Respected Principal,

The current Academic Session will be closing shortly, and the senior most class of your college/school will be leaving your Institute to face the competitions for career courses and then life as it confronts them. It is customary that the final year class is given a valedictory send-off with all Good Wishes and Blessings by the Principal.
I hope you would feel delighted and honoured if any of your ex-students excel in their career and life. Then why not to help them to achieve that object?
I, therefore, take the liberty of suggesting you to please present them a priceless Memento in the form of a book entitled
This book has been bestseller ever since its publication more than seven decades ago. It has been translated into languages of the entire countries world over thus sold in millions.
This book guides its readers as to how to succeed in their professions and life by developing cordial relations with their Seniors, colleagues and juniors in service, customers in their business and clients in their job and also with their family members.
It will be a lifelong guide and companion of the young boys and girls passing out of your college/school. Not only that, its study will benefit all the members of their families irrespective their age, profession, religion, taste or sex. This book will be passed on to their next generations for their benefit.
Photographs of the School/College building and of the Principal with a farewell address to him/her and also of the members of Faculty affixed at the beginning of the book will add to its value. It will remind the students of their long association with their mentors Principal, Members of Faculty and the School.
I consider help to our youth to achieve success in their professions and life a noble cause. I, therefore, as my contribution towards that offer this book for Rs.65.00 only against its print price of Rs.125.00(About 50% Discount)
With best regards,
Yours sincerely
(M) 09914066069
Note No.1 You need not send the cost of the books ordered by you in advance. Please email your request and send the photographs and farewell address by Courier or Speed Post in due course. You may please send us your payment on receipt of books and our bill.
Note No.2. The addition of Photographs of Principal with his/her farewell address, Members of Faculty, and School Building at the beginning of this book will enhance the value of the book and also serve as a reminder to the readers of his good old days spent therein. It will also serve as a permanent advertisement of your school. It will cost you a sum of Rs.15/- per book extra.
However you may save these extra charges by taking out required prints at your school’s Computers.
Note No.3. The original book is voluminous and requires a lot of time and patience to go through it. The author had used too many examples to illustrate each Principal involved. To make the book more useful, an abridged edition has been achieved by eliminating frivolous examples without losing the essence and essentials of the principles implied. The reading requires much less time, and utility of the book has been retained
Note No.4. Minimum 50% of the profits earned through the sale of this book will be spent by undertaking following projects through Rotary Club, Ludhiana – an International Service Organization whose members are engaged in the service of the poor section of our society.
(i). Presentation of Dictionaries to poor students.
(ii). Holding Medical camps to undertake a test of deadly diseases viz. Diabetes and Blood Pressure of poor people.
- The first twenty (25) orders received will be supplied at Rs.55.00 per book.
- The orders received within thirty days from the date of this email or letter will be supplied at Rs.60.00 per book.
- After that, the book will be supplied at Rs.65.00 per book.
Abridged Edition
Dale Carnegie
Abridged by
Col. Parkash Singh psc. (Retd.)
Former Principal,
Army Public School, Mamoon Cantt, Pathankot. (Punjab)
This Book is:
* A treasure __elegant and powerful formula for the success and happiness in career and life.
* A collection of simple rules for reaching one’s potentials.
* A wonderful experience sharing lessons that can enrich your life and career. * A wonderful life-crafter parable revealing a set of simple yet surprising patent ideas for improving the quality of everyone’s life.
* A collection of captivating stories that teaches as it delights.
* Very informative, inspiring easy to read and extremely helpful.
* It is a gold mine of wisdom and common sense.
* The author has important messages for all of us which can change our lives.
* It contains simple wisdom that anyone can benefit from.
* The author uses lessons from past masters to shed light on how we can handle the situations and tensions of the fast-changing world.
How to Win Friends and Influence People was first published in 1937 in an edition of only 5,000 copies. Neither Dale Carnegie nor the publishers, Simon and Schuster, anticipated more than this modest sale. To their amazement, the book became an overnight sensation, and edition after edition rolled off the presses to keep up with the increasing demand. How to Win Friends and influence People took its place in publishing history as one of the all-time international bestsellers. It touched a nerve and filled a human need as evidenced by its continued and uninterrupted sales into the eighties, almost half a century late. The book itself was translated into almost every known written language. Each generation has discovered it anew and has found it relevant.
~ Mrs Dale Carnegie
The special edition is published by:
Plot No.69, Street No.15,
New Shakti Nagar, Near Basti Jodhewal
LUDHIANA – 141007
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