Update 28th June 2009

9 Point Action Plan...
1. Working Group
Four Zonal Chairpersons and the National Director
From inputs and discussions this week,
Broad consensus on Draft Development Plan achieved. The Plan now goes to the Trustees for final approval. Thanks to the Working Group comprising of the Zonal Chairpersons, the Award is now good hands and together we will reach out to the youth beyond the Schools too.

The Development Plan is online for ready reference.
In July the Trustees meet, and further we will have in place some policy decisions to take this ahead.
2. Exchange initiatives – will be part of Zones to handle and Sourajit will try to do this.
3. IT Initiative – Meeting with Priyank and Rohit. We are doing an IT and Web Plan, and Rohit will head this task force. The Plan will be ready in July 2009.
4. The first 18-25 Award Centre SRI AUROBINDO CENTRE FOR ARTS AND CULTURE; the first OPEN AWARD CENTRE in India, will start work in July, after the college admissions are done. We are doing this as a model and have even applied for Special Projects Funding to take this ahead.

The ISP From for SACAC Open Award Centre is at Google Docs, welcome to refer and comment.

5. Zonal offices – will all be doing their bit to build up the teams and infrastructure.
To take the Award Programme, need to build Zonal Offices – this will be part of strategy once the Development Plan is implemented.

6. The shared National Office in Delhi, with Book Cafe is operational. Manish Kumar is available on +91 11 26497154, and on the Award Office phone + 91 11 64662720; welcome to call and get further information.
7. Alumni network; The Alumni Network is best built at the Zonal Level alone, Rohit will now concentrate on the IT initiative and consolidate position on FACEBOOK as IAYP India ONLY.
8. PR and corporate communication; meetings …
Maroof will Head the PR and Corporate Communication Group; Shloka will assist. Maroof will be the official spokesperson, handle events and keep up with agencies for PR and build up.
Meetings this week –
9. Programme to hinterland is happening tooNow near 375 schools and hope to reach 500 Award Centres in 2010Aloke is in touch with the new Leads in the WEST and Malini is active too.East is back in action after summer break and is working on partnering and growth.

From next week the report format will change, from this nine point format to Group Reports...

1. Policy and National Operations
Working Group = 4 Zonal Chairpersons and ND (add to five in all) – we meet next, in September 2009
2. IT and Web
Rohit Saxena as Leader will develop his team
3. PR and Communication
Maroof and Sholka … our spokes person will be Maroof and he will steer all PR and other needs
4. Brand and Partnering
While Maroof will give us inputs on PR and Strategy, Rohit will keep us Tech Savvy and for Brand and Partnering will be handled by Sandeep Dutt.
Way ahead...
The operations and activity at Zonal Level is well established, the need is only to build the Brand of the Award and for this we just need:-

· Good PR
· Strong IT and Web Plan
· Good Partnerships
From the National Office we will just concentrate on this great revival of the Award India brand!

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