Quality and Love - Jaspreet Kaur

“Quality is not an act; it is a habit.” 

A student who does a shoddy job in classwork and homework: - During the teaching-learning process, we face several problems. In grade V, one student came from a government school. Initially, he needed to understand the culture of the school. He is an introvert too, who never shares his worries with anyone. He needed to understand  English properly. At the beginning of the session, he never did his homework and classwork. Even teachers can’t understand his handwriting. We worked on his script. As a teacher, I counselled his mother to buy a notebook to improve his writing. Every day the language teachers gave him one page daily. Gradually,  he improved his handwriting. I usually appreciated him when he gave wrong answers to boost his confidence. I also counselled the students of Grade V not to laugh at him, even if he gave wrong answers or could not make proper sentences. Now, at the end of the session, he improved a lot. He provided answers confidently. I am delighted and thankful to all the subject teachers who played an essential role in his improvement. 

Two underage students in a romantic relationship: - If I will face this kind of situation, Firstly, I would love to talk to the students individually, but not in front of other students. I will handle the situation with great patience and love. I will suggest the students concentrate on their studies. I will also take the help of my parents to counsel them with love, not by scolding them.  

Jaspreet Kaur 

Kamla Nehru Public School, Phagwara

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