Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions

“A good teacher can inspire, hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning.” - Brad Henry.

In my view a true teacher must be a true educator. He or She should enable a child to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life. Teachers must provide opportunities  to enhance the student's creative expression and the capacity for aesthetic expression. It is a character-building process that sows within an individual seed of simplicity and service values and helps a child blossom into a beautiful human being. It is necessary to mould the child in their attitudes, values and ideas. This is the only way towards a better tomorrow. In my view  it is essential for a teacher to instill in their minds a dream, a vision, a burning passion for achieving lofty goals. It is essential for a teacher to inspire a child  to become original thinker, innovative scientists  and creative artists and serve their society, country and the world. They must have freedom to discover, to create and to grow. Students must be trained to become sensitive to the surrounding and society. 

As students are never passive learners, they are always active learners. A teacher should inculcate values through literature, stories, autobiographies, biographies of great persons, poetry,music and drama. All the activities and experiences to which the children are exposed either in the classroom or outside the classroom, on the play field, in the laboratory and the library should be value oriented because students can eff ortlessly pick up values like self-discipline, compassion, self-control and sense of responsibility. Teachers are the role models  and play a major role in shaping the young learners. A child is a precious gift, and nurturing them with love and care is as teacher's sacred responsibility as students learn from their teachers' conduct as they emulate their teachers. The turning point in throwing up is when teachers can spire an urge for innovation, a spirit of compassion for the world around and a passion for becoming an achiever but remain deeply rooted in human values. According to my view a teacher must act as co-learner and facilitator. After all in words of Gilbert Hiest “A Good teacher is a determined person” and this determination and grit makes the teacher a sculptor who carves out marvelous pieces of work i.e. confident and honest students.

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstien
- Girja Koul is a senior teacher at the DBN Amarvilla School, you can contact her by email gkl.av@dbntrust.in

1 comment:

  1. I like thie Quotes "A good teacher can inspire, hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning. - Brad Henry."



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