bracts that steal the show with their spectacular colour.

Your green leaves provide a perfect backdrop for the pink blossoms. I simply love your healthy, glossy sheen that speaks of a well-tended plant. The deep green colour contrasts beautifully with the pink, and the flower stands out even more.

For 12 years, you have been there for me and are a constant source of beauty and joy. I enjoy looking at you every morning and realize my life would be much less joyful and colourful without you. I feel so grateful to live in a world where trees fill with blossoms.

Every time I look at you, I fall in love with you even more; the blossoms cluster together, forming a cascade of pink that appears to glow with an inner light. 

How your naturally sprawling growth habit allows you to spread out and create a magnificent display. Your vibrant colour and profuse blossoms make you a standout addition to the Park.

My whole family loves you, especially my daughter; she thinks you are not just beautiful but bold and robust. You do not wither in extreme summers but blossom and spread your beauty. 

You bring such calm to an otherwise chaotic day. You inspire me to live to the fullest and pursue my dreams. You keep growing despite the terrible tragedies in this world. Through this letter, I want to tell you that you are loved by me and everyone who looks at you. 

Stay bright and healthy.

Thinking of you

Nibbrati Rathore

Gyanshree School, Noida

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