The Award Concept

The Award concept is one of individual challenge. It presents to young people a balanced, non competitive programme of voluntary activities which encourage personal discovery and growth, self reliance, perseverance and service to their community.

 The Programme began in 1956
 1988 The International Association formed
 The Award is available in over 125 countries
 Over 5 million young people have enrolled
 In India 15,000 young people pursue the Award Program, every year.

Fundamental Principles
 Individual improvement relative to individual ability
 Persistence and achievement
 Non-competitive
 Voluntary participation
 Freedom of choice
 No discrimination on grounds of sex, race, religion or political affiliation

What is the Award?
 It is a Programme, not an Organisation
 Not a selective prize, no financial reward
 Recognition at the highest National level
 Personal targets and commitments
 Marathon, not a sprint; Persistence and determination
 Each level provides the foundation for the next

Operating principles
 Age between 14 and 25
 Four Sections *, to be pursued by each individual, to attain the standard for the Awards
– Service
– Expeditions
– Skills
– Physical
– Residential Project *For Gold Only

Three levels of Award - Bronze, Silver & Gold

The 14 – 25 youth; is the biggest resource, and the Award Programme is followed in the true spirit of building the youth leadership of nation, all over the world.

For further information do visit our website

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