
Quality is an essential value in our life. It is an important aspect of one’s life. Quality makes a person’s life special because of all we know his/her about character, behaviour, and attitude regarding society and nation, such an example was our former President Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam.

  “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thought.
   The quality of your thought depends on the people whom you meet in your life.”

For the success of an organization different important elements are required like skills, knowledge, ability, objectives, aims, human resources or power and quality from establishing to control.

Quality is an essential parameter which helps organizations outshine their competitors and survive the fierce competition.

 We need friends of good quality in our life. They help us in many ways like they help us to understand the value of time, thing etc, they guide us in a difficult situation. Good quality friends encourage and motivate us.

You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. It is only possible by your own qualities which make it possible. It develops an attitude of gratitude for everything that happens in your life. So, try to improve your abilities in good quality, which makes you special in others life. Achieving quality can make you and others feel good inside.

We have a tendency to buy good quality products to fulfil our needs, for this, we often visit Malls and Shopping Centers nearby. Normally if a Product is Available on the Local shops and the same product is available in the Mall, we will prefer the product which is being sold in a Shopping Mall. The reason behind this is when it comes to our needs we never compromise on quality.

Punita Chouhan, Shivani Rao & Jitendra Suthar
They are pursuing the Learning Forward India Professional Learning Program 
at The Fabindia School

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