Power of Enterprise - Readiness to Explore - Dipty Ahuja

As a commerce postgraduate, the Power of enterprise means the power of running a legal entity possessing the right to conduct business on its own, keeping supply-demand in that area, input-output, SWOT analysis, and Profit-Loss in consideration.

However, from the session with Bhairavi Ma’am, I could understand that everybody has the ‘Power of Enterprise’ skills. We need to discover those skills in ourselves and use them as an opportunity to better ourselves and the people around us.

The power of enterprise can be done by setting up a new idea and acting on that idea effectively or by using your enterprise skills in your existing work life. In teaching, I always try to keep myself upgraded as per the demand of today’s era. Especially when one can get an abundance of information with a click.

As a Pre-primary teacher, how best I can adapt and bring new innovative ideas to inculcate holistic values in their formative years of life. Along with new ideas, readiness to adapt to any recent changes required, risk executing it better with lots of logical approaches and keeping a check on the results simultaneously. When we know both parents are working, it becomes our responsibility as a part of an educational institution to work on their discipline, the habit of learning and willingness to try new things, help develop their creativity and curiosity, focus and belief in themselves.

In Gyanshree School, even at the Pre-nursery level, we plan many activities where kids are asked to choose, think critically, and reflect afterwards. One of our favourite preschool critical thinking activities often includes an outdoor picnic. We give our Shreeyans a lunch box to pack and suggest relevant and irrelevant items to a picnic, and we let them tell us which items are suitable and why, Shape Hunt games etc.

With Pahale India, I understood that everybody needs to collaborate as a team to achieve a common goal or overall development. In this scenario, after identifying the problem or target to achieve, we should use our individual potential, which includes not only teaching staff but students who should also be involved, which will, in return, make them responsible. They will feel part of it in the path of accomplishment of their success goals. The light of the ray might be from educators, but the goal achievement would be in collaboration. Everyone can think differently with their experience and skills, which might help solve glitches. Furthermore, involving children in a part of it will allow them to use their minds logically and critically, which can be an opportunity for their future decisions.

To conclude, with the above brief description, we could develop a power of enterprise with constant learning to adapt to all changes required with motivation & passion, critical thinking & logical reasoning with the view of the final goal to achieve in mind in our Shreeyans and amongst of all.

Dipty Ahuja
Gyanshree School

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