Anjali Keshwani: Spiritual Awakened Path

My happiness lies in the next job,
I will be satisfied when I open the nob,

My physical well being is a priority,
I will be fit when I exercise and eat healthily.

My knowledge defines wisdom and intellect,
I will be learned when I can preach and direct.

My responsibilities for my family to nurture,
I will be glad if I can develop that culture.

My traditions, beliefs and customs are an asset,
I will be appreciated by people is all a mindset.

My idea of happiness lay embedded in destination addiction,
My day to day activities is governed by materialistic inclination.

A day dawned upon and awakened me at the core,
Inner peace, contentment, servility and to be pure.

These pursuits are rich sources to nourish the soul,
Humility, chastity and to love humanity as a whole.

My Master’s, support, enlightenment and guidance,
create a catalyst, and paves my path for sustenance.

Anjali Keshwani, 
Middle School Coordinator 
Darshan Academy

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