“Honesty is the best policy.” It is a common thought with the people, but they didn’t know the real meaning of this valuable word. Honesty is being sincere, truthful and frankness. It helps us to be trustworthy and get lots of respect in life because honest people are really trusted by others. These people are always respected in their family and society.

Honesty is the Foundation for our daily interaction with friends, students and other people. Whenever we talk with them, they feel happy and secure because it also shows a part of our excellent and clean character so, honesty helps to develop quality property in behaviour.

Honesty is the Quality of communicating and acting truthfully. As we share with students in daily schedule may be in the class, in the playground, in the activities, in the examination time and at result time.

Its helps children to be stronger, better and dependable persons. It creates a feeling of joy and goodwill in one’s heart. For improving interest in these value stories and plays are a beneficial source for us. Honest people never lie, cheat or steal. A reasonable person is a genius, fair with everyone, sincere with works, always speak truth and loyal.

Honesty is a feeling of pride, self-worth and character. Some people who are known for their reliability like - Martin Luther, Cochise, Barbara Jordan, Confucius, Raja Harishchandra and Mahatma Gandhi etc. These people always live in the heart of people.   

Swabhi Parmar, Punita Chouhan & Jitendra Suthar
The Fabindia School

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