Happy Teachers: The Joy of Learning

Happiness and Tolerance
Assignment 1

Dealing with Challenging Students

Think of two (2) situations where you as an educator were faced with (preferably natural)/ might face the challenge of dealing with:

How did/will you deal with the student?
A) If it was a real-life situation, were you successful in helping him/her overcome their problem?
B) What is your advice to educators who want to inculcate these values in their students?

Scenario 1: Unhappy Student
Recently, one of my students lost a family member, and they were feeling unfortunate and upset. This the student needed help focusing on their schoolwork and not participating in class. As their teacher, I wanted to help them feel better and ensure they got the support they needed. I talked to them privately and listened to their feelings, letting them know that it was okay to be sad and that they were not alone. I offered them extra time and resources to help them catch up on their schoolwork, and I also suggested they speak with a counsellor if they needed more support. Over time, the student began feeling better and participating more in class.

Advice to Educators:
If you have an unhappy student, it’s essential to approach them with empathy and understanding. Listen to their feelings, validate their emotions, and offer them support and resources to help them cope with their challenges. Ensure the student knows they are not alone and asking for help is okay.

Scenario 2: Intolerant Student

In my class, a student was intolerant towards others because of their political beliefs. This student was making fun of others and calling them names, making the classroom environment uncomfortable and hostile. As their teacher, I knew I needed to address this behaviour and promote empathy and respect for others. I talked to the student privately and explained why their behaviour was unacceptable, emphasizing the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, regardless of their beliefs. I also encouraged the student to be more open-minded and inclusive in their interactions with others. Over time, the student began to change their behaviour and started treating
others with more respect and kindness.

Advice to Educators:
If you have a student who is intolerant towards others, it’s essential to address the behaviour
immediately and firmly. Explain why their behaviour is not acceptable and how it can hurt others.
Promote empathy and understanding by encouraging students to be more open-minded and inclusive in their interactions with others. Finally, foster a safe and respectful classroom environment where all students feel valued and included, regardless of their background or identity.

Sanju Sharma
Kamla Nehru Public School
Phagwara, Punjab, India
23rd April 2023

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