"its always about teamwork"- Bivujit Mukhoty, Programme Manager IAYP India

The Mt. Everest bug has caught the Award Office with a meeting today with 5-time Mt. Everest Climber Loveraj Singh Dharmashaktu and his young mentee Narinder Singh who is attempting to be the first solo Mt. Everest Climber here in New Delhi. Narinder is a Limca Book of Records 2006 National Record Holder for his Himalayan Cycle Expedition 2004.

Our very own Programme Manager and Adventurer supreme Mr. Bivujit Mukhoty, also a 2-time Mt. Everest Climber is very excited for 30 year old Narinder Singh's attempt. He believes that though mountaineering is not as popular as in India as it is in the western nations, we make better mountaineers, not because of our passion but because of our attitude.

"For western teams, it’s summitting that comes foremost even if it’s at the cost of a member, but not for us. We would never leave a team member behind to scale a peak, human life is far more important. On both my attempts I had to turn back, once only 200mts from the peak, when my team members fell ill. Yet, I don’t regret it,” says Mukhoty emphatically.

We wish Narinder the best of luck in his endeavor and strive to provide him all the support he needs in achieving this remarkable feat. No mountain is tall enough to deter man from his determination!

Watch this space for more!

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