Recognising Priyank Kumar Gupta for his contributions to Award India's Digital Media

The Award Programme relies on dedicated support from Volunteers. Priyank has been the silent support for IAYP India since 2009. Solely responsible for all Digital Media resources from manning the website, to the blog, to developing the online database to the intranet system, Priyank's commitment to make the Award National Office a powerhouse in keeping up with the demands of daily communications is much appreciated. A true Volunteer, Priyank sits in The English Book Depot, Dehradun and offers complete voluntary support as he believes that young people are the future of tomorrow.
The designs of this e-weekly, the Award India Magazine and the Award Blog that links all communications, stories and feedback of Award participants, Award Leaders and Award Volunteers are all a result of Priyank's hard work. Thank you, Priyank for all that you do!

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