Read more to know more - Sharmila Vijayvargi

Books are a storehouse of knowledge. They remove our ignorance and kindle in us a fire to know more. Books guide us, inspire us and enlighten us. We can become heirs to the wisdom of the past by reading books. We can use the knowledge gained by reading books for the welfare of the world. We become more humane by reading books. They can influence and change the course of our lives altogether. Apart from giving joy and knowledge books make us think and thus help us to develop our intellect and wisdom. They make our imagination fertile and boost are creativity. Therefore we should develop the habit of reading it is a very useful hobby, for it not only increases our knowledge but also helps us in becoming complete human beings.

We can fruitfully employ our leisure time in reading books rather than wasting it in useless and slanderous gossip. Reading books makes learning fun, develop our intellect and adds to our knowledge. It improves our vocabulary and grammar besides keeping boredom at bay. We can learn many things from books. We can enjoy reading stories, poetry, plays and tales of adventure. We can read about animals, birds and plants. But we should be particular about what we are reading we should choose books that are suitable for our age and interest.
Our parents and teachers can help us in selecting the right books for reading. Books -Our Best Friends for you’ll never find a better friend In all your life than a good book. It will enlighten, inform and entertain you at your will and yet remain silent and understanding. It will withstand any rough handling and open like a magic door.

When everything else is such a bore it will interest and please you once more. And when you are done with it goes back to the rack and stays there patiently and quietly until you pick it up again to learn, relax or entertain. 

Sharmila Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School

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