Saturday, August 15, 2020

Freedom and Peace - Swabhi Parmar

The word freedom refers to the possibility that every person has to make decisions regarding their own lives, yet with certain limitations. We have the ability to choose from a variety of options but at the same time, we must not jeopardize the freedom of others. Freedom of thought, opinion, creativity and faith are fundamental human rights which are found in the constitutions of numerous acts of international significance. Freedom in this context is not physical, but a spiritual creation, belief, thought and free manifestation. Every child has the right to express their opinions freely on all the questions which concern his/her life. So a child should not be the victim of the pressure of an adult, who would try to force him/her in order to influence them in their opinion or who would prevent them from expressing themselves freely. The freedom of expression for the children also involves their right to be informed. It is the right of the children to know what happens and to access information which interests them.  Freedom leads you to a peaceful and hassle-free life. 

Every individual has the right to express freely and give his or her opinions freely to the community or society. A person has the right to be liberal in choosing whatever he or she wants to choose to make their life more peaceful and happy. Anyone who is content and happy then only they can be very productive and balanced in their workspace or in their learning process. Peace is the state of being emotionally and mentally at calmness in which there is no restlessness or disturbing thoughts, and being in control of your mind, moods and reactions. True inner peace is independent of external conditions and circumstances. It confers tranquillity, inner harmony and balance.

Peace is a very necessary part of humankind because it can give us the capability of good decision making and we are relaxed even when the situations don’t turn up well. A state of inner peace eliminates anxieties, fears and worries. It also removes negative thoughts, stress, lack of satisfaction and unhappiness. It is a state of emotional and mental poise, happiness, confidence and inner strength. Everyone desires inner peace, even if he or she is not aware of this desire. Few realize the importance and benefits of inner peace, and still, fewer know that it is a skill that can be learned. You can continue living where you are, without making external changes in your life, and yet, attain inner peace. Some might progress fast, and others at a slower pace. Some might reach far, and others not so far. However, everyone can gain, at least a certain measure of inner peace, enough to transform their lives. This is why it is necessary to make your heart quiet and peaceful as soon as it becomes troubled by something internal or external. Direct your intentions to the right subject and try to find out how to achieve a state of affairs when every action is done in the peace of state of heart, with pleasure and joy. In brief, preserving the peace of heart should be the constant effort of your whole life, and you must never allow it to be cast into the disorderly disturbance.
Swabhi Parmar
The Fabindia School

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