Helpful Icons: Love Learning Vs Hate Learning

Inspiration from Kavita Bhupta Ghosh, author Wanted backbencher last ranker teacher.
Classrooms are places where stories originate. With every child, a story is associated which runs into the risk of being labelled as good or bad. - Helpful Icons, educators from The Iconic School Bhopal

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The Professional Learning Program (PLP) is custom-built for each participant or team to match your needs. Are you ready to:
  • Construct knowledge and develop strategies to overcome challenges and improve educator practice?
  • Become the professional learning subject-matter expert for your organisation?
  • Implement professional learning in your environment that ultimately increases student achievement?
  • Engage fully during learning sessions and do the job-embedded homework?
  • If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Learning Forward's Academy is right for you.
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