Saturday, April 15, 2017

Steps to achieve success

 5 Steps to Achieve Success in Every Endeavor
Here are five steps to help you achieve success in every Endeavor. This may not ensure that you never face any problem, but can help you remain focused to rewards your goals. 

Reach for the Stars- Think of your targets as a journey. Half the fun of achieving a goal is the passage. Set your self a root with some challenges.Getting bored before you reach the end of the journey will surely take you off track. Like they say 'When you reach for the star a, you may not quite get them , but you won't come up with a handful of mud either'. 

Plan Well- The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. But it is necessary to chalk out a plan to achieve the goal. Sit-down and introspect till you are able to chalk out a plan that is realistic and achievable in the near future. 

Trust yourself- Ralph Waldo Emerson say, What lies behind us and but lies before us are a small matters compared to what lies within us.' Reflect on the truth of this statement. When you are low and circumstances seem against you, you can get discouraged and gloomy. But if you have got where you are in life. It is because you are talented and capable. Believe in your innate ability 'Remember hope is the companion of progress and the mother of success.' 

Rely on your institution- If you are stuck in situation where you are confused and have lost all sense of direction , simple move back and stop thinking about the thinking about the situation. Your instinct will tell you what your eyes cannot see and guide you even when your mind cannot understand. 

No matter how hectic or difficult your life, is keep your mind clear and your goal before you. As Deepak Chopra says' In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.' Distance yourself from everyday occurrences that can demotive you. Your long term objectives are what matter and you must be focused to achieve them.

Agya Kour

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