9 Point Action Plan for IAYP, India

So far..
1. Rohit has got going on Alumni network… meeting due in Delhi on Sunday the 10th. Volunteers in the NCR welcome, anyone visiting Delhi on Sunday, do join us.
2. Sourajit – set the ball rolling on the exchange agenda; has to keep up the momentum!
3. For IT initiative, have put in place Priyank, he is based at the IT and Management Centre of Book Café, and now controls the website.
4. We hope to have in place the first 18-25 Award Centre in Delhi next week; this will be part of the North Zone, big thanks to Lata Vaidyanathan for her support.
5. Visited the North Zone, and they have been very supportive, are doing their best to support the 9 Point Action plan. Malini has been a tremendous resource…

· All Zone to please assist and take this Agenda with full zeal , help build a vibrant IAYP India chapter.
· Please send regular updates for the Website and other communications – blog, chat,… to itm@ebdmail.com, this will help Priyank keep the website www.iayp.in updated.
· Let us volunteer to work on a weekly roundup of the happenings and developments. All Zones may kindly write in to us, once a week on any matter / inputs.
Sandeep Dutt
8th May 2009
Update for the IAYP Governing Council

1. Working Group revival – Sandeep Dutt will take this ahead with the Zonal Chairmen and confirm a plan for meetings in 2009 in May itself.
2. National Secretariat – work is on, and we have meetings lined up with corporate and other partners, an appointment with the Director Habitat Centre is also on the Agenda.
3. Information Technology Solution – Priyank Gupta ( of Book Café) will assist Sandeep Dutt. All zones are kindly requested to help us come on one integrated platform, and link the Zonal Websites from the www.iayp.in home page. Priyank is on 0135 2714958 and Mobile 097 194 08779, his email is itm@ebdmail.com. The single point of contact for Website update and maintenance.
4. Special focus on Ages 18-25; have approached two corporate houses and one hospital, do take this ahead in the Zones, will be a good way for Zones to build a strong linkages.
5. Build Zonal Offices ( have inadvertently called the zones regions) the Zonal Chairpersons will take this ahead.
6. Branding and Corporate Communication – we have meetings lined up in the coming week and will keep you informed.
7. Alumni Network – Rohit has volunteered to take this ahead. Kindly assist us, he needs the support from each Zone and more from every Award recipient in India.
8. Zonal Exchange ( not regional) – Sourajit has set the ball rolling… he will set the tone for good work ahead.
9. Take the program to the hinterland – please move to cities deeper into your region.

We are committed to build the Award in India to a great brand, and make India a leader in the Award World.

Once Shloka is free from exams, hope to have a meeting with Rohit, Shloka, Maroof – our Delhi based members, and work further on Brand, Communication and strategy. This will knit together a Delhi working group, and in a similar manner more volunteer groups will be needed to build the Award Program. Do rope in friends, volunteers, awardees to take this big agenda ahead.

Will keep the Governing Council members updated once a month and this is the first one!

With best wishes,
Sandeep Dutt
From: Sandeep Dutt, EBD [mailto:sandeep@ebdmail.com] Sent: 23 April 2009
To all members of the Governing Council IAYP - the 9 Point Action Plan.

OUR 9 POINT AGENDA… with direction:
1. Revive the Working Group, and create more such teams to head the various initiatives of this Agenda.
The Working Group currently comprises of the four Zonal Chairmen and the National Director, they will meet more often.
2. Work to setting up a National Secretariat in Delhi, and this has to happen in the next 12 months.
This will be in Delhi, and be an asset the Award Program all over the world.
3. Use Information Technology and communication to build good systems for the Program.
WE need one platform and one website, with separate areas for Zones. The full project will be put live at www.iayp.in
4. Special focus on the 18-25 Age group, rope in the corporate sector and various HR organizations for this initiative.
The youth of today need the Award the most, and need to move into University / Colleges / Corporate houses
5. Help the Regions create vibrant areas of operation.
Build strong Regional offices and help them go deeper into the States.
6. Build up Corporate Communication and the brand.
Develop on the PR, Communication, website and Newsletter
7. Alumni network for the Award in India.
The Award forum to create a deep ‘friends of the Award’ circle. This will help in networking and finding individuals to steer the programme ahead.
8. Encourage Regional exchanges, and build better connect with Award stake holders all over the country.
Have activity across regions, do project together, workshops, expeditions etc.
9. Take the Program to the hinterland – beyond the main cities, there is a big need for extra-curricular activity in smaller cities.
Ensure all the top 100 cities in India have at least one Award Centre / School

· The 9 point Agenda is listed above, and we have 10 members of the Governing Council, thus if we leave out the Chairman, makes it 9 members!
· Would like each of the nine, to choose one single Point of the AGENDA, and spell out a very simple action plan of not more than 100 words.
· Based on the Action plan, we will create working groups, comprising of members of the Governing Council, and any other volunteers / award leaders/ stake holders.
· Once we have direction, say by the 30th of April, there will be a full year ahead to make this happen.

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