Sharmila Vijayvargi: LET’S WRITE

Writing is about communication. Being able to share one’s ideas through words, drawing or written expressions is writing. Writing is powerful and motivating and is an amazing experience for children and adults alike. 

Writing is a developmental process that children become more proficient at over time and with practice. Children’s initial attempts are often through drawings but in time they progress to include words and sentences. It is important for children’s over all academic as well holistic growth and development and also boosts an individual’s self esteem. 

Children need opportunities to express themselves through writing every day from the first day of school to the last. It is thus pertinent to provide children with a variety of writing experiences to support the following stages and help scaffold their learning:
1. Communication through their drawing 
2. Addition of scribbles to imitate writing they see
3. Extension of scribbles into characters like and  letter like formations
4. Creation of letter strings
5. Use of developing knowledge of sound symbol correspondence to label their drawings
6.Writing that can be recognized by others.  

Writing also helps groom oneself as an effective communicator. Writing equips us with communication and thinking skills. Writing expresses who we are as people. Writing makes our thinking and learning visible and permanent.

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