Unity and Caring - Mezhu Chopra

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

 In the year 2010, I received a distress call late evening from a student leader. He informed me that a student met with an accident, and they were going to the hospital. As I reached the hospital, the student was referred to another hospital because they could not tend to her injuries. A few of her friends and the student leaders rushed her to another hospital, where she was treated for the next seven days. As she was admitted, I was occupied thinking about who would take the responsibility of looking after her as she underwent various tests in the hospital. Before I could decide on a course of action, a few of her friends approached me, saying, "Aunty, we will take turns and look after her; you don't have to worry. We will miss a few classes in rotation and stay with her in the hospital". Hence, her friends and other students from the community took turns cooking three meals a day and accompany her to the hospital. As per the rules of the hospital, an advance payment was required to continue with the treatment. Upon hearing this, her friends and the students from the community pitched in whatever they could from their pockets and arranged for the advance payment till her parents reached Dehradun. Being away from home, the students learnt to stand together and care for each other. My heart was filled with joy as I bore witness to them selflessly doing whatever they could and responsibly taking decisions as a community.

Mezhyu Chopra is part of the LFIN PLP Joy of Learning 2020-21 Cohort
at The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun

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