Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Honesty & Respect - Indu Mehta

What are the most common instances of dishonest behaviour shown by students in the class?

Dishonest behaviour can vary among students, here are the most common instances of dishonest behaviour shown by students in class:

  • One of the most common forms of dishonest behaviour is cheating during tests or exams. This can involve copying answers from another student's paper. 
  • Sometimes students submit work that someone else wrote, whether they paid for it or not. They present work or ideas as their own without giving proper credit. This can include copying and pasting text from websites, books, or other sources. They submit someone else's work as their own.
  • Some students engage in dishonest behaviour by fabricating data or information in assignments or research projects. This can involve making up experimental results, falsifying survey responses, or manipulating data to support desired outcomes.
  • Students lie intentionally providing false information or misleading others. In an academic setting, this can involve lying to teachers or administrators about reasons for missed assignments, falsely claiming to have completed work, or providing misleading information to gain advantages.

It's important to note that these behaviours are not representative of all students and many students exhibit honesty and integrity in their academics.

2. How far is it true that you must show respect to earn respect in the classroom?

The statement "You must show respect to earn respect in the classroom" is generally true. Respect is a two-way street, and students who demonstrate respectful behaviour towards their teachers and peers are more likely to receive respect in return.

In my class, there was a student who consistently interrupted the teacher during lectures, talked back in a disrespectful manner, and disregarded classroom rules. Their behaviour showed a lack of respect towards the teacher and disrupted the learning environment for others.

On the other hand, there was another student who actively listened to the teacher, participated in class discussions, and treated both the teacher and fellow students with respect. The second student’s behaviour demonstrated a respectful attitude and contributed positively to the classroom environment.

In this scenario, it was likely that all the teachers and other students developed a more positive perception of the second student and her respectful conduct. All started listening to her opinions, assisting when needed, and engaging in respectful interactions. Conversely, the first student’s disrespectful behaviour led to strained relationships, lack of support, and potential disciplinary actions.

By showing respect to others, students can foster mutual respect and cooperation in the classroom. It creates a conducive environment for learning, encourages positive interactions, and helps build strong relationships between teachers and students as well as among peers.

Indu Mehta @KNPS Phagwara

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