Open Award Centre is now on!

The first OPEN AWARD CENTRE (OAC) has been inaugurated successfully at the Sri Aurobindo Society , on the 5th of September 2009.

The Agend of the meeting / launch ceremony:
1. Orientation for the new AWARD participants.
2. Enrolment at the OAC.
3. Plan for the Award Holders Association (AHA).

The meeting itself saw hoardes of participants and volunteers alike.

The students and staff members of the society also attended the ceremony with abundant enthusiasm. It started with a formal introduction and a speech by the head of the society, Mrs. Daljeet Wadwa.

Mr. Sandeep Dutt then officially introduced the programme to the audience. Starting with light discussion about the achievements and goals of IAYP so far, he moved on to explain the role of the programme.
“It is in fact 90% trust and 10% effort. It can find even that tiny miniscule of positive energy in you and enlarge it to that degree that it makes you do grand things. And you will be left with glorious
memories that will last you a lifetime. Why did the award come into being?? It is simply there because we want to motivate you, want you to enjoy the present moment and get rewarded for it, thereby making your life somehow more meaningful. It is presented to you not because you secured the highest position or the grand trophy but because you are showing an initiative. You come first , you receive the award .. you come last , you STILL receive the award . Because you get rewarded for doing whatever it is that you are doing , in a positive way.” Thus by captivating the crowd with his speech which was delivered in a jocund manner , he proceeded to inform the audience about the required fields of the award.

Next, Saachi Sarin, enlightened the audience about her experience receiving the gold. This
programme is considered the highest accolade for an achiever.

Moreover the institute members also showcased many dance pieces, plays and instrumental performance to entertain the crowd.

Following this the interested candidates were registered for the programme and briefed about the coming events. All in all it was a fruitful day.

We are most grateful to Ms. Daljeet Wadwa, Directos of SAIMA, for not only being our host but for assuring us of full support towards the OAC project.

Karisma Rawat

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