Level 1 Educators: Responsibility

Responsibility is the opportunity or ability to act independently and to take a decision without authorization. 

We all have different jobs to do in school and we are responsible for our own actions. Our behaviour is our responsibility. We can learn from our teachers and parents, but the decision we make should be of our choice. 

First we ourselves should take responsibility because if we do not have the will to change our situation nobody or nothing in the world will do it for you. As a teacher, my responsibility is to teach the children in the best way and work as a team with school staff. We can do much more if we want to. We can take new responsibilities like a new project for the betterment of the school. We can give new projects to the children so that they can learn new things and take responsibility for completing that project. It will help them to develop their self-confidence and motivate them to take responsibilities in future also. 

We all have responsibility to make our world a better place. This can be achieved only by working in a team. If a child takes care of his things and completes his work on time, these little acts show he is responsible towards his work. The teacher should give them little tasks to make them responsible and to feel confident.

Educators: Urmila Rathore, Yagyapal Singh, Kusum Dangi, Sandeep Singh and Nikita Rajpurohit
The Fabindia School, LFIN PLP Level 1 Cohort

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