Happiness & Tolerance - Rajvinder Kaur

Dealing with an unhappy student in a classroom:

In the early years, children should learn that learning is fun and that mastering academic challenges is thrilling. At this age, they are very open to whatever is going on in the classroom and at school. And, an instructor, who can bring together the twin threads of learning and play, and do it in a happy, loving way, will be very successful. 
I, being a Kindergarten teacher, would like to share my experience of dealing with an unhappy student. 

When the student got admitted to the school, he didn’t want to come. He didn’t feel happy in the school environment as it was a new experience for him. He was so attached to his parents that he used to cry in the morning when his mom came to drop him off at school; even his mom was not willing to leave him. I tried everything possible to engage him but a couple of times the parents took him back with them in the morning.  

Then I counselled his mom that until she would not be ready to leave her child, he would not adapt to the school environment, as he was facing all this for the first time. And, eventually, it worked. She started dropping him at the entrance. Though he was crying and unhappy for a couple of days, when I made him sit in the class with other little companions, he started enjoying himself with his new friends. He loved the dance and physical activity classes. To see him in all smiles was a feeling of great satisfaction for me.

Dealing with an intolerant student in a classroom:

It would be very unfair to categorize a Kindergarten student as an intolerant student. They are in a grooming stage so in my opinion we as educators/mothers should deal with them with all patience, love and care. They come to school leaving their family where they enjoy complete freedom. There might be some children who are highly pampered by their parents, so they may carry the same feeling to school, but we need to make them understand everything in a playful manner. 

We should keep in mind that they are learning everything from the grassroots level. So, to make them understand about certain things is not a difficult task. We just need to incorporate some joyful techniques and these little ones agree to what we want them to learn. 

Advice to educators to inculcate these values in their students-
My advice to the educators is to deal with the students with utmost patience and a positive mindset. Teachers must lend an ear to each and every student because ‘Every student is important’. Listening habits should be promoted and each student should be given a chance to speak. The educators should praise the efforts of a child. This motivates and encourages a child to do his best. 

Rajvinder Kaur 
Kamla Nehru Public School, Phagwara

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