The Award through my eyes- Amateur Video Competition

IAYP India invites all Award units, participants, Award Holders and partners to the first Award Video Competition. The best Video will show a fair understanding of the Award Philosophy of self-discovery, non-competitiveness, perseverance and enjoyment for all. We encourage you to show how each section of the Award allows you to have fun, learn new skills, make new friends and truly allows you to discover yourself through active engagement in your school, community and society. The winning team will be invited at the "India Showcase day" during the Asia Pacific Regional Board meeting to officially showcase their video, and their video will be used as the Official Award India Video for promotional purposes.

To help you get started, feel free to look at the following videos that talk about the Award in general and also get perspectives and experiences of Award participants:

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award- International Award Film

The Duke of Edinburgh's Awards Australia-Web Promo
The International Award-Get Involved
Experiences that last a lifetime-Duke of Eds Australia

Share your Award experiences with a clear, high definition five to ten minute video. Upload your video on YouTube, save it as "your name_city_IAYP India_Video2010" and share the link with the Communications Team by September 30, 2010. You are welcome to simply send your CD to us too!

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