Joy Of Learning Diaries - Unity and Caring

Please play the story - Unity and Caring by Mohini Chauhan 
Joy Of Learning (JOL) comes alive with heartwarming stories from educators at school. Mohini Chauhan @ The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun created this beautiful episode. Learning Forward India Academy Cohort of 2020-21 explores the future of education, built on immutable values alone: Appreciation, Caring, Co-operation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

This program will inspire you by using examples of where the values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. Find out more
June 27, 202

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