Draft Development Plan

Make IAYP a premier youth programme for inclusive social growth.

How we will do this?
1. Set up Open Award Centres – to facilitate build up of Volunteers and encourage the participation of youth in the 18 - 25 age groups.

2. Programme inclusion by enrolling more students from vernacular / government schools, from the current near 375 largely private sector schools.

3. Raise the annual enrollments for the program from 15000 to 500,000 in Year 3 of operation

4. Set in place a mechanism for fund raising; have a Friends of the Award.

5. Partner with other NGOs, Volunteer groups and even look at the PPP Model for build up. Use the CSR approach and the Community outreach.

6. Set up a national centre that can undertake training for volunteers and award leaders from India and the APAC (ASIA PACIFIC) region.

The role out … steps up the ladder!

1. Plan that raises enrollments in the following stages:

Year 1:
70,000 (set forth the seed in model government and vernacular schools; spend time in getting model right for mass implementation; work out sponsorships/ third party funding routes)
Year 2:
200,000 (massive rollout, focus on timely and accurate implementation on a mass scale)
Year 3:
500,000 (massive rollout)

This has to be broad based in terms of geography, mix of students, gender. Should not be heavily biased towards anyone area.

Before connecting with anyone formally, need to have a mapped out visual strategy with names of schools, targeted enrolment in that school, and geographical location of that school. The strategy needs to be that detailed instead of just a large number that the team chases.

2. Set-up volunteer committees that comprise eminent personalities (who actually work!) in the following streams:

A. Industry
Representatives from one or two industry bodies such as CII, TiE etc., banking industry (SBI)

The Industry body will communicate with their member/affiliate network in procuring assignments for the volunteers across different industries/service firms as well as tap on to the CSR initiatives of different business entities across India. You will need to create programs that dovetail into these organizations. For example -- SBI is BIG on rural banking and reaches out to many communities in far off areas. But one will need to come up with a plan specifically for SBI so that they can absorb students in bulk.

B. Brand and Communication
Youthful Brand ambassadors that are publicly known who actually completed the course, Branding and Communication specialists including those in non English streams, one or two large media houses that can provide coverage for free across regional media.

The Brand and Communication team will be responsible for creating brand awareness of IAYP, keeping a strong communication with existing enrollments to further awareness within the student community, work on media coverage across modes of media, create content namely brochures/pamphlets to reach out to government/vernacular schools in the latter language.

C. Educationists
Eminent hardworking educationists; who have the clout / connect with leading government / private education systems.

The Educationists will be people who are well connected to schools across different geographies and can open doors for you. This has to dovetail into the numbers/geographies that you are tapping in the strategy highlighted above.

3. AIESEC and its partners owe their success to the strong affiliate network they have in the form of corporate partners. This is the weak chain in your current set up.

Schools -----> Activities that qualify for IAYP <---------- Corporate Partners

Some potential partners, besides the industrial groups can be: --
Ashoka: www.ashoka.org -- they can easily absorb batches of students for programs across India
Xceed: http://xseed.idiscoveri.com/xseed-schools.html --
FabIndia not for profit wing –
Pratham...www.janaagraha.org. Ramesh Ramanathan is doing an outstanding job.

4. The national centre has to be one fixed place that is needed 365 days a year, but at start could NOT be a fixed place; can be used as and when the need arises for a program.

Would consider approaching a large corporate that might have a large vacant hall that they can lend for these activities.

The option of doing an Open Award Centre at the SACAC (Sri Aurobindo Centre of Arts and Communication) Delhi Campus.

Alternatively have a foundation backed by a large group such as the Azim Premji Foundation (www.azimpremjifoundation.org) to come forward and lend support to the program and take branding as an output for them self in turn.

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